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posted on September 10, 2001 09:39:13 AM new
It is good to hear that Carnaby is adding their thoughts and comments to Auctionwatch's members, but what about some of the other auction venues? Why do we try to get some of the other small auction sites to discuss their plans and goals on Auctionwatch.

How can we get epier, tbay, auctionweiser, SYI, etc. over here? Any suggestions???


posted on September 10, 2001 09:55:18 AM new
We've had the BV Prez here a couple of times. An embarassing tirade and a discourse on Dim's inaccurate sell-thru estimation at BV ... Dim had 0.8% and Prez had 1.4%, like 1.4% is that much better than 0.8%

posted on September 10, 2001 10:04:32 AM new
Other auction site owners sometimes show up here incognito.

posted on September 10, 2001 10:06:58 AM new
Thank you, Bids Bids.
Try be nicer, you might be happier.

posted on September 10, 2001 10:59:36 AM new
Speaking of a 0.8% sell thru rate I think that may be a reality very soon. The new verification process has driven out some shill bidders and pranksters and that was a hefty chunk of the sales. I looked at several sellers auctions today and only saw a few bids ( amongst fellow sellers ). I look at a lot of auctions and only saw a tiny amount of bids.
posted on September 10, 2001 11:06:56 AM new
Thats good to hear. But it would be nice to hear from some of the other auction houses and get their points across, and we can then interact with them on a one-to-one basis.


posted on September 10, 2001 11:15:08 AM new
I read the boards but seeing as how our site is mainly for games I rarely see anything dealing with Player Auctions but would be happy to answer any questions I could.

[email protected]
[ edited by PlayerAuctions on Sep 10, 2001 11:15 AM ]
posted on September 10, 2001 11:50:49 AM new
Sounds great. LEts start a new discussion with PlayersAuction as the tag line. Hopefully some other sites will come as well. Or, mayber some members will contact these sites directly for discussion.


posted on September 10, 2001 12:15:24 PM new
There was such a thread long ago where many reps showed up to tell us about their sites.

I don't have time to re-read it now but I might later. I recall it being very informative at the time although very few of sites have been mentioned here since. You might find some useful info in that thread about who to contact for return visits.
posted on September 10, 2001 01:46:22 PM new

Have you gone to any of the secondary sites and tried to engage the staff/management in a Q&A on their site?

posted on September 10, 2001 02:26:38 PM new
Hello Toollady,

I will contact auctionweiser, epier, and tbay, and see if they are willing to start a Q & A.

Can some of you also contact either them and/or some other sites so that we can learn more about them?


posted on September 11, 2001 08:52:04 AM new
Hello All,

I have sent e-mails to auctionweiser, epier, edeal, and tbay in regards to an invitation to come over to Auctionwatch.

Lets see what they say.


posted on September 18, 2001 04:06:24 AM new
I have contacted SYI, Auctionweiser, ePier, Haggle, and eDeal in regards to a Q & A with Auctionwatch members.

Here's what I have received so far

Received and auto reply from eDeal and Haggle. ePier has not responded yet to any of my e-mails.

SYI might want to do something like this on a auction service. Currently SYI said they are working on building the site up, and it isn't in their best interest until everything is complete.

Auctionweiser said they might do a Q & A on Auctionwatch at a later time. They are currently working on adding services to the site, and starting to begin an advertising campaign to drive traffic for their sellers and bidders.

I will let everyone else know if I hear back from eDeal, ePier, or Haggle.


posted on September 18, 2001 04:35:43 AM new
"ePier has not responded yet to any of my e-mails"

wow, now there's a surprise........not!

posted on September 18, 2001 06:44:38 AM new
Auctionweiser is advertising? Hmmmm ...

Don't know anything about them. Are they a free site? If they're pay, do they have a fee structure almost as nice as ePier's?

posted on September 18, 2001 07:49:15 AM new

Nice! And your argument against free sites makes sense. Care to share what your sell-through rate is? I'm not familiar with your site. Do you focus on a particular category of item or is anyone free to list anything? Do you advertise, and if so where? Thanks.

posted on September 18, 2001 07:55:43 AM new
Hello eHammer,

I am sorry, but I have deleted your post because it is promotional.

From the Community Guidelines:
Advertisements. Advertise products or services in the Message Center or to our members. This includes (but is not limited to) auction sites, software, and auction related discussion forums. Third party representatives may answer questions about services in a strictly factual and non-promotional manner if asked; however, AuctionWatch may end a discussion if we believe that a third party or any of its representatives initiated or are perpetuating the discussion, are promoting its services, or that ending the discussion is otherwise appropriate.

You are allowed to answer specific questions presented to you by the membership.

I am sure your presence is appreciated here by many folks, however the rules still need to be followed.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Edited for UBB.

[email protected] [ edited by MartyAW on Sep 18, 2001 07:56 AM ]
posted on September 18, 2001 08:10:21 AM new
Our posts continually get deleted as being promotional.

posted on September 18, 2001 10:14:21 AM new

I have seen Auctionweiser on a few other sites, and in a few newsletters. I guess they are taking it step by step. The fee structure is no listing fees, and a FVF if successful.

You go to a lot of different sites.. Check them out and see what you think. Most of these sites (ePier, Bidville, Auctionweiser, eDeal, are all basically the same)

I hear Gegy is starting up soon... That should be interesting.

posted on September 18, 2001 02:08:18 PM new
In response to "wish we could get other auction houses to add to here"
Russell's Auction House (russells-auctionhouse.cityslide.com) I have from that site itself ZERO SALES, ZERO SELL THRU, and ZERO BIDS, do get a lot of hits and lookers though.
posted on August 3, 2002 10:09:21 PM new
There are some great other sites out there. You can ask others around here like bidsbids, RB, and myself. We recommend several sites including Bidville, AuctionDiner, and SnapRat.

posted on August 3, 2002 10:17:39 PM new
Since when is bidsbids recommending Bidville? He is on of the biddest bashers of that worthless site. Only stupid Canadians and worthless common card sellers would recommend Bidville.
posted on August 3, 2002 10:21:20 PM new
caff! Excellent post and to show your support for Bidville too! Bidsbids really supports Bidville because just LOOK the numbers it supplies to us.

It encourages new people everyday. The best advertising you can do!

Everybody keep up the good work, and Bidville will topple eBay. If not them, AuctionDiner is a close second.

posted on August 3, 2002 10:23:57 PM new
Ok, I get it now. What happened to you over at loserville?
posted on August 3, 2002 10:25:04 PM new
Nothing, its a great site, and thanks for showing your support for it. I heard you did well over there, and since it's talked about so much, it just brings more people in.

Keep up the great work there, Caff!

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