posted on September 17, 2001 11:06:31 AM new
It's a shame that as I read a lot of users posts that people without facts choose to speak about what "they" feel is "right"! "They" refer to all the problems at hand with the ePier site right now, have to do with "people bashing the site"...since when is telling the TRUTH bashing anything! Why should ANYONE expect people upset at being lied and misled to should remain silent! I can speak for myself and I am not telling the facts about what is going on to bash anything or anyone! I am doing what I feel is right in my own heart and standing up to an injustice. The promises made, were broken and those are the facts weither you like to admit it or care about it or not, accounts have been unjustly frozen with live auctions still running and incurring FVF's against our wishes if anything sells! Not to mention the lack of returning any corospondances or calls regarding this matter! Silence is only cause for more frustrations!
Just because this does not directly affect some of the sellers still choosing to sell, does that make it any less important to the ones that it does? All this talk about peoples rights...well, what about the rights of the ones that have been wronged! Do we not have the right to have the truth told and demand answers? How fair is it for a business to refuse to answer emails or return phone calls all the while allowing accounts to be frozen without EVER giving notice or explanation? How fair is it for a business to refuse to refund money for service never received or return money from a non-useable account that paid in for enhancements and can't use them?
So I ask all the users speaking about what is right and wrong.....why should TRUTH be swept under the carpet simply because it makes some of you upset because you want to keep a blind eye and go about business as normal....well some of us can't! I am making a stand about what I feel is right and it has nothing to do with the people I have come to know and respect at ePier, if I didn't make this stand I would not respect has to do with me...stating what I feel is WRONG...and what has happened is WRONG! The people this doesn't affect or that don't care about the principal of being lied to need not worry about what is said or standing up for what you believe in...but by the same token, is it fair of you to also try to keep others from telling the truth or demanding answers about their accounts and money! I'm not defending any bashing of a site or disgruntled users not liking the new fees or whatever, I'm talking about users being lied to and mistreated without cause or explanation. I'm talking about a site holding accounts hostage...forcing them into their FVF program...I'm talking about a site willing to destroy a sellers perfect reputation because they can't complete the sale of an auction because they can't access their accounts! How fair is that!?!?!
posted on September 17, 2001 11:29:26 AM new
I am in Total agreement with Goldenpony. I have nothing against the friends I made at ePier, who decided to stay (not very many though), and wish them the Best! I despise a company like ePier (all 4 of them) that arbriterally bans access to me with NO warning, No notification...denying me access to my auctions...I can not leave feedback to my Buyers who have emailed me to express their disgust at the treatment I have received.
That is a fact!!!
posted on September 17, 2001 12:06:03 PM new
The consensus of posters I have read here on AW who support EPIERS system & decisions (which seems few if any) seem to me thus far ,only be concerned with Hi-Volume big buck , greed type of defenses, which is exactly the mentality many left EBAY originally to come to EPIER. I find it no coincidence they choose to sign in here under a different ID which seems is the case.
They claim comradry and morale of members are secondary to the dollars needed to support a site. I feel they are about to be given a very big lesson in the reality of the Business world.
posted on September 17, 2001 12:12:50 PM new
I agree Techforce....and it is hard to add validity to the claim of sales when the Seller ID is not registered at ePier or onlineauctions......hmmm!!! Hey maybe it's JK after all??
posted on September 17, 2001 12:27:44 PM new
Why does everyone have to get right in line with the consensus? And who says the majority is always right??
All I'm saying is the status quo at ePier has gotta go!
posted on September 17, 2001 12:41:51 PM new
""""""Why does everyone have to get right in line with the consensus? And who says the majority is always right??
All I'm saying is the status quo at ePier has gotta go!""""""
I don't see everyone getting right in line with any consensus...I see people who have a right to state facts doing just that. I don't think anyone would think a majority is necessarily right under any circumstances! As to the status quo at ePier? Which one? It seems to change daily! BTW what's your User ID there....I found nothing under eSeller004? Just curious as you may have something I might want to bid on...OOPS! Sorry I can't as I have been banned!! Maybe I'll find out why one of these days!!!
posted on September 17, 2001 01:08:58 PM new
How did you manage to get banned from ePier? Did you do something shady and underhanded? I've never had any problems on the site, except for too few sales. I'm not part of the ePier community. I just sell there.
BTW, my ID isn't eseller004 on any site except Auctionwatch.
posted on September 17, 2001 01:40:30 PM new
eseller...all it takes to get banned from ePier is to tell the TRUTH! So...fear not, you shouldn't have a problem
posted on September 17, 2001 01:46:58 PM new
eSeller004......"""""Did you do something shady and underhanded?""""""""
Yes I guess I did (IF I would have been an employee of ePier GOD FORBID!!)...I called ePier LIARS and CHEATS and pointed out their inconsistent statements!............guess my 176 feedback with NO neutrals or Negs proves how shady I!!!
So you are not a member of the Community? Just Sell there?....OK I wish you Luck and have a very nice day!!!!!
posted on September 17, 2001 11:32:00 PM new
Now check the latest scandal from ePier...trying to charge a "banned" Seller FVF for auctions that ended WAY before the FVF was due to come into effect!.....Any comments???
posted on September 17, 2001 11:49:04 PM new
STAUS QUO? How about sic semper tyranus and De Opresso Liber. My fornicatin Donkey sir, I think Thomas Jefferson puts the epier situation in perfect perspective:
"When in the course of human events it becomes neccessary for one people to disolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the seperate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impell them to the seperation.
WE hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among those are LIF, LIBERTY AND THE PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS."
posted on September 18, 2001 06:28:48 AM new
You guys are joking with all the ePier hubbub, right? You guys are funny if nothing else!!! This is better than the comedy channel!
posted on September 18, 2001 08:38:46 AM new
I assure you, sir, this is no joke. I informed epier at the notice of thier "unscheduled" changes and false advertisements, that having signed a contractual agreement I would take them to task on this. And so I am as well as many others. To publicly advertise as a FREE site to draw customers and then intitate fee and FVF - after having had a poll about doing that and the poll show a resounding NO to the issue, and then doing it anyway; constitutes not only false advertising and breach of contractual agreement, but will also have no problem flying in a court of law (or so attorney informs me). The city where epier is based is Spokane WA, epier has also been inviolation of multiple city, county and state code (including the RCW's). I hope this answers your question.