posted on September 28, 2001 05:42:17 AM new
we've had a number of items listed... usually receiving views and offers...
now - nothing... how is it going for others?
posted on September 28, 2001 06:20:20 AM new
Yeah B&H had been dead for me since 9/11 (so has eBay except for patriotic items), but then all of a sudden the last few days its been ripping! They might have stopped advertising after the 9/11 tragedy out of deference to the victims, and now may have started up again. It's picking up again!
posted on September 28, 2001 06:46:48 PM new
Bargain and Haegle dropped on 9/11 for me. Now I have had a couple of takers. I really think it is a great site. I will certainly stick with it. The buyers seem to be pleasant and personable. And the management even has a sense of humor!
posted on September 29, 2001 07:24:56 AM new
It dropped for me as well around 9/11 but then again, so did everything else in this world. My sales have been picking up strength and I am almost back to full steam.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't mind that much because I wasn't even in the mood to deal with stuff. I'm sure that was the general sentiment of the Internet community.
posted on September 29, 2001 08:03:01 AM new
I just started there but got lots of looks and made my first sale on the third day I listed. I really like how they do stuff there....I don't much care for the high % the get but I just marked up my stuff to cover it and still made a nice profit. I think I'll stick it out there and see what happens, but I sure like what I've seen so far
posted on September 30, 2001 08:04:11 AM new
I spend less money listing on B & H than I do at Ebay. And in the end, I make more money.
posted on September 30, 2001 11:56:10 AM new
BargainandHaggle is acting up again! I've been getting offers all weekend. People are buying licensed collectibles and art pieces I have listed for great prices! Things are starting to look up for the Christmas season!
I did notice that my bids always seem to pick up right after I receive one of those opt-in emails from BargainandHaggle. Apparently people must be clicking on the link in the email to see what this new Haggling concept is all about. They seem to be using GroupLotto's opt-in email list to advertise. Wonder how many millions they reach that way?
posted on September 30, 2001 03:46:16 PM new
My eBay sales are so bad right now. Bargainandhaggle was slow too, but the past few days I too have gotten several sales. I just put about 20 things on there this afternoon (including my house). Hey, I figured no listing fees, it's free advertising.
posted on October 2, 2001 09:51:30 AM new
Made one sale on B&H back in August - but it looks like it is going to be a NPB.. *sigh*
Buyer is in Canada - so I've given LOTS of extra time for payment already to get here...
How frustrating.
posted on October 2, 2001 02:29:03 PM new
"My eBay sales are so bad right now. Bargainandhaggle was slow too, but the past few days I too have gotten several sales. I just put about 20 things on there this afternoon (including my house). Hey, I figured no listing fees, it's free advertising."
Hee Hee bevhead...seriously? You listed your house? Wow wouldn't that be a hoot if it sold (make sure you get a good Attorney for the paperwork though if it does sell). I think that's a great idea, I always hated paying that darn 6% commission to a Real Estate Agent for basically NOTHING!
I may have to go list a few things there....
posted on October 2, 2001 05:29:44 PM new
Wow I had 2 sales yesterday and 2 today. Looks like things are picking up. I get way more hits on BH than Yahoo.
posted on October 4, 2001 05:56:40 PM new
HMMMMMMMM..worth a serious look methinks!