posted on October 10, 2000 07:32:38 PM new
I recently sold a 5 pound lot of vintage marbles and to ensure that PP would verify that I had indeed shipped them, I routed them through the corporate offices at PP. To make a long story short, when the marbles arrived at their proper destination, the buyer took them to an appraiser and strangely, the appraiser found that there were now 9 pounds of marbles. What on earth! Could it be that someone at PP lost their marbles and they ended up in this shipment? A survey should be done to ascertain if any of the PP executives still had all their marbles. But, we'll probably never know.
Levity apparently is all we're left with following a frontal lobotomy and a walletdisectomy.
posted on October 10, 2000 07:39:54 PM new
You mean the PayPal folks were able to add 4 lbs. of marbles to your shipment? They must have ordered a few extra from somewhere.
posted on October 10, 2000 08:27:15 PM new
Could it be a case of calling in all of their friends and relatives to marvel as they'd never seen so many marbles?