posted on June 8, 2001 12:57:13 PM new
So what is exactly the new fee "structure" and why are none of the users notified of this change and where can I find it cleary spelled out. Will a simple less that $15 transaction no longer be .30 and be more like $.63 . Sounds as if I will soon be applying for billpoints services which will dramtically reduce paypals take and cost them more in the long run.
posted on June 8, 2001 01:12:24 PM new
Log into your Paypal account, and click on the link for Policy Updates to the left side of the screen (should have some text like updated 6/6/2001 by it).
The new "simplification" of policy will be 2.2% plus 30 cents for all incoming payments on Premier/Business accounts, regardless of amount or funding source.
This is probably a death knoll for Paypal on many low-end auctions - I can't afford to give them another 30-35 cents per transaction.
I'm shifting much of my inventory over to - we'll see what happens there.