posted on July 7, 2002 01:30:21 AM new
I do not accept paypal payment since they restrict my account without reason now I am using
[ edited by klee7228 on Jul 7, 2002 01:31 AM ]
[ edited by klee7228 on Jul 7, 2002 01:32 AM ]
posted on July 7, 2002 03:02:35 PM newklee7228I just use paydollar to request payment for my sales find it out at
I notice that both PayDollar and your business ( operate out of Malaysia. Since PayPal doesn't allow accounts from Malaysia I can see how PayDollar would be a better choice for you.
posted on July 8, 2002 07:46:35 AM new
I'm not surprised, your PayPal account got restriction. Since PayPal doesn't allow accounts from Malaysia