Free software org burned by PayPal
I'm developing my own site against paypal. If you have more links or could help with the site, please contact me at [email protected]. Horror stories gladly accepted.
[ edited by canelo on Oct 28, 2002 10:09 AM ]
[ edited by canelo on Oct 28, 2002 10:15 AM ]
posted on October 29, 2002 07:25:49 PM new
Hey - this is America - vote with your feet. If you don't like, don't use it. If enough people don't use it, they'll change or go out of business. That simple.
posted on November 3, 2002 08:55:34 PM new
If you like PayPal, One day PayPal may steal your money from your account and freeze it with or without reason. You have no way to use it.
That is a lot people's experience.