posted on March 30, 2003 08:45:57 PM new
You better contact a lawyer. It may cost you every bit of that 3,000, but at least the rip off artists (PayPal) won't have it either. PayPal sucks and until they have real seller protection, they always will.
posted on March 31, 2003 12:25:48 PM new
go to ebay board,the guy who used to be here is now there.
one yahoo shop was denied seller protection when he shipped ups to a high rise building and the doorman signed for it.
he bitched over there and got his money-4300 dollars.
posted on April 3, 2003 05:51:22 PM new
Good luck getting your money from them. You will not see it for a LONG time. I had $72,000.00+ stuck in their "rolling reserve" for the longest time. Oh yes, it has been well over a year and a half.
Finally, I forced them into returning about $40,000.00 to my customers, by asking customers do to chargebacks. They received like 50 chargebacks in like one day, and I told my bank, not to let them withdraw funds from my bank account. So, obviously the credit card companies honor chargebacks, and they pulled it out of paypal's account, inturn paypal deducted it from my paypal account. This way, so far they refunded about $40,000.00. I did not want to go this route, but I had no choice. They suspended my account, but I could care less.
Here is a direct number, for Brian at paypal. This was the guy who put a "rolling reserve" on my account, and he talked like he was a big shot at paypal. So maybe he'll help you, but he is rude as hell. His number is (650)251-1132 (this number worked when the reserve was put on my account, it might be disconnected now).
The other number I have is 888-215-5506, someone usually always answers on the second ring, during business hours M-F.
A site people can also visit is