Title & Description |
Date: Start/End |
Status Code |
Status |
Affected Systems |
| The site is operating optimally, and we have no announcements at this time. |
The site changes log contains a description of all changes made to the Vendio Web site and the dates they occurred. The log keeps you informed of all enhancements, system issue fixes, and other changes we normally do not post in Announcements.
Recent changes
Date |
Area |
Change |
June 30, 2011 | areas affected 1 | ch log 1 | January 13, 2009 | Sales Manager, Listings | Enhancement: Paper payment options will not be shown on eBay if items are listed in categories that don't acceept paper payment methods. | December 10, 2008 | Checkout, Sales Manager | Bugfix: USPS insurance calculation incorrect
Bugfix: eBay email address invalid from Customer Manager
Bugfix:Large Vendio Store orders (200+ items) not calculating correctly | November 18, 2008 | Reviser, Web Hosting, My Account | Bug fix: Find & Revise rules involving features fail with "Gallery can not be downgraded" error.
Bug fix: EPP field for domain transfer expanded to 16 characters.
Bug fix: Vendio statement download not working in Firefox browser. | November 10, 2008 | Sales Manager | Bug fix: Vendio item specifics not mapping correctly to eBay. |
See full change log