-A- A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Architect]. A.B. (overprint on stamps of Russia): Far Eastern Republic (1923). ABASI (currency): Afghanistan. A BETALE-PORTOMAERKE: Norway, postage dues. ABLOSUNG: Prussian local officials. ABNA ПOYRA: (overprint): Russia, airmails. ABNO ПOЧTOBЯ: Russia, airmails. A.C.C.P.: Azerbaijan. A CERTO (overprint): Peru- Ancachs (1884). ACO Hbi ATPAD: White Russia. ACORES: Azores. ADMIRALTY OFFICIAL: Great Britain, officials. A.E.F.: French Equatorial Africa. AEПTA: Epirus. AFFRANCHI AINSI-FATUE FIGURINE (overprint): Madagascar or Diego Suarez used during stamp shortage (speculative) [Postage Paid Thus Low Values Scarce]. AFFRANCHts (overprint precancel in France, Morocco, Andorra, Monaco): officials for government mail. AFGHAN: Afghanistan. AFGHANES: Afghanistan. AFRICA CORREIOS: Portuguese Africa. AFRICA OCCIDENTAL ESPANOLA: Spanish West Africa. AFRICA ORIENTALE ITALIANA: Italian East Africa. AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FRANCAISE (overprint on stamps of Gabon): French Equaitorial Africa. AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FRANCAISE (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo): French Equatorial Africa. AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FRANCAISE (overprint with bars): French Equatorial Africa. AFRIOUE EQUATORIALE GABON: Gabon. AFRIQUE FRANCAISE COMBATTANTE: French Equatorial Africa, semipostals. AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANCAISE: French West Africa. AIRPORT INTERNATIONAL DE KANDAHAR: Afghanistan. A.G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Attorney General]. A.H. PD. (overprint on stamps of Azores): Angra, Horta, Ponta Delgada (1906). AIDEZ LES TUBERCULEUX (surtax overprint): Tunisia, semipostals. AITUTAKI (overprint on stamps of Cook Islands): Aitutaki. AITUTAKI (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Aitutaki. AJANLAS (overprint): Hungary, registration stamps (1946). Ajl.1, Ajl.2 (overprint): Hungary, registration stamps (1946). ALAND ISLANDS: 1984 Dependency of Finland ALAOUITES (overprint on stamps of France): Alaouites. ALAOUITES (overprint on stamps of Syria): Alaouites. ALBANIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Albania (1902-7). ALBANIE CENTRALE: Central Albania (1915). ALCANCE Y.U.H.: Uruguay, late fee stamps. ALEXANDRIE: France- Offices in Egypt- Alexandria. ALFABETIZACION (overprint): Ecuador, adult education propoganda. ALLEMAGNE DUITSCHLAND (overprint): Germany- Belgian occupation (1919-21). ALLIED MILITARY POSTAGE: Germany- Allied military government (1945-6). A.M. (overprint): Greece [Axia Metalliki (value in coin)]. AMBULANTE LAQUINTINIE (overprint): Camerouns, semipostal. A.M.G.-F.T.T. (overprint on stamps of Italy): Trieste (1947-54). A.M.G.-V.G. (overprint): Italy- Allied occupation of Venezia Giulia (1945-7). A M POST: Germany- Allied military government (1945-6). AMSTERDAO (overprint): Portugal, private overprint to send Olympic athletes to Amsterdam. AMTLICH ERPFFNET BURCH DIE K.W. POSTDIRECTION: German States-Wurttemberg , return letter stamps. AMTLICHER VERKEHR: German States-Wurttemberg , officials. AMЧPCKAЯ OБЛACTAHЯ: Far Eastern Republic. ANDORRA (overprint on stamps of Spain): Andorra- Spanish sector. ANDORRE (overprint on stamps of France): Andorra- French sector. ANHAPA DINERA (currency): Yugoslavia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia. ANNA (currency): British East Africa, India, Indian States, Mesopotamia, Zanzibar, Pakistan. ANNA (currency surcharged on French stamps): France- Offices in Zanzibar. ANNA (currency surcharged on stamps of Great Britain): Muscat & Oman. ANTIOQIUIA: Colombia- Antioquia (1868-1904). A.O. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Audit Office]. A.O. (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa- Belgian occupation (1918)[Afrique Orientale (East Africa)]. A.O.F. (overprint on stamps of France): French West Africa, semipostals 1945) [Afrique Occidentale Francaise (French West Africa)]. A.O.I. (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italian East Africa, postage dues (1941). A PAYER: Luxembourg [to be paid]. A PAYER TE BETALEN: Belgium. A PAYER TE BETALEN: Belgium, Belgian Congo, postage dues. A PERCEVOIR: Belgium, France, French Colonies [To Collect]. APURIMAC: Peru- Apurimac- Chilean occupation (1885). A.R.: Colombia, Panama, Chile [Aviso de Recepcion (Advice of Receipt)]. ARCHIPEL DES COMORES: Comoro Islands. A RECEBER: Portugal, Portuguese Colonies, postage dues [To Be Received]. AREQUIPA: Peru- Arequipa- Chilean occupation (1881). ARMENWET (overprint): Netherlands and colonies, officials [Poor Regulations]. ARMY OFFICIAL (overprint): Great Britain, officials (1896-1904). ARMY OFFICIAL (overprint): Sudan, officials (1905). ARTS FESTIVAL ST. KITTS (overprint): St. Kitts- Nevis (1964). ARVIZKAROSULTAKNAK KULON (overprint): Hungary (1913) [For the Flood Sufferers, Extra]. ARUBA: 1986 seceded from the Netherlands Antilles and became a separate, autonomous member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. ASCENSION (overprint on stamps of St. Helena): Ascension ASEGURADO: Spanish speaking countries [insured]. ASISTENTA SOCIALA: Romania, postal tax stamps. ASSICURATO: Italian speaking countries [insured]. ASSISTENCIA- D. L. no. 72 (overprint): Timor, social welfare. ASSISTENCIA NACIONAL AOS TUBURCULOSES- PORTE FRANCO: Portugal, franchise stamps [National Assistance for Tuberculosis]. ASSISTENCIA PUBLICA: Portuguese India and Mozambique, postal tax stamps [Public Assistance]. ASUNCION (underprint): Paraguay, officials for 350th anniversary of the capital (1886). A&T (overprint on French Colonies): Annam and Tonkin. AT BETALE: Norway, postage dues [To Pay]. ATT(S) (currency surcharges on stamps of Siam): Thailand (1893-1908). AUNUS (overprint on stamps of Finland): Russia- Finnish occupation (1919). AUR (currency): Iceland. AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY: Australia- Australian Antarctic Territory. AUTOPAKETTI: Finland, parcel post stamps. AVION MESSRE TAFARI: Ethiopia, air mails. AVIONSKA POSTA: Yugoslavia, air mails. AVISO DE RECEPACION: El Salvador, acknowledgement of receipt stamps. AVISPORTO MAERKE: Denmark, newspaper stamps sent in bulk to agents or singular non-subscribers. AVISPORTO MAERKA: Denmark, newspaper stamps. AVIS DE RECEPCION: El Salvador, acknowledgement of receipt stamps. AVO(S): Macao or Timor. AYACUCHO: Peru- Ayacucho- Chilean occupation (1881). AYTONOMOΣ: Epirus. AYUDA EL ECUADOR (overprint): Paraguay, semipostals [help for Ecuador (earthquake victims)]. AZERBAIDJAN: Azerbaijan (1919-22) A3БAИДЖAЯ: Azerbaijan.
-B- B (in an oval with no country name): Belgium, parcel post stamps. B (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Bangkok (1882-5). BADEN: Germany- French military occupation (1947-9). B.A. ERITREA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Eritrea. BAGHDAD (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Mesopotamia- British occupation (1917). BAHAWALPUR: Pakistan- Bahawalpur. BAHRAIN (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Bahrain (1948-60). BAHRAIN (overprint on stamps of India): Bahrain (1933-44). BAHT (currency): Thailand (Siam). BAJAR PORTO: Indonesia, postage due stamps. BAMRA: India- Bamra (1888-94). BANAT BACSKA (overprint): Hungary- Banat issues (1919). BANI (currency): Romania. BANI (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): Romania- German occupation (1917-9). BANI (currency overprint on stamps of Hungary): Romania- Austro-Hungarian occupation (1919). BARANYA (overprint): Hungary- Serbian occupation (1919). BARBERIA (overprint): Italy- Offices in Tripoli. BARBUDA (overprint on stamps of Leeward Islands): Barbuda (1922). BARCELONA: Spain. BARWANI: India- Barwani (1921-48). BASEL: Switzerland- Basel locals (1845). B.A. SOMALIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Somalia. BASUTOLAND (overprint on stamps of South Africa): Basutoland (1945). BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR (overprint): Philippines- Japanese occupation (1942). B.A. TRIPOLITANIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Tripolitania). BATЧM (overprint on stamps of Russia): Batum. BAYERN: Bavaria. BAYR: Bavaria. B.C.A. (overprint on stamps of Rhodesia): British Central Africa (1891-95). B.C.M.: Madagascar- British Consular Mail (1884-6). B.C.O.F.- JAPAN 1946 (overprint): Australia, military stamps [British Commonwealth Occupation Force]. B.D. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Barracks Department]. B. DPTO. ZELAYA: Nicaragua- province of Zelaya (used to prevent currency manipulation). BECHUANALAND (overprint on stamps of South Africa): Bechuanaland (1945). BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Bechuanaland Protectorate (1899). BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Bechuanaland Protectorate (1897-1926). BECПPИ3OPHbIM ЛETЯM: Russia, semipostal. BEHAEHCKAR: Russia. BEHДEHCKAЯ Чlb3ДHAЯ ПOЧTA: Russia- Wenden. BELARUS: 1991 declared Independence from Soviet Union BELGIAN EAST AFRICA: Ruanda-Urundi. BELGIE: Belgium. BELGIEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Belgium- German occupation. BELGIE POSTERIJEN: Belgium (1891-6) [Belgium Post]. BELGIQUE: Belgium. BELGISCH CONGO: Congo (1910-60). BELIZE RELIEF FUND (overprint): British Honduras, semipostals (1932) [for hurricane of Sept 1931 relief]. BENADIR: Italian Somaliland (1903-26). BENGASI- 1 piastre 1 (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Africa- Tripoli (1901). BENIN (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Benin (1892). BERLIN (overprint): Germany- Berlin- military occupation (1948). BESA (currency): Benadir. BESA (overprint): Albania, validity control (1922) [Genuine]. BESETZTES GEBIET NORDFRANKREICH (overprint): France- German occupation (1940). BEYROUTH (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey- Levant (1905). BEYROUTH (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Levant (1910). B.G.: Modena, newspaper stamps [Bollo Gazzette]. B.G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Botanical Gardens]. B. HПEIPOΣ: Epirus. BHOPAL: India- Bhopal (1908-49). BHOR: India- Bhor (1901). BIAFRA (overprint): Nigeria- revolutionary forces (1968-9). BICENENAIRE DE PORT-AU-PRINCE: Haiti. BIJAWAR: India- Bijawar. BIJZONDEREVLUCHTEN: Netherlands, airmails. B.I.O.T. (overprint on stamps of Seychelles): British Indian Ocean Territory (1968). B.L.P. (overprint): Italy, semipostals used on envelopes with advertisements sold to benefit invalids [Buta Lettera Postali]. B.M. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Bench of Magistrates]. B.M.A. ERITREA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Eritrea (1948) [British Military Administration]. B.M.A. SOMALIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Somalia (1948) [British Military Administration]. B.M.A. TRIPOLITANIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa- Tripolitania (1948) [British Military Administration]. BMA MALAYA (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya (1945-6) [British Military Administration]. B.N.F. CASTELLORIZIO (overprint on stamps of French Offices in Turkey): Castellorizio- French occupation (1920) [Base Navale Francaise]. BOARD OF EDUCATION (overprint): Great Britain, officials (1902-4). BOCTOЧHAR (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1868-84). BOCTЧHA KOPPECПOHAEHЧIЯ: Russia- Offices in the Turkish Empire. BOSTGBIET OB, OST (overprint on stamps of Germany): Lithuania- German occupation (1916-7). BOGACHES (currency): Yemen. BOCCHAH (currency): Yemen. BOCHA XEPЦEΓOBИHA: Bosnia and Herzegovina. BOCTOHHAЯ KOPPECПOHДEHЦIЯ: Russia- Offices in Turkey. BOGSHA(S) (currency): Yemen. BOHMEN UND MAHREN: Czechoslovakia- Bohemia and Moravia. BOLIVAR: Colombia- Bolivar (1863-1904). BOLIVAR (currency): Venezuela. BOLIVAR, SUCRE MIRANDA- DECRETO? (overprint on Escuelas stamps of Venezuela): Venezuela,validation of non-postage school stamps. BOLLO DELLA POSTA DI SICILIA: Italian States- Two Sicilies (1859). BOLLO DELLA POSTA NAPOLITANA: Italian States- Two Sicilies (1858). BOLLO POSTALE: San Marino. BOLLO STRAORDINARIA PER LE POSTE: Italian States- Tuscany, newspaper tax stamps for foreign publications [Stamp Extraordinary for the Post]. BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA (overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina): Yugoslavia (1918). BOSNIEN HERZEGOVINA: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1912-8). BOSNIENI HERZEGOWINA: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1906-12). BOYACA: Colombia- Boyaca (1902-4). B.P.C.: Belgian military postmark [Bureau de Poste de Campagne]. B.P.C. with V.P.K.: Belgian military postmark [Bureau de Poste de Campagne- Veld Post Kantoor]. B.R.A. 5 CENTS (overprint): China, railroad late letter fee (1901) [British Railway Administration]. BRASIL: Brazil. BRAUNSCHWEIG: German States- Brunswick. BRIEFPOST: Germany, under French occupation. BRITISH BECHUANALAND (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Bechuanaland. BRITISH BECHUANALAND (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Bechuanaland. BRITISH BECHUANALAND: Bechuanaland. BRITISH EAST AFRICA (overprint on stamps of British India): British East Africa (1895-7). BRITISH EAST AFRICA (overprint on stamps of Zanzibar): British East Africa (1895-7). BRITISH NEW GUINEA: Papua and New Guinea (1901-5). BRITISH NORTH BORNEO: North Borneo. BRITISH OCCUPATION (overprint on stamps of Russia): Batum. BRITISH PROTECTORATE OIL RIVERS: British Niger Coast Protectorate. BRITISH PROTECTORATE OIL RIVERS (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Niger Coast Protectorate (1892-93). BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA COMPANY: Rhodesia (1890-1920). BRITISH SOMALILAND: Somaliland Protectorate. BRITISH VICE CONSULATE: Madagascar (1884-6). BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS: Virgin Islands. BRUNEI (overprint on stamps of Labuan): Brunei (1906). BRUXELLES BRUSSEL (surcharge precancel): Belgium (1929). BUCHANAN: Liberia. BUENOS AIRES: Argentina- Buenos Aires (1858-62). BUITEN BEZIT (overprint): Netherlands Indies for Java and Madura, to check the use of mail (1908) [Outlaying Possessions]. BULEAGA O TOGA: Tonga [Government of Tonga]. BULGARIE: Bulgaria. BUNDI: India- Bundi (1894, 1941-7). BUNDI SERVICE: India- Bundi, officials (1919). BUREAU INTERNATIONAL DU TRAVAIL: Switzerland- Int. Labor Bureau, officials. BURKINA FASO: Formerly Upper Volta BUSHIRE UNDER BRITISH OCCUPATION (overprint on stamps of Iran): Bushire (1915). BUSSAHIR: India- Bussahir (1896-1901). BUU-CHINH: Vietnam.
-C- c (preceded by numeral of value with Japanese characters): Ryukyu Islands. C (overprint): Paraguay [Compana]. C. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Customs]. CABO (overprint): Nicaragua- Cabo Gracias a Dios, used to prevent currency manipulation (1904-9). CABO JUBI (overprint on stamps of Rio de Oro): Cape Juby (1916). CABO JUBY (overprint on stamps of Spain): Cape Juby (1919-33). CABO JUBY (overprint on stamps of Spanish Morocco): Cape Juby (1934-48). CABO VERDE: Cape Verde. CACHES (overprint on France and French Colonies postage dues): French India, postage dues. CADIZ VIVA ESPANOL (overprint): Spain- revolutionary Cadiz issues. C.CH. (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Cochin China. C. D. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Convict Department]. C. DE PESO (currency): Philippines. CADIZ (overprint on stamps of Spain): Cadiz (revolutionary period- 1936). CAISSE d?AMORTISSEMENT: France, semipostals. CALCHI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Calchi (1930). CALIMNO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Calimno. CAMBODGE: Cambodia. CAMEROONS U.K.T.T. (overprint on stamps of Nigeria): Cameroons (1960-1) [United Kingdom Trust Territory]. CAMEROUN (overprint on stamps of French Congo): Cameroun (1915-25). CAMEROUN (overprint on stamps of Gabon): Cameroun (1915-25). CAMEROUN (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo): Cameroun (1915-25). CAMPACHE: Mexico- Campache (1876). CAMPANA CONTRA EL PALADISMO: Mexico, anti-malaria campaign. CAMPIONARIA OE TRIPOLI: Tripolitania, Libya. CAMPIONE D?ITALIA: Italy- Campione d?Italia (1944). CANADRIN (currency): China (pre-1897). CANAL ZONE (overprint on stamps of Panama): Canal Zone. CANAL ZONE (overprint on stamps of U.S.): Canal Zone. CANARIAS (overprint): Spain- Canary Islands (1936-7). CANARO (overprint): Fiume- Italian occupation of Arbe and Veglia. CANCELLED V-R-I (overprint): Transvaal- second British occupation- Wolmaranstad (1900). CANTON (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Canton (1901-23). CANTONAL TAXE: Switzerland- Zurich. CAPO VERDE: Cape Verde. CARCHI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Calchi (1932). CARITAS (surcharge): Luxembourg, semipostals [Charity]. CARNARO (overprint): Fiume (1920). CARTILLA POSTAL DE ESPANA: Spain, franchise stamps. CARUPANO: Venezuela- Carupano (1902). CASA DE CORREOS (overprint): Ecuador, postal tax for new post office building fund. CASO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Caso (1913). CASTELORISO (overprint on stamps of France): Castellorizo (1920). CASTELORIZO (overprint on stamps of France- Offices in Turkey): Castellorizo (1920). CASTELROSSO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Castellorizo (1922-32). CAUCA: Colombia- Cauca (1879-83, 1903). CAVALLE: France- Offices in Turkey- Cavalle (1893-03). CAVE (overprint): Ceylon, private merchant?s mark to discourage pilfering. C.C.C.P.: Russia [USSR]. C. BEN. R. (overprint): Ecuador- Guayas, validation mark of governor?s initials [Carlos Benjamin Rosales]. C. CH: Cochin China. C DPTO ZELAYA (overprint): Nicaragua- Cabo Gracias a Dios district to prevent currency manipulation. CECHY A MORAVA: Czechoslovakia- Bohemia and Moravia. C.E.F. (overprint): Cameroons (1915) [Cameroons Expeditionary Force]. C.E.F. (overprint): India- China Expeditionary Force (1900-21). CEFOLONIA E ITACA (overprint on stamps of Greece): Ionian Islands- Italian occupation (1941). CENT(S) (currency overprint): Russia- Offices in China (1901-22). CENTENARIO DE S. ANTONIO INHAMBANR MDCCCXCV: (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Inhambane (1895) [Centenary of St. Anthony]. CENTAVO(S) (currency): South and Central American countries. CENTENAIRE ALGERIE: France (1929). CENTENAIRE DU GABON: French Equatorial Africa (1938). CENTESIMI (currency): Italy, Italian Colonies CENTESIMI (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Italy- Austrian occupation (1918). CENTESIMI (currency overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina): Italy- Austrian occupation, postage dues and special deliveries (1918). CENTESIMI DI CORONA (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Austrian occupation (1919). CENTESIMI DI CORONA (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Dalmatia (1921-22). CENTESIMO(S) (currency): Italy, Uruguay. CENTIMES (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Offices in Crete (1903-7). CENTIMES (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in Turkey (1908). CENTIMOS (currency- no country name): Spain. CENTIMOS (currency- overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Morocco (1891-1910). CERIGO (overprint on stamps of Greece): Ionian Islands- fraudulent issue. CERRADO Y SELLADO: Mexico, official seals. CERTIFICADO: Spanish language countries [Registered]. CERVANTES: Spain, officials (1916). CESKOSLOVEN VOJSKO NA RUSI: Czechoslovakia, Sibarian Army Post. CESKOSLOVENSKA: Czechoslovakia. CESKOSLOVENSKE ARMADY SIBERSKE: Czechoslovakia, Sibarian Army Post. CESKOSLOVENSKO: Czechoslovakia. CESKO-SLOVENSKO: Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939). CFA (overprint on stamps of France): Reunion [Communaute Francaise d?Afrique]. C.G.H.S. (overprint on stamps of Germany): Upper Silesia, officials (1920-22). CH (currency- followed by oriental characters): Korea. CHALA: Peru- Chala- Chilean occupation (1884). CHAMBA: India- Chamba. CHARKHARI: India- Charkhari (1894-1945). CHARLEROI 1911 (overprint): Belgium, semipostal. CHEMINS DE FER: Belgium, parcel posts. CHEMINS DE FER SPOORWEGEN: Belgium, parcel posts. CHIFFRE TAX (no country name on perforated stamps): France, postage dues. CHIFFRE TAX (no country name on imperforated stamps): French Colonies, postage dues. CHIHUAHUA: Mexico- Chihuahua provisionals (1872). CHIMBORAZO RIOBAMBA (overprint): Ecuador- Chimborazo (1902). CHINA (overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in China (1898-1913). CHINA (overprint on stamps of Hong Kong): Great Britain- Offices in China (1917-27). CHINE (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in China (1894-1922). CHINESE IMPERIAL POST: China (1898-1912). CHRISTMAS ISLAND (overprint on stamps of Australia): Christmas Island (1958-62). CH TAXE O.M.F. SYRIE (overprint): Syria, postage dues. C.I.C.I. (overprint): Portugal, franchise stamps (1933) [Congress of the Int. Colonial Institute]. CIERRO OFICIAL: Chile or El Salvador, official seals. C.I.H.S. (overprint on stamps of Germany): Upper Silesia, officials (1920) [Commission Interalliee Haute Silesie]. CINQUANTENAlRE 24 SEPTEMBRE 1853-1903 (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): New Caledonia, postage dues (1903). CIRENAICA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Cyrenaica. CIRENAICA (overprint on stamps of Tripolitania): Cyrenaica, airmails (1932). C.I.S. (overprint): Schleswig, officials [Commission Interallie Slesvig]. C. L. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Crown Lands]. C.M.T. (overprint on stamps of Austria): Western Ukraine- Romanian occupation- Pokutia (1919) [Compana Militaire Timbru (military campaign stamp)]. CN (currency): Korea. C. O. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Commisariat Officer]. COAMO: Puerto Rico- Coamo- U.S. Administration (1898). COCHIN: India- Cochin (1892-1949). COCHIN ANCHAL: India- Cochin (1892-1949). CO.CI. (overprint): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- Italian occupation (1941). COLIS POSTAL: parcel posts [Postal Packages]. COLIS POSTAL (no country name): Belgium, parcel posts. COLIS POSTAUX (no country name): Belgium, parcel posts. COLIS POSTEAU (no country name): Belgium, parcel posts. COLOMBIA (on stamp of Panama with map): Panama, Colombian dominion (1887-97). COLON: Chile [Colombus]. COLONIA DE RIO DE ORO: Rio de Oro [Colony of Gold River]. COLONIA ERITREA: Eritrea. COLONIA ERITREA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Eritrea (1892-1928). COLONIALI ITALIANE: Italian Colonies. COLONIE ITALIANE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italian Colonies (1932). COLONIES DE L?EMPIRE FRANCAIS: French Colonies (1859-65) [Colonies of the French Empire]. COLONIES POSTES: French Colonies (1881-6). COMITE FRANCAIS DE LA LIBERATION NATIONAL: French Colonies, semipostals (1943). COMISSAO PORTUGUESA DE PRISONEIROS DE GUERRA (overprint): Portugal, franchise stamps for use by members of the military commission in charge of prisoners of war. COMITE FRANCAIS: French Colonies, semipostals. COMMISSION DE CONTROLE PROVISOIRE KORKA: Albania. COMMISSION DE GOUVERNEMENT HAUTE SILESIE: Upper Silesia. COMMISSION FUR RUCKBRIEF: German States- Bavaria, return letter stamps. COMMISSION INTERALLIEE MARIENWERDER: Marienwerder. COMMUNICACIONES: Spain. COMORES: Comoro Islands. COMP A DE MOZAMBIQUE (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Mozambique Company (1892). COMPANHIA DE MOZAMBIOUE: Mozambique Company. COMPANHIA DO NYASSA: Nyassa (1921-23). COMPANIA COLOMBIANA: Colombia, airmails (1920). COMPLEMENTARIO: Mexico, postage dues [To Complete]. COMUNE DI CAMPIONE: Italy- Swiss enclave (1944). COMUNICACIONES: Spain (1870-99). CONFED. GRANADINA: Colombia- Grenadine Confederation. CONFEDERATE STATES or CONFEDERATED STATES: United States- Confederate States. CONFEODERATIO HELVETICA: Switzerland. CONF?ON ARGENTINA: Argentina (1858-60). CONG HOA MIEN NAM VIET NAM: National Front for the liberation of South Vietnam. CONGO (with Portuguese inscriptions): Portuguese Congo. CONGO BELGE: Belgian Congo (1908-10). CONGO FRANCAIS: French Congo. CONGO FRANCAIS GABON: Gabon (1910). CONGRATULATIONS FALL OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR 1942 (overprint): Philippines- Japanese occupation. CONGRESO DE LOS DIPUTADOS: Spain, officials (1896-8) [Congress of Deputies]. CONSEIL DE L?EUROPE: France- Council of Europe, officials. CONSTANTINOPLE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Constantinople (1909-10). CONSTANTINOPOL (overprint): Romania- Offices in Turkey- Constantinople (1919). CONSTITUENTE FIUMANA 24-IV-1921 (with 1922 added overprint on stamps of Fiume): Fiume semipostals changed for ordinary use. CONSTRUCCION (overprint): Guatemala, postal tax stamps. CONSUMPTIVE HOMES: New South Wales, semipostals. CONTRA LA FAIM (overprint on stamps of Rwanda): Ruanda-Urundi [Against Hunger]. CONTRAMARCA (overprint): Ecuador, believed bogus (1899-1901) [Countersigned]. CONTRA SELLO (overprint): El Salvador, prevent use of stolen unmarked stamps (1874) [Countersigned]. CONTRASENA- ESTAMPILLAS DE CORREO (overprint): Venezuela (1874-80) [Countersigned- Postage Stamps]. COO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Coo (1930-32). COOK ISLANDS or IS?DS (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Cook Islands (1936-46). COOK ISANDS - NIUE: Niue. CORDOBA: Argentina- Cordoba (1858). COREA: Korea (1884-94). COREE: Korea, on stamps printed in Paris (1902-3). CORFU (overprint on stamps of Greece): Corfu- Italian occupation (1941). CORFU (overprint on stamps of Italy): Corfu- Italian occupation (1923). CORONA (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Austria- Italian occupation (1919), Dalmatia (1919-22). CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE FRANCO-ANGLAIS CAMEROON (overprint): Gabon- French-British occupation of Cameroons. CORREGIDOR MANILA: Philippines: Japanese occupation. CORREIO(S) (no country name): Portugal (1853-65) [Postage]. CORREO AEREO (no country name): Spain [Air Mail]. CORREO AEREO: Spanish language countries [Air Mail]. CORREO ESPANOL MARRUECOS (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco (1903-10). CORREO ESPANOL TANGER: Spanish Morocco- Tangier, semipostals (1926). CORREO URCENTE: Spain, special delivery. CORREOS (no country name) denominations in CUARTOS, REALES, CS or CTOS: Spain. CORREOS (no country name) denominated REAL: Dominican Republic. CORREOS (no country name): Cuba, Peru, Philippines, Dominican Republic or Spain. CORREOS DE COLOMBIA: Colombia. CORREIOS E TELEGRAPHOS: Portugal [Posts and Telegraphs]. CORREOS FONOPOSTAL: Argentina, recorded message stamps (1939). CORREOS FRANCO (with queen or arms): Spain (1852-4) [Free Mail]. CORREOS GUIRIA (overprint): Venezuela- Marino, control mark on locals (1903). CORREOS INTERIOR: Philippines (1859-63) [Inland Postage]. CORREOS MEXICO GOBIERNO REVOLUCIONARIO: Mexico- Yucatan (1924). CORREOS MATURIN (overprint): Venezuela- Maturin, control mark on locals (1903). CORREOS NACIONALES: Colombia (1859-86) [National Post Office]. CORREOS NALES: Colombia (1859-86) [National Post Office]. CORREOS OAXACA: Mexico- Oaxaca. CORREOS- RL.: Spain (1864). CORREOS- RL PLATA F.: Cuba, Puerto Rico (1855-66) [Real Plata Fuerte (silver real based)]. CORREOS Y TELEGEOS: Spain (1879). CORREOS Y TELEGs: Spain (1879). CORREOS URBANO DE BOGOTA: Colombia- Bogota [Bogota City Post Office]. CORREOS URBANO MEDELLIN: Colombia- Medellin [Medellin City Post Office]. CORREOS YRAPA (overprint): Venezuela- Marina, control mark on locals (1903). CORREO URGENTE: Spanish language countries, special delivery. CORRESPONDENCIA A DEBE: Panama, postage dues [Correspondence With Payment Due]. CORRESPONDENCIA OFICIAL: Mexico, officials [Official Correspondence]. CORRESPONDENCIA URCENTE: Spain, special delivery [Urgent Correspondence]. CORRIENTE (overprint): El Salvador, convert officials to ordinary postage (1918). CORRIENTES: Argentina- Corrientes (1856-78). COS (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Coo (1912-22). COSTA ATLANTICA B.: Nicaragua- Province of Zelaya (1907). COSTA ATLANTICA C.: Nicaragua- Cabo Gracias a Dios (1907). COSTANTINOPOLI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Constantinople (1909-23). COSTITUENTE FIUMANA- 24.IV.1921 (overprint): Fiume (1921). COTE DE SOMALIS: Somali Coast. COTE FRANCAIS DES SOMALIS: Somali Coast. COTE D'IVOIRE: Ivory Coast. COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE: Netherlands- Int. Court of Justice, officials. COUR PERMANENTE DE JUSTICE INTERNATIONALE: Netherlands- Int. Court of Justice, officials. C. P. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Commissioner of Police]. C.P. (overprint): Ivory Coast, parcel posts [Colis Postaux]. CPbCKA: Serbia. CPБA XPBATA И CЛOBEHЧA (overprint): Yugoslavia- Bosnia, semipostals. CPБИJA: Serbia, newspaper stamps. CPБИJA C. ДИHAPA: Serbia- German occupation. CROCE ROSSA ITALIANA: Italy and San Marion, semipostals [Italian Red Cross]. CROISSANT ROUGE TURC: Turkey, semipostals [Turkish Red Crescent]. CROIX ROUGE: French language countries, mostly semipostals [Red Cross]. CROIX ROUGE HAITIENNE: Haiti, airmails (1945) [Haitian Red Cross]. CRUZ ROJA HONDURENA: Honduras, postal tax stamps. [Honduran Red Cross]. CRUZ VERMELHA PORTUGUESA: Portugal, Red Cross franchise stamps [Portuguese Red Cross]. CRVENI KRST (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia, Offices Abroad, semipostals. CS (overprint): Hungary, parcel posts [weight]. C. S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Chief Secretary]. C.S.A. POSTAGE: United States- Confederate States. CS. DE PESO (currency): Philippines. C. SGN. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Colonial Surgeon]. CSOMAG (overprint): Hungary, parcel posts [weight]. CT.: Bulgaria. C. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Commissioner of Titles]. CTOT.: Bulgaria. CTOTNHKN: Bulgaria. CUAUTLA: Mexico- Cuautla (1867). CUBA (overprints on stamps of U.S.): Cuba, U.S. Administration (1899). CUCUTA: Colombia- Cucuta (1907-7). CUNDINAMARCA: Colombia- Cundinamarca. CUERNAVACA: Mexico- Cuernavaca (1867). CUNDINAMARCA: Colombia- Cundinamarca (1870-1904). CURACAO: Netherlands Antilles (1873-1948). CUZCO (overprints on stamps of Peru or Arequipa): Peru- Cuzco- Chilean occupation (1882-4). C.X.C. (overprints on Bosnia Herzegovina): Yugoslavia- Bosnia and Herzegovina (1918). CYPRUS (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Cyprus (1880-1).
-D- d (pence) currency, preceded by a numeral, on stamp with king/queen's head, no country name: Great Britain D (currency- dinar, on stamp with Arabic writing): Iran. DAI NIPPON 2602? (overprint on stamps of Malaya/States): Malaya- Japanese occupation [Empire of Japan]. D. B. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Destitute Board]. DANMARK: Denmark. DANSK-VESTINDIEN: Danish West Indies. DANSK-VESTINDISKE: Danish West Indies. DANZIG (overprint on stamps of Germany): Danzig (1920-3). DARDANELLES (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1910). DATIA: India- Datia (1897). D.B.L. (overprint in script letters on stamps of Russia): Far Eastern Republic (1920). D.B.L. (with additional overprint of three bars): Siberia. D B P (overprint in script letters on stamps of Russia): Far Eastern Republic (1920). DDR: German Democratic Republic (East Germany). DE (overprint on stamps of Ecuador): Ecuador- Tunguraugua. DECRETO DE 27 JUNI?O 1870 (overprint on Escuelas stamps): Venezuela. D. de A.: Colombia- Antioquia (1868-1904) [Department of Antioquia]. DEDEAGH: France- Offices in Turkey- Dedeagh (1893-1903). DEFENSA NACIONAL: Ecuador, postal tax stamps [National Defense]. DEFICIENCIA DE FRANQUEO: Ecuador, postage dues. DEFICIENTE: Ecuador, Nicaragua, postage dues. DEFICIT: Peru, postage dues. DELEGACOES: Portugal, Red Cross franchise stamps (1926- Lisbon, 1936 elsewhere). DE LEON (overprint): Ecuador, control mark to prevent unmarked use (1902) DEL GOLFO DE GUINEA: Spanish Guinea. DEN WAISEN SIROTAM (overprint on stamps of Italy): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- German occupation (1944). DE OFICIO (overprint on stamps of Peru or El Salvador): Peru or El Salvador, officials. DEPARTMENTO DEL TOLIMA: Colombia- Tolima. DEPT. OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Hawaii, officials. DERECHO JUDICIAL: Philippines revenues, suitably re-overprinted as postage provisionals (1880-90) [Judicature Fees]. DERECHOS DE FIRMA: Philippines revenues, suitably re-overprinted as postage provisionals (1880-90) [Documents Fee]. DEUTECHOSTERREICH: Austria. DEUTSCH NEU-GUINEA: German New Guinea. DEUTSCH OSTAFRIKA: German East Africa. DEUTSCH OESTR. POSTVEREIN: German States- Baden, Wurtemberg, Thurin and Taxis [German-Austrian Postal Union]. DEUTSCH SUDWESTAFRIKA: German South West Africa. DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST: Germany- German Federal Republic (West Germany). DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK: German Democratic Republic (East Germany). DEUTSCHE FELDPOST: Germany, military parcel post stamps [German Fieldpost]. DEUTSCHE MILITAER-VERWALTUNG MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Montenegro- German occupation (1943). DEUTSCHE POFT: Germany. DEUTSCHE POST: Germany. DEUTSCHE POST OSTEN (overprint): Poland- German occupation (1939). DEUTSCHE REICHSPOST: Germany [German Imperial Post]. DEUTSCHES REICH: Germany [German Empire]. DEUTSCHES REICH GENERALGOUVERNEMENT: Poland- German occupation (1941-44). DHAR: India ?Dhar (1898-1901). DIEGO-SUAREZ (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Diego-Suarez (1892-6). DIENST: German language countries, officials [Service]. DIENST (overprint on stamps of Netherlands): Netherlands Indies, officials (1911) [Service]. DIENSTMARKE: Germany, Bavaria, Prussia, Danzig or Saar, officials. DIENSTSACHE: Luxemberg, official stamps. DIENST SACHE: German States- Wurttemberg, official stamps. DILIGENCIA: Uruguay (1856-7) [Stagecoach]. DINAR(S) (currency): Iran. DINERO (currency- no country name): Peru (1858-72). DIOS PATRIA LIBERTAD: Dominican Republic [God, Fatherland, Liberty]. DIOS, PATRIA, REY: Spain- Carlist issues (1874) [God, Fatherland, King]. DIOS, UNION Y LIBERTAD: Honduras (1865) [God, Union and Liberty]. DISTRICTO (overprint on stamps of Arequipa): Peru- Cuzco (1881-5). DIWI RUBLI (overprint): Latvia, 2 rubles. DJ (overprint on stamps of Obock): Somali Coast (1894-1902). DJIBOUTI: Somali Coast. DJIBOUTI (overprint on stamps of Obock): Somali Coast (1894-1902). D.L.O.: US, dead letter office. DM (currency overprint): Danzig, officials [Dienst Marke]. DOLLAR (currency overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in China (1917). DOPLATA: Central Lithuania, Poland, postage dues. DOPLATIT (no country name): Czechoslovakia, postage dues. DOPLATNE (no country name): Czechoslovakia, postage dues. D. P. (overprint): Hong Kong, private overprint by newspaper firm to prevent misuse [Daily Press]. D. R. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Deed Registry]. DPRK: North Korea (1977-present). DRIJVENDE BRANDKAST: Netherlands and Indies, marine insurance stamps [Floating Safe]. DRZAVA: Yugoslavia- Bosnia and Herzegovina (1918). DUC. DI PARMA: Italian States- Parma. DUITSCH OOST AFRIKA BELGISCHE BEZETTING (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa- Belgian occupation (1916-22). DURAZZO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Durazzo (1909-16). DUTTIA: India- Duttia (1893-1921).
-E- E (overprint on stamps of Bavaria): German States- Bavaria, officials [Eisenbahn (railway)]. E. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Engineer]. EA (overprint on stamps of ): Algeria. E.A.F. (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): East Africa Force (1943-6), Somalia [East Africa Force]. E. B. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Education Board]. ECUADOR (overprint on stamps of Colombia airmails): Ecuador (1928-9). EAST AFRICA & UGANDA PROTECTORATES (crown and C.A. wmk): East Africa & Uganda. EAST AFRICA & UGANDA PROTECTORATES (crown and script C.A. wmk): Uganda & Tanzania. EAST INDIA POSTAGE: India. EAST INDIA POSTAGE (overprint with crown and new denominations): Straits Settlements. E. Δ. (overprint): Cilicia- Greek occupation. E. Δ. Δ. (overprint): Greece- Dodecanese Islands. EDIFICIOS POSTALES (overprint): El Salvador, postal tax stamps. EДИHAЯ POCCIЯ: South Russia- Denekin issues. E.E.F.: Palestine, British occupation (1918) [Egyptian Expeditionary Force]. EENDRAGT MAAKT MAGT.: South African Republic [Union Makes Strength]. EESTI: Estonia. EESTI POST VIRUMMA: Estonia- Bolshevist occupation- Virumma, bogus issue (1918-19). EE.UU. DE C.: Colombia- Tolima (1870). EE. UU. DE COLOMBIA: Colombia (1886). EE. UU. DE VENEZUELA: Venezuela. EFO 1915 (overprint): French Polynesia (1915) [Etablissments Francaises de l?Oceanie (French Oceanic Settlements)]. EFTERPORTO: Danish West Indies, postage dues [Postage to Pay]. EGEO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands. EGYKRAJCZAR: Hungary [One Kreuzer]. EGYPTE: Egypt. EGYPTIENNES: Egypt. EINSCHREIBEN: German language countries [Registered]. EINZUZIEHEN: Danzig, postage dues. EIRE: Ireland. EJERCITO CONSTITUCIONALISTA: Mexico, revenues provisionally used as postage (1923) [Constitutional Army]. EJERCITO RENOVADOR: Mexico- Sinaloa revenue (1923). EL PARLAMENTO A CERVANTES: Spain, official stamps (1916). ELSAS (overprint on stamps of Germany): France- German Occupation- Elsase (1940). EL SALVADOR: Salvador. ELUA KENETA: Hawaii (1861-93). EKΘECIC: Greece- Salonika, postal tax stamps. EΛAHNIKH: Greece. EΛΛAC: Greece. EΛΛAΣ: Greece. EΛΛ. AYOTON HПEIPOΣ: Epirus. EΛΛ. ΔIOIK. KIOYMOY-ΛTZINAΣ (overprint on stamps of Greece): Thrace- Greek occupation. EΛΛHNIKH-ΔIOKHCIC (overprint): Greece- use in North Epirus (Albania) (1940). EΛΛHNIKH-ΔIOKHΣIΣ (overprint): Greece- Turkish occupation (1912-13). EΛΛHNIKH-XEMAPPA (overprint on stamps of Greece): Epirus- Chimarra issue. EMP. OTTOMAN: Turkey (1876-92), or Eastern Rumelia. EMPIRE FRANC: France. EMPIRE FRANCE: France (1853-71) or French Colonies (1871-2). EMPIRE FRANCAISE: France (1853-71) or French Colonies (1871-2). ENAPIOMON: Greece, postage dues. ENCOMENDES POSTAIS: Portuguese language countries [Parcel Post]. ENCOMIENDA: Uruguay, parcel posts. ENTREGA ESPECIAL: Cuba and Dominican Republic, special deliveries. ENTREGA IMMEDIATA: Cuba, special deliveries (1910-4) [Immediate Delivery]. EONIKH: Greece, tax stamps (1914). EO. SO.: Colombia [Estado Soberano (sovereign state)]. EПEIPO (overprint): Epirus. EPMAKb: South Russia- Don issues. EPMPKb: South Russia (1919). EQUATEUR: Ecuador. E.R. (with Queen Elizabeth's head): Great Britain (1952-67). E.R.I. (overprint): Transvaal [Edward Rex Imperator]. ERITREA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Eritrea (1948-51). ERSTE K.K. PR. DONAU DAMPFSCHIFFAHRT GESELLSCHAFT: Danube Steam Navigation Company. E.S. (overprint): Mexico- Sonora (1914-5). ESC. (currency): Spain [Escudos]. ESCUDO DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE MANAGUA: Nicaragua, officials (1905) [Shield of the Department of Managua]. ESCUELAS: Venezuela, fiscals used as postage (1871-95) [Schools]. E.S. DE ANTIOQUIA: Colombia- Antioquia [Estado Soberano (sovereign state)]. E.S. DE PANAMA: Panama [Estado Soberano (sovereign state)]. ESPANA: Spain. ESPANA FRANQUEO: Spain, Carlist issues (1874-5). ESPANA SAHARA: Spanish Sahara. ESPANA VALENCIA: Spain- Valencia, Carlist issues (1874-5). ESPANOLA: Spain. ESPRESSO: Italy, domestic express mail [Express]. ESTADO(S): Spanish language countries [State(s)]. ESTADO DA INDIA: Portuguese India (1946-62). ESTADO DE NICARAGUA: Nicaragua. ESTADO ESPANOL: Spain. ESTADO GUAYANA: Venezuela- Guayana. ESTADO S. DEL TOLIMA: Colombia- Tolima. ESTADO SOBERANO DE BOLIVAR: Colombia- Bolivar [Sovereign State of Bolivar]. ESTADO SOBERANO DE SANTANDER: Colombia- Santander [Sovereign State of Santander]. ESTADOS UNIDA DE NUEVA GRANADA: Colombia- New Granada (1861). ESTADOS UNIDOS DO BRASIL: Brazil [United States of Brazil]. EST AFRICAIN ALLEMAND OCCUPATION BELGE (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa, Belgian occupation (1916-22). ESTERO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices Abroad, general issue (1874-85) [Foreign]. E.T.: French language countries [State]. ETABLISSEMENTS DANS L'INDIE: French India (1892-1907). ETABLISSEMENTS DE L'INDIE: French India (1892-1907). ETABLISSEMENTS DE L'OCEANIE: French Polynesia. ETABLISSEMENTS FRANCAIS DANS L?INDE: French India (1892-1907). ETAT: French language countries [State]. ETAT DU CAMEROUN: Cameroun. ETAT DU INCHI YA KATANGA: Province of Katanga. ETAT FRANCAIS: France- Gernman occupation (1940-4). ETAT INDEPENDANT DU CONGO: Congo (1886-1908). ETHOPIA: Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia). ETHIOPIE: Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia). ETHIOPIENNES: Ethiopia (formerly Abyssinia). ETIOPIA: Ethiopia, Italian occupation (1936). EΘNIKA ПEPIΘAΛΨIΣ: Greece, postal tax stamps. ETS. FRANCS. DE L'OCEANIE: French Polynesia. E.U. DE COLOMBIA: Colombia. E.U. DO BRAZIL: Brazil. EUPEN (overprint): Germany- Belgian occupation (1920-1). EUPEN & MALMEDY (overprint): Germany- Belgian occupation (1920-1). EXPED. SCIENT? (with oriental characters): China. EXPERIMENTO POSTA AERO? (overprint): Italy, air mail special delivery (1917). EXPOSICION DE BARCELONA: Spain (1929-30). EXPOSICION GENERAL ESPANOLA: Spain. EXPOSICION GRAL SEVILLA BARCELONA: Spain. EXPOSITION COLONIALE INTERNATIONALE PARIS 1931 (no colony name): France. EXPOSITION INDUSTRIELLE DAMAS 1929: Syria. EXPRES: many languages [special delivery]. EXPRESO: many languages [special delivery]. EXPRESSO : Italian and Portuguese languages [special delivery]. EXTERIOR (with design of Mercury): Uruguay, parcel posts.
-F- FACTAJ (overprint): Romania, parcel posts (1928). FARDOS POSTALES: El Salvador, parcel posts. FARDOS POSTALES (overprint): Italy- Italian Social Republic, parcel posts. FARIDKOT: India- Faridkot (1887-1901). FDO. POO: Fernando Po (1897-9). FEDERACION VENEZOLANA: Venezuela. FEDERATA DEMOKRATIKE MDERKOMETORE: Albania. FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Malaya (1900-35). FEDERATION DU MALI: Mali. FEDERATION OF MALAYA: Malaysia. FEDERATION OF SOUTH ARABIA: South Arabia, formerly Aden and western protectorates (1963). FELDPOST (overprint): Germany, military stamps (1944). FELDPOST 2kg. (overprint): Germany, military parcel posts (max. 2 kg, in weight). FEN (currency): Manchukuo. FEN: (currency overprint with Poczta Polska): Poland (1918) [Fenigy]. FESTAD DE CIUDADE LISBOA: Portuguese and Azores postal tax stamps [Lisbon City Festival]. FEZZAN: Libya- French occupation (1943-5). FEZZAN GHADAMES: Libya- French occupation (1943-5). FIERA CAMPIONARI TRIPOLI: Libya (1934). FIERA DI TRIESTE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Trieste (1950-53). FIJI TIMES EXPRESS: Fiji, privately issued stamps prior to 1871. FILIP?AS: Philippines. FILIPAS IMPRESOS: Philippines- newspaper stamps. FILIPINAS: Philippines. FILLER (currency): Hungary. FILS (currency, no country name): Iran or Jordan. FIUME (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Fiume (1918-9). FLUCHTLINGSHILFE MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Montenegro, German Occupation semipostals (1944). FLUGFRIMERKI: Iceland, airmails. FLUGPOST: German Language countries [airmails]. F.M. (overprint): France, military stamps [Franchise Militaire]. FN (currency): Manchukuo. F.N.F.L. (overprint on stamps of French colonies): Free French Naval Forces (1940-5) [Forces Navales Francaises Libres]. FOMENTO-AERO-COMMUNICACIONES (overprint): Ecuador, air mail postal tax stamps. FONDUL AVIETIEI: Romania, postal tax stamps. FONO FOU 1958 SAMOA I SISIFU: Western Samoa (1958). FORCES FRANCAISE LIBRES LEVANT (overprint): Syria, French military stamps. F?OYAR: Faroe Islands. FR: French language countries [France]. FR. (overprint on stamps of Mauritania): French West Africa (1943-4). FR. (overprint on stamps of Senegal): French West Africa (1943-4). FRANC (currency): France and colonies. FRANCA (overprint): Peru- Franca- Chilean occupation. FRANCAIS: French language countries [France]. FRANCAISE: French language countries [France]. FRANCE D'OUTRE-MER: French Colonies, semipostals (1943). FRANCO: Philippines, Spain, Switzerland. FRANCO (overprint): Uruguay, officials. FRANCO BOLLO (with no country name on perforated stamps): Italy or Italian States [Free Stamp]. FRANCO BOLLO (with no country name on imperforated stamps): Sardinia [Free Stamp]. FRANCOBOLO DI STATO: Italy, official stamps [Free Stamp of the State]. FRANCO BOLLO GIORNALI STAMPE: Italy and Sardinia, newspaper stamps. FRANCO BOLLO POSTALE (with denominations in BAJ, SCUDO, CENTESIMI): Roman States. FRANCOBOLLO POSTALE PER GIORNALI: Fiume, newspaper stamps. FRANCOBOLLO POSTALE ROMAGNE: Italian States- Romagne. FRANCOBOLLO POSTALE TOSCANO: Italian States- Tuscany. FRANCOBOLLO PROVINCIE MODONES: Italian States- Modena. FRANCO MARKE: German States- Bremen (1856-60) [Free Stamp]. FRANCO POSTE BOLLO: Italian States- Naples, Two Sicilies. FRANCO SCRISOREI: Romania- Moldovia-Walachia (1862-3) [Free Stamp for Letter]. FRANCO 6 Cts. CORREOS: Spain. FRANK: Albania. FRANKEER ZEGEL 2 ? CENT (currency overprint on fiscal stamps): Surinam, postally valid. FRANKEER ZEGEL 2 ? CENT (currency overprint on marine insurance stamps of Netherlands): Curacao, postally valid. FRANQUEO DEFICIENTE: Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, El Salvador, postage dues. FRANQUEO ESPANA: Spain, Carlist issues (1874-50) [Spanish Postage]. FRANQUEO IMPRESOS: Spain, newspaper stamps. FRANQUEO OFICIAL: Spanish language countries, officials [Official Postage]. FRANQUICIA POSTAL: Spain, franchise stamps (1881) [Immune from Postal Tax]. FREI DURCH ABLOSUNG Nr.16: Germany, local officials used Baden (1903-5) [Free Through Redemption]. FREI DURCH ABLOSUNG NR.21: Germany, local officials used in Prussia (1903-5) [Free Through Redemption]. FREIE STADT DANZIG: Danzig [Free City of Danzig]. FREIMARKE (no country name): German States- Baden, Prussia, Thurn & Taxis, Wurttemberg [Free Stamp]. FREISTAAT BAYERN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Bavaria (1919-20). FRIMARKE: Denmark, Norway, Sweden [Free Stamp]. FRIMAERKE KGL POST: Denmark (1851). FRIMAERKE LOKALBREF: Sweden- Stockholm local (1856) [Free Stamp for Local Letters]. FRIMERKE: Iceland [Free Stamp]. FT (currency): Hungary [Forint]. FUERSTENTUM LIECHTENSTEIN: Liechtenstein. FURSTENTUM LIECHTENSTEIN: Liechtenstein.
-G- G (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Griqualand West (1877-80). G (overprint): Canada, officials. G & D: (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Guadeloupe [Guadeloupe and Dependencies]. GAB (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Gabon (1886-89). GABON (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Gabon (1889). GARCH: Saudi Arabia (1929-30). GARZON: Colombia- Tolima (1894). G. & D. (overprint on stamps of Guadeloupe): Guadaloupe (1903-4). G C (overprint): Mexico- Acambaro [Gobierno Constitutionalista (Constitutional Government)]. Mexico]. G C M (overprint on stamps of Mexico- Oaxaca and Sonora): Mexico- Oaxaca and Sonora, revenues [Gobierno Constitutionalista Mexico (Constitutional Government of Mexico)]. G. D. DE LUXEMBOURG: Luxembourg (1859-1882) [Grand Duchy of Luxembourg]. GD LIBAN (overprint on stamps of France): Lebanon. GD-OT (overprint): Czechoslovakia- Bohemia and Moravia, newspaper stamps used by commercial firms. G.E.A. (overprint on stamps of East Africa & Uganda): German East Africa- British occupation (1917). G.E.A. (overprint on stamps of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika): Tanganyika (1921-2). GEBYR (overprint): Denmark, late fee. GEBYRMAERKE: Denmark, late fee. GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT: Poland, German occupation (1940-4). GEN-GOUV. WARSCHAU (overprint on stamps of Germany): Poland- German occupation (1916-7). GENEVE: Switzerland- Geneva (1843-9). GEORGIE: Georgia (1919). GEORGIENNE: Georgia (1920). GERUSALEMME (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Jerusalem. GERUSALEMME (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Jerusalem (1909-11). G et D: (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Guadeloupe (1903-4) [Guadeloupe et Dependances]. G. F. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Gold Fields]. G.F.B. (overprint): Tonga, officials [Gaue Faka Buleaga (On Government Service)]. GHADAMES TERRITOIRES MILITAIRE: Libya, French occupation (1949). GIORNALI STAMPE: Italian States-Sardinia, newspaper stamps (1861). GHANA INDEPENDENCE 6th MARCH 1957 (overprint on stamps of Gold Coast): Ghana (1961). GIBRALTAR (overprint on stamps of Bermuda): Gibraltar. GILBERT & ELLICE PROTECTORATE (overprint on stamps of Fiji): Gilbert and Ellice Island Protectorate. GIORNALI STAMPE: Italian States- Sardinia, newspaper stamps [Printed Newspapers]. GL. O. A. 7 FEV. 1914 (overprint): Haiti, for General Oreste Zamor, future president (1914). GOB. CONS(T). (overprint): Mexico- Cuanajuanta- Nueva Leon (1914) [Gobierno Constitucionalista (Constitutional Government)]. GOBIERNO (overprint): Peru, officials [Government]. GOBIERNO CONSTITUCIONALISTA MEXICO: Mexico- Sonora revenues. GOBIERNO CONSTITUCIONALISTA MEXICO (overprint): Mexico- Oaxaca revenues. GOBIERNO REVOLUCIONARIO: Mexico- Yucutan revenues. GOLFE DE BENIN: Benin. GOLFE DE GUINEA: Spanish Guinea (1907-49). GORNY SLASK: Upper Silesia- unrecognized locals of Polish origin for towns of Beuthen, Kattowitz and Gleiwtz. GOURDE (currency): Haiti. GOVERNATORATO DEL MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Montenegro- Italian occupation. GOVERNO MILITARE ALLEATO (overprint): Italy, Allied military government (1943). GOVT. PARCELS (overprint): Great Britain, officials. GOYA: Spain (1930). G. P. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Government Printer]. G.P. DE M.: Mexico- Oaxaca revenues and others (1916-7) [Gobierno Proviorio de Mexico (Provisional Government of Mexico)]. G.P.E. (overprint on stamps of French Colonies)- Guadaloupe (1884-91). GRAHAM LAND (overprint): Falkland Islands- Graham Land (1944). GRANA: Italian States- Two Sicilies (1861). GRANADA: Colombia- Granada (1861). GRANADINA: Colombia- Granadina (1859-60). GRAND COMORE: Grand Comoro (1897-1912). GRND DUCHE DE LUXUMBOURG: Luxembourg (post-1891). GRAND LIBAN: Lebanon (1924-27). GRENVILLE: Liberia. G.R.I. (overprint on stamps of German New Guinea): New Britain (1914-15) [Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor)]. G.R.I. (overprint on stamps of German Samoa): Samoa (1914) [Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor)]. G.R.I. (overprint on stamps of Marshall Islands): New Britain (1914) [Georgius Rex Imperator (George, King and Emperor)]. GROENEKRUIS: Surinam, semipostals [Green Cross]. GRONLAND: Greenland. GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH: Germany, semipostals (1943-5). GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH BOHMEN UND MAHREN: Czechoslovakia- Bohemia & Moravia. GROSSDEUTSCHES REICH GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT: Poland- German occupation semipostals (1943-4). GROSZY (surcharge): Poland, revalidating stamps after currency reform (1950). GROUCH (currency): Turkey [Ghurush]. G. S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Government Storekeeper]. G. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Goolwa Tramway]. GT. PRE (overprint): Haiti (1902) [Gouvernement Provisiore (Provisional Government)]. GUADALAJARA: Mexico- Guadalajara (1867-8). GUADELOUPE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Guadeloupe (1889-91). GUAM (overprint on stamps of the U.S.): Guam, U.S. Administration (1899). GUANACASTE: Costa Rica- Guanacaste, discounted stamps for exclusive use there (1885-90). GUATEMALA C.A.: Guatemala [Centro America (Central America)]. GUERCHE (currency): Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia. GUINE: Portuguese Guinea. GUINEA CONTIAL Espanola: Spanish Guinea (1903-9). GUINEA CONTINENTAL (overprint on stamps of Elobey, Annobon and Corsico): Spanish Guinea (1906). GUINEA CORREOS (overprint): Spanish Guinea- fraudulent overprints (1914). GUINEA ECUATORIAL: Equatorial Guinea. GUINEA ESPANOLA: Spanish Guinea (1902, 1949-60). GUINEE: French Guinea (1906-42). GUINEE FRANCAISE: French Guinea (pre-1906). GUINE PORTUGUESA: Portuguese Guinea. GULTIG 9. ARMEE (overprint on stamps of Germany): Romania- German occupation (1918). GUYANA (overprint on stamps of British Guiana): Guyana (1966-8). GUYANE: French Guiana (pre-1904). GUYANE FRANCAISE: French Guiana. GUYANE FRANCAISE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): French Guiana (1886-92). GUY. FRANC. (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): French Guiana (1886-92). G.W. (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Griqualand West (1877). GWALIOR: India- Gwalior.
-H- H. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Hospital]. H. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [House Assembly]. HABILITADO: Spanish language countries, restored value to demonetized stamps [Qualified]. HABILITADO (overprint on stamps of Cuba): Cuba- U.S. Administration (1898-9). HADHRAMAUT: Aden- Hadhramaut (1955). HADI SEGELI OZVEGYEKNEK ES ARVAKNAK KET (2) FILLER (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Hungary, semipostals (1914) [War Subscription for the Widows and Orphans of Fallen Fighters)]. HAGA PATRIA: Mexico, postal tax stamps. HANG-KHONG: Vietnam, airmails. HANNOVER: German States- Hanover (1850-66). H.A.П.B.П (overprint on stamps of Russia- Nikolaevsk issue): Siberia HAPOДHA PEПЧБAИKA: Bulgaria. HARPER: Liberia. HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN: Jordan (1949-present). HATAY DEVLETI: Hatay. HAUTE SILESIE: Upper Silesia. HAUTE SILESIE COMMISION DE GOUVERNMENT: Upper Silesia. HAUTE VOLTA: Upper Volta. HAUTE VOLTA (overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger): Upper Volta. HAUT-SENEGAL NIGER: Upper Senegal & Niger (1914-7). HBA (overprint on stamps of Russia): Siberia (1921). HEALTH: New Zealand, semipostals. H.E.H. THE NIZAM'S: India- Hyderabad (1927-49). HEDJAZ & NEDJDE: Saudi Arabia (1929-33). HEJAZ & NEJD: Saudi Arabia (1929-33). HEЛEЛbA ЦBEPHOΓ KPCTA: Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps. HELLAS: Greece (1966-present). HELLER (currency): Austria, Carinthia, Liechtenstein, Bosnia and Herzegovina. HELVETIA: Switzerland. HERZEGOLICHE POSE FREMARKE: German States- Holstein. HERZOGTH HOLSTEIN: German States- Schleswig-Holstein. HERZOGTH SCHLESWIG: German States- Schleswig-Holstein. H. H. NAWAB SHAH JAHANBEGAM: India- Bhopal. H.I.: Hawaii. H.I. with U.S. POSTAGE: Hawaii (1851). HIRLIP BELYEG: Hungary, newspaper stamps (1900-22). HIRLAPJECY: Hungary, newspaper stamps (1900-22). HIVASTLOS: Norway, officials. HOBY- Montenegro (1874-96). HOBYПT- Montenegro. HOCHWASSER 1920 (overprint): Austria, semipostals (1920) [High Water]. HOI HAO (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Hoi Hao (1901-19). HOLKAR STATE: India- Indore (1886-1906). HOLSTEIN: German States- Schleswig-Holstein (1864). HONDA (overprint): Colombia- Tolima (1896). HOPFLUG: Iceland, airmails. HOPFLUG ITALA 1933 (overprint): Iceland, Balbo airmail flight (1933). HORTA: Horta, Azores (1892-1906). H.P.: Bulgaria. H.P.: Armenia [Hagagan Post (Armenia Post)]. H.P.N. (overprint on Spain): Spain- Teruel province, Canaries and Murcia (1868) [Habilitacion por la Nacion]. H.P. БbЛΓΓAPИЯ: Bulgaria [Bulgaria People's Republic]. HRVATSKA: Yugoslavia or Croatia. HRZGL POST FRM: German States- Holstein (1864). HRZGL POST FRMRK: German States- Holstein (1864). HT. SENEGAL & NIGER: Upper Senegal & Niger (1906-14). HURRICANE HATTIE (overprint): British Honduras, semipostals for hurricane of Oct. 31, 1961 relief). HYDERABAD: India- Hyderabad (1946).
-I- I. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Immigration Agent]. I.B.: West Irian (1970). ICC (overprint): India- Int. Commission on Indo-China (1965-8). IDAR: India- Idar (1939-44). IDROVOLANTE (overprint): Italy, hydroplane airmail (1917) [By Hydroplane]. I. E. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Intestate Estates]. I.E.F. (overprint): India, military stamps (1914) [India Expeditionary Force]. I.E.F. "D" (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Mesopotamia (1919). IERUSALEM (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Jerusalem (1909-10). I GILDA (overprint): Iceland, restoring postal validity (1902) [In Validity]. IKAPIAΣ: Icaria. ILE ROUAD: Rouad. ILE ROUAD (overprint on stamps of French Levant): Rouad (1916). ILES WALLIS ET FUTUNA: Wallis & Futuna Islands. ILES WALLIS ET FUTUNA (overprint on stamps of New Caledonia): Wallis & Futuna Islands. (1920-40). IMPERIAL BRITISH EAST AFRICA COMPANY: British East Africa. IMPERIO COLONIAL PORTUGUES (no colony name): Portuguese Africa, postage dues, 1945. IMPERIO DO BRASIL: Brazil (1887-8) [Empire of Brazil]. IMPERIO MEXICANO: Mexico (1866) [Empire of Mexico]. IMPERIUM: Queen Victoria essays produced by De la Rue & Company. Ltd. as samples with no specific country named. IMPER. REG POSTA AUSTR: Austria, Offices in Turkey (1883-6). IMPRESOS: Cuba, Philippines, newspaper stamps [Prints]. IMPRIME (overprint): Turkey, newspaper stamps [Printed]. IMPRIMES (overprint): Iran, newspaper stamps [Printed]. IMPTO DE GUERRA: Spain, war tax stamps (1874-98) [War Tax]. IMPUESTO: Chile, revenues used as postage [Tax]. IMPUESTO DE GUERRA: Spain, war tax stamps (1874-98) [War Tax]. IMPUESTO DE ENCOMIENDAS: Uruguay, parcel posts. INCHI YA ETAT DU KATANGA: Katanga, rebellion against the Belgian Congo. iNCi YIL DONUMU: Turkey. INDE: French India. INDIA (with Portuguese or words REIS, REAL, TANGAS or RUPIA): Portuguese India. INDIA PORT. : Portuguese India (1871-86). INDIA PORTUGUEZA: Portuguese India (1887-95). INDIE: French India. INDO-CHINE: Indo-China. INDONESIA (not preceded by REPUBLIK): Netherlands Indies. INDONESIA REPUBLIK: Indonesia. INDORE: India- Indore (1904-47). INDUSTRIELLE KRIEGSWIRTSCHAFT: Switzerland War Board of Trade officials (1918). INHAMBANE (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Inhambane (1894-5). INKERI: North Ingermanland (1920). INLAND (on stamp with no country name): Liberia. INSELPOST (overprint): Germany, military stamps. INSTRUCAO D.L. No. 7 de 3-2-34 (overprint on war tax stamps of Portuguese India): Timor, postal tax stamps (1934-5). INSTRUCCION: Venezuela, fiscal stamps. INSTRUCCION SELLO PROVISIONAL CARUPANO 1902: Venezuela- Carupano (1902). INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID POSTAGE DUE: Zanzibar (1931-33). IONIKON KPATOΣ: Ionian Islands [Ionian Government]. I.O.V.R.: Romania, postal tax stamps (1948). I POLSKA WYSTAWA MAREK (overprint): Poland, semipostals [White Cross Society]. I.P.N. (overprint): India, fiscal commission on due notes [Indian Postal Note]. I.R. (overprint): U.S. Internal Revenue issues. IRANIENNES: Iran (1935-7). IRAQ (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Mesopotamia (1918-22). IRIAN BARAT: West Irian (New Guinea) (1963-8). I.R. OFFICIAL (overprint): Great Britain, officials (1882-1904) [Inland Revenue]. I. S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Inspector of Sheep]. ISLAND: Iceland. ISLAS DE JUAN FERNANDEZ: Chile- Juan Fernandez Islands, also seeing general use (1910). ISLAS GALAPAGOS: Ecuader- Galapagos Islands. ISOLE ITALIANE DELL'EGEO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands (1930-40). ISOLE JONIE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Ionian Islands- Italian occupation (1941). ISTRA SLOVENSKO PRIMORJE: Yugoslavia, issues for Istria and the Slovene Coast (1946). ISTRIA LITTORALE SLOVENO: Yugoslavia, issues for Istria and the Slovene Coast (1946). ITA-KARIALA (overprint on stamps of Finland): Karelia, Finnish military administration (1941-?). ITALIA: Italy. ITALIANE: Italy. ITALIANO: Italy. ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA (overprint on stamps of Greece): Ionian Islands- Italian occupation. ITALIAN SOMALILAND: Somalia. IZMIR HIMAYEIETFAL CEMIYETI: Turkey, tax stamps (1933).
-J- J (overprint on stamps of Peru): Peru- Yca (1884). JAFFA (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1909-10). JAIPUR: India- Jaipur (1904-49). JAMHURI ZANZIBAR TANZANIA: Zanzibar (1964-8). JANINA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Janina (1902-11). JAPANESE: Japan (1876-96). JAVA (overprint): Netherlands Indies for Java and Madura, to check the frequency of mail (1908). JA ЦPECHN KPCT (and cross): Jugoslavia, postal tax stamps. JEEND STATE (overprint): India- Jhind (1885). JERUSALEM (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1909-10). JIND STATE (overprint): India- Jhind (1885-1913). JIND (overprint): India- Jhind (1913-43). JOHOR (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya- Johore (1884-91). JOHORE: Malaya- Johore. JORNAES: Portuguese language countries for printed matter [Journals]. JOURNAUX: France, for newspapers and printed matter (1868) [Journals]. JOURNAUX DAGBLADEN (overprint): Belgium, newspaper stamps. J.R.G. AEREO VALE 1946 (overprint): Venezuela under the Junta Revolucionaria de Gobierno. JUAN FERNANDEZ (overprint): Chile (1910). JUBILE DE L'UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE: Switzerland (1900). JUEGOS OLYMPICOS (overprint): Costa Rica, semipostals. JЧΓOCЛABИJA: Yugoslavia.
-K- K (with no country name): Bosnia and Herzegovina. K 60 K (surcharge): Armenia (1919). K-numeral-K (surcharge): Far Eastern Republic (1920). KAULBACH ISLAND: (1971-84) Island off the coast of Nova Scotia with local post stamps to frank mail to the nearest Canadian post office on the mainland. KAIS KON: Austria (1853-1907). KAISERLICHE KONIGLICHE OESTERRPOST: Austria (1853-1907). KAISERLICHE KONIGLICHE OESTERRPOST (denominations in piastres): Austria- Offices in Turkey. KALAYAAN NANG PILIPINAS: Philippines- Japanese occupation. KAMERUN: Cameroun (1900-18). KAMERUN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Cameroun (1897). Kans. (overprint): U.S., Kansas overprints to reduce theft (1929). KAP: Latvia (1918-22). KAPПATCbKA-YKRAIHA: Czechoslovakia- Carpatho-Ukraine. KAПATCbKA ЧkPAIHA: Carpatho-Ukraine. KARJALA: Karelia (1922). KARKI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Calchi (1912-22). KARLFONDS: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, military fieldpost stamps with charity surcharge [Emperor Karl?s Fund]. KARNTEN ABSTIMMUNG (overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Carinthian plebescite (1920). KAROLINEN: Caroline Islands. KASAI (SOUTH KASAI): Congo- unrecognized state (1960-1). KATANGA: Congo- unrecognized state (1960-3). Revolt was against the (then) Republic of the Congo. KATCHAK POSTA (overprint in Turkish characters): Turkey, used on attempted but caught smuggled private letters into Greece, representing double postage and fine paid [Smuggled Letter]. KATHERI STATE OF SEIYUN: Aden- Katheri (1942). KAZAKHSTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 K.C.-NOUITA: Serbia (1866) [Princely Serbian Post]. K.C. ПOЩTA: Serbia. K. CPБCKA ПOЩTA: Serbia. KEDAH: Malaya- Kedah. KEELING: Cocos (Keeling) Islands. KELANTAN: Malaya- Kelantan. KEMAHKOTAAN (overprint): Malaya- Johore, for new Sultan (1896) [Coronation]. KENTTA POSTIA. PUOLUSTUSVOIMAT: Finland, military stamps. KENTTA-POSTI FALTPOST: Finland, military stamps (1943). KENTTAPOSTIA: Finland, military stamps (1941-63). KENYA & UGANDA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1922-33). KENYA UGANDA TANGANYIKA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1935-64). KENYA UGANDA TANZANIA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1965-1976). KERASSUNDE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1909-10). K.G.C.A. (overprint on newspaper stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Carinthian plebescite (1920) [Koruska Glasoona Cona A (Carinthian Plebescite Zone A)]. KGL. POST FRM. (denomination in cents): Danish West Indies (1855-73) [Kongeligt Post Freimaerk (Royal Post Free Stamp)]. KGL. POST FRM. (denomination in skillings): Denmark (1851-68) ) [Kongeligt Post Freimaerk (Royal Post Free Stamp)]. KИTAИ: Russia- Offices in China. KHMERE: Cambodia (1971-5). KHOR FAKKAN: Sharjah (1964-?). KIAUTSCHOU: Kiauchau. KIBRIS: Cyprus. KIBRIS CUMHURIYETI: Cyprus [Cyprus Republic]. KIBRIS TURK FEDERE DEVLETI: Cyprus- Turkish occupation. KINGSTON RELIEF FUND 1d (overprint): Barbados, semipostals for help for Jamaican earthquake (1906). KIONGA (overprint on stamps of Lourenzo Marques): Kionga (1916) KIRIBATI: The Gilbert Islands were granted self-rule by the UK in 1971 and complete independence in 1979 under the new name of Kiribati. KISHANGARH: India- Kishangarh (1904-47). KISHENGARH: India- Kishangarh (1899-1904). K.K. (BRIEF MARKEN): Austria [Imperial Royal Letter Stamp]. K K K (overprint): Philippines- Aguinaldo, political secret society [Kataas-taasan Kagalanggalang Katipunan]. KK-POST-STEMPEL with values in kreuzer: Austria [Imperial Royal Postage Stamp]. KK-POST-STEMPEL with values in cents: Austria- Lombardy Venetia [Imperial Royal Postage Stamp]. KLAIPEDA: Memel, Lithuanian occupation (1923). KOH: Russia, South Russia, Far Eastern Republic, Finland, Latvia or Batum. KOINΩNIKH ПRONOIA: Greece, postal tax stamps. KOЛETHИ ПPATKИ: Bulgaria, parcel post. KOLONIE CURACAO: Netherlands Antilles (1903-8) [Colony of Curacao]. KOLONIE SURINAME: Surinam (1903-8) [Colony of Surinam]. KON: Russia, South Russia, Far Eastern Republic, Finland, Latvia or Batum. KOП-KOP.: Finland. KONGELIGT POST FRIMAERKE: Denmark (1851) [Royal Post Free Stamp]. KONGRESI K.K.F.S. (overprint): Albania, postal tax semipostals. KONINKRIJK DER NEDERLANDEN: Netherlands [Kingdom of the Netherlands]. KOP KOH: Finland (1856-66). KOPYTΣA: Epirus- Karitsa issue. KORCA: Albania (1914-18). KORCE: Albania (1914-18). KORONA (currency): Hungary [Crown]. KOUANCTCHE-OUWAN (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Kwangchowan (1906-41). KOUANG-TCHEOU (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Kwangchowan (1906-41). KOZTARSASAG: Hungary (1918-9) [Republic]. KOZTARSASAG (overprint): Hungary (1918-9) [Republic]. K.P. (overprint): Philippines- Japanese occupation officials [Kagamitang Pampamahalaan]. K.П. (overprint): Greece, postal tax stamps. KPAJbEBCTBO C. X. C.: Yugoslavia. KPALJEVSTVO SRBA, HRVATA I SLOVENACA: Yugoslavia. KPAЛbEBИHA CPБИJA: Serbia. KPAЛbEBИHA CPБA XPBATAИ CЛOBEHAЦA: Yugoslavia. KPbIMCKЛΓO KPAEBOΓO ПPABKTEЛbCTБA: South Russia- Crimea. KPCT.A.: Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps. KPHTH: Crete. KR. (currency): Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary or Wurttemberg [Kronen (crown)]. Kr. 1.98 (overprint): Sweden, parcel posts. Kr. 2.12 (overprint): Sweden, parcel posts. KRALJEVINA SRBA, HRVATA I SLOVENACA: Yugoslavia [Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia]. KRAlb. UPHATOPA: Montenegro. KREUZER (currency): Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary or Wurttemberg. KRONE (currency): Austria (1899-1952). KRONEN (currency): Austria (1899-1952). K.S.A.: Saudi Arabia (1975-present). K.U.K.: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina [Kaiserliche und Konigliche (Imperial and Royal)]. K-U-K FELDPOST (overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina): Austria, military stamps (1915). K-U-K FELDPOST: Austria, military stamps (1915-8). K-U-K FELDPOST (with denominations in bani or lei): Romania- Austrian occupation (1917-8). K-U-K-MILITARPOST: Bosnia and Herzegovina (1912-18) [Kaiserliche und Konigliche Militarpost (Imperial and Royal Military Post)]. KUPA (overprint): Yugoslavia- Italian occupation (1941-2). KURLAND (overprint): Latvia- German occupation (1945). KURUS: Turkey. KUWAIT (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Kuwait (1948-58). KUWAIT (overprint on stamps of India): Kuwait (1923-45). K. WURTT. POST: German States- Wurttemberg (1875-1900) [Konigliche Wurtembergische Post (Royal Wurttemberg Post)]. KYRGYZSTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991
-L- L (overprint): Colombia, airmails carried by LANSA company. L. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Lunatic Asylum]. LA AGUERA: Aguera (1920-22). L A B: Bolivia, airmails [Lloyd Aereo Boliviano]. LABUAN (overprint on stamps of North Borneo): Labuan (1894-1901). LA CANEA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Crete (1900-12). LA CRUZ ROJA ESPANOL: Spain, semipostals [Spanish Red Cross]. LA CRUZ ROJA PARAGUAY: Paraguay, semipostals [Paraguay Red Cross]. LA GEORGIE: Georgia (1919). LAIBACH (overprint): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- German occupation (1944-5). LAGOS: Lagos, Nigeria (1874-1906). LA LEY: Bolivia (1878) [The Law]. LAND-POST PORTE-MARKE: German States- Baden, postage dues (1862) [Rural Post- Postage Due]. L & S POST (overprint): Newfoundland airmail to ordinary use conversion (1931) [Land and Sea Post]. LANDSTORMEN FRIMARKE: Sweden, semipostals for funds to equip soldiers [Military Reserves Stamp]. LANSA: Colombia, airmails (1950). L.A.R.: Libyan Arab Republic (1969-present) LATTAQUIE (overprint on stamps of Syria): Latakia (1931-3). LATVIJA: Latvia. LATVIJA DSR: Latvia- Russian occupation. LATWIJA: Latvia. L. C. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Legislative Council]. LEGI POSTA: Hungary, airmails. LEI (currency overprint on Austrian stamps): Romania- Austrian occupation (1917-8). LERO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy Aegean Islands- Leros (1930-2). LEROS (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy Aegean Islands- Leros (1912-22). LESOTHO (overprint on stamps of Basutoland): Lesotho (1966). L?ETAT DU KATANGA: Katanga, rebellion against the Belgian Congo. LEVA (currency): Bulgaria. LEVANT: France- Offices in Turkey. LEVANT (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey- Levant (1902-23). LEVANT (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain Offices in Turkey- Levant (1905-6). LEVANT (overprint on stamps of Poland): Poland- Offices in Turkey- Levant (1919-21). LEVANTE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Levant. LEY 8310 (overprint): Peru, postal tax stamps [Law 8310]. LEY NACIONAL DE SELLO: Argentina, postal fiscal stamps [National Stamp Law]. L F F (overprint): Liberia, officials [Liberian Frontier Force]. LIBAN: Lebanon. LIBANAISE: Lebanon. LIBAU (overprint on stamps of Germany): Latvia- German occupation (1919). LIBERTAD, 15 DE SETIEMBRE: Guatemala (1886-94) [Liberty, September 15]. LIBERTAD Y ORDEN: Colombia [Liberty and Order]. LIBIA: Libya (1912-51). LIBYA: Libya. LIBYA (overprint on stamps of Cyranaica): Libya (1951). LIBYE: Libya. LIETUVA: Lithuania. LIETUVA (overprint on stamps of Russia): Lithuania- South District (1919). LIETUVOS: Lithuania. LIETUVOS PASTA: Lithuania [Lithuania Post]. LIFE INSURANCE (overprint): New Zealand, life insurance department. LIGNES AERIENNE DE LA FRANCE LIBRE: Syria- Free French Administration military airmails (1942). LIGNES AERIENNE F.A.F.L.: Syria- Free French Administration military airmails (1942). LIMBAGAN- 1543-1943 (overprint): Philippines- Japanese occupation (1943). LINDBERGH ENERO 1928 (overprint): Costa Rica [Lindbergh January 1928]. LINEAS AEREA NACIONAL: Chile, airmails [National Air Lines]. LINEAS AEREAS DEL ESTADO: Argentina, airmails [State Air Lines]. LIPSO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Lisso (1912-32). LIRE (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Italy- Austrian occupation (1918). LIRE 1.20 DI CORONA (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Dalmatian occupation. LISBOA: Portugal, Red Cross tax stamps (1913) or franchise stamps (1903-38). LISSO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Lisso (1930). LITAS: Lithuiania (1922-40). LITWA SRODKOWA: Central Lithuania. LITWY SRODKOWEJ: Central Lithuania. LJUBLIANSKA: Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- German occupation (1944-5). L. L. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Legislative Library]. L.L.L.R.: Georgia. L. MARQUES (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Lourenco Marques (1895-7). L Mc L (and design of ship): Trinidad- Lady McLeod private issue (1847). LOCAL-TAXE: Switzerland- Zurich (1843-6). LOCUST CAMPAIGN (overprint): Trans-Jordan, semipostals. LOJA FRANCA (overprint on stamps of Ecuador): Ecuador- Loja Province, control overprint to prevent use of stolen stamps from July 1902 Guyaquil Post Office fire (1902-3). LOKAL BREF: Sweden- Stockholm. LOSEN: Sweden, postage dues [Redemption Money]. LOS RIOS (overprint): Ecuador, provincial control (1902-3). LOTHRINGEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): France- German occupation of Lorraine(1940). LOTNICZA: Poland, aimails. L.P. (overprint on stamps of Russia): Latvia- Russian occupation for Mitau and Schaulen (1919) [Latvija Pawalda (Latvia Administration)]. L. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Land Titles]. LTSR 1940 VII 21 (overprint): Lithuania- Russian occupation. LUBIANA (overprint): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- Italian occupation (1941). LUCHA CONTRA EL CANCER (overprint): Panama, semipostals [Fight Against Cancer]. LUCHTEPOST: Belgium, airmails [Air Post]. LUCHTEPOSTZEGEL: Netherlands, airmails. LUEBECK: German States- Leubeck (1863-7). LUFTFELDPOST: Germany, military air post stamps (1942). L.T.S.R. (overprint with date): Lithuania, union with the U.S.S.R. LUGPOST: South Africa or South West Africa, airmail stamps. LUXEMBOURG (overprint on stamps of Germany): Luxembourg- German occupation (1940-1).
-M- M (overprint): Belgium, military parcel posts. M. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Military]. M.A. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Agriculture]. M. B. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Marine Board]. MACAU: Macao. MACAV: Macao. MADAGASCAR (overprint on stamps of France): Madagascar (1895). MADEIRA (overprint on stamps of Portugal): Madeira (1868-98). MADERANERTHAL: Switzerland, hotel local stamp. MADRID: Spain (1920-30). MAFEKING (overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland): Cape of Good Hope (1900). MAFEKING (overprint): Cape of Good Hope (1900). MAGYAR: Hungary. MAGYAR KIR. HIRLAP BELYEG: Hungary, newspaper tax stamps. MAGYAR KIR(ALYN) POSTA: Hungary [Hungarian Royal Post]. MAGYAR NEMZETI KORMANY SZEGED (overprint): Hungary- Szeged- Serbian occupation (1919) [Hungarian People?s Government Szeged]. MAGYAR NEPKOZTARSASAG: Hungary (1919) [People?s Popular Republic]. MAGYARORSZAG: Hungary (1925) [Hungarian State]. MAGYAR TANACS KOZTARSASAG: Hungary (1919) [Hungarian Soviet Republic]. MAHRA SULTANATE OF QISHN AND SOCOTRA: South Arabia (1967). MAI GT. PRE. 1902 (overprint): Haiti (1902) [Gouvernement Provisoire (Provisional Government)]. M.A.L.: cancel of British Forces in North and East Africa [Military Authority Lira]. MALACCA: Malaya- Malacca. MALAGA (overprint): Spain revolutionary issues- Malaga (1937). MALAGA ARRIBA ESPANA (overprint): Spain- Malaga, revenues. MALAGASY: Madagascar (1961-present). MALAYA (overprint over portrait of Sultan): Malaya- Kelantan, Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Selanegor or Trengganu. MALAYA (overprint over picture of mosque): Selangor. MALAYA (overprint over picture of over picture of State Arms): Negri Sembilan. MALAYAN POSTAL UNION: Malaya, postage dues (1945). MALAYA PERLIS: Malaya- Perlis. MALAYA SINGAPORE: Singapore. MALDIVES (overprint on stamps of Ceylon): Maldives Islands(1906-9). MALGACHE: Madagascar (1959-61). MALUKU SELATAN: South Moluccas (Indonesian private issues). MANAMA: Ajman- Manama. MANDAT: Netherlands, money order stamps (1894). MANIZALES: Colombia- Manizales. MAPKA: Russia, Finland or Serbia. MARCA DA BOLLO: Italy. MARIANAS ESPANOL (overprint on stamps of Spain): Mariana Islands (1899). MARIANEN: Mariana Islands (1899-1919). MARIENWERDER (overprint on stamps of Germany): Marienwerder plebescite (1920). MARK (currency): Finland, Germany. MARKA (currency): Estonia (1919-28), Russia. MARKAA (currency): Finland. MARKKA (currency): Finland. MAROC: French Morocco, Morocco. MAROCCO (overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in Morocco. MAROKKO (overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in Morocco (1911). MARRUECOS: Morocco- Northern Zone (1956-8). MARRUECOS (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco. MARRUECOS ESPANOL: Spanish Morocco- Northern Zone. MARSCHELL INSELN: Marshall Islands. MARSHALL INSELN: Marshall lslands. MARTINIQUE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Martinique (1886-92). MAURITANIE: Mauritania. MAGAZON A MOROC: Sultanate of Morocco, local issue of questionable repute (1891) [Mazagan to Morocco]. MAGAZON MARAKECH: Sultanate of Morocco, local issue of questionable repute (1893) [Mazagan to Marakesh]. MAT TUAN D.T.G.P. MIEN NAM VIET NAM: National Front for the liberation of South Vietnam. MAZATLAN (overprint): Mexico- Mazatlan (1916). M.B.D. (overprint): India- Nandgaon, officials (1893-5). MBLEDHJA KUSHTETUGESE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Albania- Italian dominion (1939). MBRETNIJA SHQIPTARE: Albania- Italian occupation. MECKLENB.: German States- Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1856-67). MEDELLIN PROVISIONAL: Colombia- Antioquia (1888-9). MEDIA ONZA: Spain, official stamps (1854-63). M.E.F. (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Africa (1942-50) [Middle East Forces]. MEJICO: Mexico (1856-64). MELAKA: Malaysia- Malacca. MELAT-I-KAZERUN 1335 (overprint): Iran, unofficial rebellion overprint (1917). MELMEDY (overprint on stamps of Belgium): Germany- Belgian occupation of Melmedy (1920-1). MEMEL (overprint on stamps of France): Memel (1920-3). MEMEL with KLAIPEDA: Memel- Lithuanian occupation (1923). MEMEL GEBIET: Memel [Memel District]. MENSAJERIAS: Uruguay, special delivery stamps. METELIN (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1910). MEXICANO: Mexico. MEXICO TRANSITORIO: Mexico- Sonora revenues. M.G. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of War]. M.H. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Finance]. M.I. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Interior]. MILESIMA DE ESCUDO (currency): Spain. MILESIMA DE PESO (currency): Spanish Colonies. MILESIMO (currency): Uruguay. MILITAR K.u.K. POST: Bosnia and Herzegovina- Austrian Administration (1912). MILITARPOST: Bosnia and Herzegovina. MILITAR POST EILMARKE: Bosnia and Herzegovina, special handling stamps. MILIT. (POST) PORTOMARKE: Bosnia and Herzegovina, military post postage dues.. MILL. (currency surcharge on stamps of France): France- Offices in Egypt (1921-8). MILLIEME(S) (currency surcharge on stamps of France): France- Offices in Egypt (1921-8). M.J.I. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Justice and Education]. M. KIR.: Hungary (1916). M.M. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Marine]. MN: Korea (1884-95). MOCAMBIQUE: Mozambique. MOHΓOЛ ЩЧAAH: Outer Mongolia. MOGADORO A MAROC: Sultanate of Morocco, local issue of questionable repute (1895) [Mogadoro to Morocco]. MOLDOVA: 1991 declared Independence from Soviet Union MONGTSEU (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Mongtseu (1903-9). MONGTZE (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Mongtseu (1903-9). MONISTIR (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Turkey, for royal visit of Sultan to Rumelia (1911) [City of Monistir]. MONROVIA: Liberia. MONSTER (overprint): Dutch language countries [Specimen]. MONT ATHOS (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Mont Athos (1909-10). MONTE CASSINO 1944 (overprint on stamps of Poland-Exile in Great Britain): Polish government in exile (1944). MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Austria): Montenegro- Austrian occupation (1917-8). MONTENEGRO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Montenegro- Italian occupation (1941-2). MONTEREY (overprint): Mexico- Monterey. MONTEVIDEO: Uruguay- Montevideo (1858-67). MONTSERRAT (overprint on stamps of Antigua): Montserrat (1876). M.O.P. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Public Works]. MOQUEA (overprint): Peru- Moquegua- Chilean occupation (1885). MOQUEGUA (overprint): Peru- Moquegua, applied after regional earthquake (1881). MOQUEGUA (overprint on stamps of Arequipa): Peru- Arequipa- Moquegua- Chilean occupation (1885). MORA: Ukraine. MORELIA (overprint): Mexico- Morelia. MOROCCO AGENCIES (overprint on stamps of Gibraltar): Great Britain- Offices in Morocco. MOROCCO AGENCIES (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Morocco. MORVI: India- Morvi (1931-48). MOYEN CONGO: Middle Congo. MQE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Martinique (1886-91). M. R. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Manager of Railways]. M.R.C. (overprint): Argentina, officials [Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion]. M. R. G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Main Roads Gambierton]. MUESTRA (overprint): Spanish language countries [Specimen]. MULTA: several countries, postage dues [Fined]. MULTADA: Chile, postage dues[Fined]. MULTAS: Ecuador, postage dues[Fined]. MUSCAT & OMAN: Oman (1966-70). MUSTER (overprint): German language countries [Specimen]. M.V.i.R. (overprint): Romania- German occupation (1917-8) [Militar Verwaltung in Rumanien (Military Administration of Romania].
-N- NBHA: India- Nabha. NACHMARKE (overprint): Austria, postage dues. NACH PORTO (overprint): Liechtenstein, postage dues [After Postage]. NACIONES UNIDAS: United Nations. NANDGAM: India- Nandgam (1891-5). NADRUK (underprint): Netherlands (1852) [Reprint]. NA OSWIATE: Poland, semipostals [For Public Instruction]. NAPA PARA (currency): Yugoslavia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia. NAPOLETANA: Italian States-Two Sicilies. NA SKARB NARODOWY: Poland, semipostals [For National Funds]. NA SLASK (overprint): Central Lithuania. NATIONALER VERWALTUNGS AUSSCHUSS 10.XI 1943 (overprint): Yugoslavia and Montenegro- German occupation of Montenegro (1943). NATIONALSOZIAL DEUTSCHE ARBIETERPARTE: Germany, franchise stamps [National Socialist German Worker’s party]. NATIONAL VERSAMMLUNG: Germany (1919) [National Assembly]. NATIONS UNIES: United Nations. NATIONS UNIES OFFICE EUROPEEN (overprint on stamps of Switzerland): Switzerland, officials [United Nations European Office]. NAURU (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Nauru (1916-23). N.C.E. (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): New Caledonia (1881-93). N.D. HRVATSKA: Croatia. N.D. RATNI DOPRINOS: Croatia. Nebr. (overprint): U.S. Nebraska overprints to reduce theft (1929). NED ANTILLEN: Netherlands Antilles (1949-present). NEDERLAND: Netherlands. NEDERLANDSCH-INDIE: Netherlands Indies (1864-1949). NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN: Netherlands Antilles (1949-present). NEDERLANDS NIEUW GUINEA: Netherlands New Guinea (1950-62). NEDERL-INDIE: Netherlands Indies (1864-1949). NED-INDIE: Netherlands Indies (1864-1949). NED NIEUW GUINEA: Netherlands New Guinea (1950-62). NEGRI SEMBILAN: Malaya- Negri Sembilan. NE PAS LIVRER LE DIMANCHE: Belgium label (French inscription) preventing Sunday mail delivery (1893-1915) [Do Not Deliver Sunday]. NEU-GROSCHEN (currency): German States- Saxony. NEW GRANADA: Colombia (pre 1862). NEW HEBRIDES CONDOMINIUM (overprint on stamps of Fiji): New Hebrides (1908-10). NEZAVISNA DRZAVA HRVATSKA: Croatia, postal tax stamps. N.F. (overprint on stamps of Nyasaland): German East Africa- British occupation (1917) [Nyasaland Force]. N. FL.: Armenia. NIET BESTELLEN OP ZONTAGE: Belgium label (Flemish inscription) preventing Sunday mail delivery (1893-1915) [Do Not Deliver Sunday]. NIEUW GUINEA: Netherlands New Guinea (1950-62). NIEUW REPUBLIEK ZUID AFRIKA: New Republic. NIPPON: Japan (1966-present). NISIRO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Nisiro (1932-32). NISIROS (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Nisiro (1912-22). NIUE (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Niue. NIVINI (overprint on special delivery stamps): Czechoslovakia, newspaper stamps. NIWIN (overprint): Curacao, semipostals [initials of an Indonesian relief agency]. NLLE. CALEDONIE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): New Caledonia (1892). NO HAY ESTAMPILLAS (overprint): Colombia (1912) [There are no stamps]. NOPTO MAPKA: Serbia, postage dues. NORDDEUTSCHER POST-BEZIRK: German States- North German Confederation (1868-71) [North German Postal Circuit]. NORD-DEUTSCH-POST: German States- North German Confederation, officials (1870-1). NOREG: Norway (1952-2005). Noreg is preferred spelling. Stamps will appear both ways. NORFOLK ISLANDS (overprint on stamps of Australia): Norfolk Islands (1959). NORGE: Norway. NOSSI-BE (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Nossi-Be (1891-4). NOUVELLE CALEDONIE: New Caledonia (1905-present). NOUVELLES HEBRIDES: New Hebrides- French issues. NOUVELLES HEBRIDES (overprint on stamps of New Caledonia): New Hebrides- French issues. NOWANUGGUR: India- Nowanuggur (1877). NOWTA: Serbia. ПOYTA: Russia. ПOYT MAPKA (no country name): Azerbaijan (1922-4). NSB (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Nossi-Be (1890-3). N. SEMBILAN: Malaya- Negri Sembilian. N.S.W.: New South Wales. N. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Northern Territory]. N.W. PACIFIC ISLANDS (overprint on stamps of Australia): North West Pacific Islands (1915-6). NYASSA (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Nyassa (1898). N.Z.: New Zealand.
-O- OLYM: Greece. OLYMП: Greece. OLYMПIAKOI: Greece. O. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Official Assignee]. OAHA MAPKA: Finland (1866-74). OAXACA: Mexico- Oaxaca (1914). O.B. (overprint): Philippines, officials (1906-present) [Official Business]. OBOCK (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Obock. OCCUPATION AZIRBAYEDJAN (overprint on stamps of Russia): Azerbaijan, unofficial overprints by Entente Allied officers (1918). OCCUPATION FRANCAISE (overprint): Hungary- French occupation (1919). OCCUPATION FRANCAISE CAMEROUN (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo): Cameroon- French occupation. OCEANIE: French Polynesia (1892-1958). OCUPACION DE PASQUA: Chile, semipostal for Easter Island. OДHA MAPKA YKSIMAPKKA: Finland. OESTERR: Austria (1883-1907) [Austria]. OESTERR POST with KAIS KOENIGL: Austria (1883-1907). OESTERR POST LIECHTENSTEIN: Liechtenstein- Austrian postal administration (1912-20). OEUVRES DE GUERRE (overprint): Cameroon, semipostals. OEUVRES DE SOLIDARITE FRANCAISE: French Colonies, semipostals (1943-4). OEUVRES SOCIALES (overprint on stamps of St. Pierre & Miquelon): St. Pierre & Miquelon, semipostals. O.F. CASTELLORISO (overprint on stamps of France): France- Castellorizo occupation. OFFENTLIG SAK: Norway, officials. OFFICIAL (overprint on stamps of Kenya and Uganda): Tanganyika, officials (1959-60). OFFISIEEL: South West Africa, officials. OFFISIEEL-OFFICIAL: South Africa, officials. OFF. SAK.: Norway, officials. OFFICIEL (overprint): Luxembourg, officials. OFFICIEL (overprint): Iran, officials denoting genuiness (1885-7). OFICIAL: Spanish or Portuguese language countries [Official]. O.Ф. (overprint with airplane): Bulgaria, airmails. O.H.E.M.S. (overprint): Egypt, officials (1922). O.H.H.S. (overprint): Egypt, officials (1907-1922) [On His Highness’ Service]. O.H.M.S. (overprint): Canada, officials [On His (or Her) Majesty’s Service]. OHU POST: Estonia, airmails. OIL RIVERS: Niger Coast Protectorate (1892-3). OKCA: Russia- Army of the North (1919) [Odjeiny Korpus SevernoyArmii]. O.K.C.A. POCCIЯ: Russia- Army of the North (1918). O.L. (overprint): Monaco, letters handed to mailmen or found in post boxes prior to 1908 [Origine Locale (Local Origin)]. OLTRE GIUBA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Oltre Giuba. O.M.F. CILICIE (overprint on stamps of France): France- occupation of Cilicia. O.M.F. SYRIE (overprint on stamps of France): Syria (1920-22) [Occupation Militaire Francaise (French Military Occupation)]. ON C.G.S. (overprint on stamps of India- Cochin): India- Cochin, officials [On Cochin Government Service]. O.N.F. CASTELLORIZO (overprint on stamps of French Levant): France- Castellorizo occupation [Occupation Navale Francaise (French Naval Occupation)]. ON K.D.S. (overprint): India- Kishangarah, officials [On Kishengarh Durbar Service]. ON L.F.S. (overprint): India, private overprints to prevent theft [On Local Funds Service]. ON S.S. (overprint): India- Travanacore, officials. ON S.S.S. (overprint): India- Sirmoor, officials [On Sirmoor State Service]. ON STATE SERVICE (overprint): Iraq, officials. ONZA: Spain, officials [Ounce]. O.P.S.O. (overprint): New Zealand, officials for Post Office sent abroad [On Public Service Only]. ORANGE RIVER COLONY (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Orange River Colony (1900-2). ORANJE VRIJ STAAT: Orange River Colony [Orange Free State]. ORCHA: India- Orchha (1913-7). ORCHHA: India- Orchha (1913-7). ORDINARY (overprint): Liberia, airmail to regular mail conversion. ORE (currency) Denmark, Sweden or Norway. ORGANISATION INTERNACIONALE POUR LES REFUGIES (overprint): Switzerland- Int. Org. for Refugees, officials (1950). ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE (overprint): Switzerland- World Health Organization, officials. ORO PASTAS: Lithuania, air mails. ORPHELINS DE LA GUERRE: France, semipostals [War Orphans]. ORTS-POST: Switzerland (1850). O.S.: Norway, officials (1951-2) [Offentlig Sax]. O.S.: English language countries, officials [On Service]. O.S.G.S. (overprint): Sudan, officials [On Sudan Government Service]. OSTEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Poland- German Occupation (1939). OSTERREICH: Austria. OSTERREICHISCHE POST: Austria. OSTERR-POST: Austria. OSTLAND (overprint on stamps of Germany): Russia- German occupation (1941-3). O.T. (overprint): Czechoslovakia, newspaper stamps used by commercial firms. OTVORENIE SLOVENSKENO (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Slovakia (1939). OUBANGUI-CHARI: Ubangi. OUBANGUI-CHARI-TCHAD (overprint on stamps of Middle Congo): Ubangi (1915-24). O.U.S. (overprint between wavy lines): Great Britain, official overprint for the Oxford Union Society to prevent pilfering of 1d reds. O.W. OFFICIAL (overprint): Great Britain- Office of Public Works, officials (1896-1902).
p (currency, on stamps with no name and queen’s head): Great Britain (1971-present) [Pence]. P (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya- Perak (1878). |
P. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Police]. P. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Protector of Aboriginees]. PБЩИHCTA ПOЩA: Bulgaria, officials. PACCHI POSTALI (with various designs): Italy, parcel posts. PACCHI POSTALI (with denomination in diagonal band): San Marino, parcel posts. PACCHI POSTALI (with star and crescent emblem): Somalia, parcel posts. PACKENMARKE: Russia- Wenden, parcel post stamps (1863) [Parcel Stamp]. PACKHOI (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Packhoi (1906-19). PAHANG: Malaya- Pahang. PAISA (currency): Indian States- Feridkot, Nepal, Pakistan. PAITA (overprint): Peru- Paita- revolutionary period (1884). PAK-HOI (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Packhoi (1906-19). PAKISTAN (overprint on stamps of India): Pakistan (1947-9). PAKKE-PORTO: Greenland, parcel posts. PALACIO DE COMMUNICACIONES: Colombia and Cuba, postal tax stamps. PALESTINE (overprint on stamps of Egypt): Palestine- Palestine occupation (1948-9). PALESTINE (overprint on stamps of Egypt with E.E.F.): Palestine- British Mandate. PALESTINE (overprint on stamps of Trans-Jordan): Palestine. PAPUA: Papua & New Guinea. PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA: Papua New Guinea (1952-71). PARA(S) (currency): Egypt, Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Romania): Romania- Offices in Turkey. PARA(S) (currency overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey. PARA OS POBRES: Portugal and Azores, postal tax stamps (1915) [For the Poor]. PAR AVION: universal inscription, airmail. PARDOES DA GRAND GUERRA: Portugal and Azores, postal tax due stamps [Comrades of the Great War]. PARM: Italian States- Parma (1852-55). PARMENSI: Italian States- Parma (1852-55). PAR POSTE AERIENNE: Switzerland, airmails. PASCO (overprint): Peru- Pasco- Chilean occupation (1884). PARTICULAR (overprint): Nicaragua, conversion of officials to ordinary mail. PATIALA: India- Patiala (1891-1947). PATMO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Patmo (1930-2). PATMOS (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Patmo (1912-22). PATRIOTIC FUND: Queensland, semipostals. PATZCUARO: Mexico- Patzcuaro, authenticity questioned. P.C.Ф.C.P.: Russia (1921-3) [Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic]. PE. (currency): Egypt [Piastra Egiziane (Egyptian Pisatre)]. PECHINO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in China- Peking (1917-9). PELITA (overprint): Netherlands Indies, semipostals. PEN (currency): Finland [Pennia]. PENANG: Malaya- Penang. PENNI (currency): Finland. PENNIAS (currency): Finland. PEПБAИKA БbЛΓAПИЯ: Bulgaria [Bulgarian Republic]. PERAK: Malaya- Perak. PENRHYN (overprint on stamps of Cook Islands): Penrhyn Island (1973-present). PENRHYN ISLAND (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Penrhyn Island (1902-20). PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF SOUTHERN YEMEN (overprint on stamps of South Arabia): Yemen (1968). PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF YEMEN: Yemen (1971-present). PERAK: Malaya- Perak. PERLIS: Malaya- Perlis. PER LUGPOS: Afrikaans language, South Africa, South-West Africa [air mail]. PER PACCHI (overprint): Vatican, parcel posts. PERSANE(S): Iran (1881-1935). PERSEKUTUAN TANAH MELAYU: Malaya (1957-63). PERUANA: Peru. PERV-AEREO: Peru, airmails. PER VLIEGTUIG: Belgium, airmail. PESA (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): German East Africa (1893). PESETAS (currency, no country name): Spain. PF or PFG (currency, overprint on stamps of Russia): Estonia- German occupation (1918). PFENNIG (currency): German States-Wurttemberg, German States-Bavaria or Germany. P.G.S. (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya- Perak, officials. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Philippines- U.S. administration. PHILIPPINES (overprint): U.S. administration of the Philippines. PIASTER (currency): Austria- Offices in Turkey. PIASTER (currency overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Offices in Turkey. PIASTER (currency overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of Romania): Romania- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRA or PIASTRE (currency overprint on stamps of Russia) on stamps of Russia: Russia- Offices in Turkey. PIASTRO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Crete. PIES (currency): India. PICE (currency): Nepal. PILGRIM TERCENTENARY: U.S. issue (1920). PILIPINAS: Philippines- Japanese occupation and republic issues since 1962. PINSIN(E) (currency): Ireland. PISCO (overprint): Peru- Pisco- Chilean occupation. PISCOPI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Piscopi (1912-32). PIURA: (overprint): Peru- Piura- Chilean occupation (1884). PJON FRIM: Iceland, officials. PJONUSTA: Iceland, officials. PJONUSTU: Iceland, officials. PJONUSTUMERLI: Iceland, officials. PLEBISCITE OLSZTYN ALLENSTEIN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Allenstein (1920). PLEBISCIT SLESVIG: Schleswig (1919). P. L. TEHERAN (overprint): Iran- City of Teheran [Poste Locale Teheran]. P.M. (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy, military stamps (1943-5 [Posta Militaire (military post)]. P. O. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Post Office]. POBLACHT NA HEIREANN: Ireland [Republic of Ireland]. POCCIИ (overprint on stamps of Russia): South Russia- Crimea. POCCIR: Russia. POCCIЯ: Russia, South Russia. POCCIR cbБ AUMIЯ: Russia- Army of the North (1920). POCZTA: Poland. POCZTA POL. KORP (overprint on stamps of Russia): Poland (1918) [Polish Expeditionary Force]. POCZTA POLSKA (overprint on stamps of Austria): Poland (1918). POCZTA POLSKA (overprint on stamps of Germany): Poland Poznan issues (1919). POCZTA POLSKA (overprint on German occupation stamps): Poland. POHJOIS INKERI: North Ingermanland. POLAIRE INTERNATIONALE (1932): U.S.S.R., airmails. POLE DU NORD (1931): U.S.S.R., airmails. POLSKA: Poland. POLYNESIE FRANCAISE: French Polynesia (1956-present). POMBAL: Portugal and Azores, postal tax stamps. PONCE: Puerto Rico (1898). P.O.П.И.T. (overprint on stamps of Russia- Offices in Turkey): Ukraine, never issued. P.O.П.И.T. (overprint on stamps of Russia- Offices in Turkey): Ukraine. POR AVION: Venezuela, airmails. POR CORREO AEREO: Colombia, airmails. PORT CANTONAL: Switzerland- Geneva. PORTEADO: Portugal and Azores, postage dues. PORTEADO A RECEBER: Portugal and Azores, postage dues [Postage to Be Received]. PORTEADO CORREIO: Portugal and Azores, postage dues. PORTE DE CONDUCCION: Peru, parcel posts [Postage for Conveyance]. PORTE DE MAR: Mexico, postage dues for ship mail (1875). PORTE FRANCO with CORREOS: Peru (1858-72). PORT GDANSK (overprint): Poland- Offices in Danzig (1925-38). PORT LAGOS (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey (1893). PORTO: multiple languages [Postage]. PORTO (no country name): Austria [Postage]. PORTO FRANCO: Portugal, franchise stamps with company name but without denomination. PORTO FRANCO with CORREOS: Peru [Postage Free]. PORTO GAZETEI: Romania- Moldova, newspaper stamps (1858-9) [Newspaper Postage]. PORTOMAERKE: Danish West Indies and Norway, postage dues. PORTOMARK: Bosnia & Herzogovina, postage dues. PORTO PFLICHTICE DIENST SACHE: German States- Wurttemberg, officials [Service Matter Liable to Postage]. PORTO RICO (overprint): U.S. administration- Puerto Rico (1899). PORT-SAID: France- Offices in Egypt- Port Said (1895-1928). PORTUGAL CONTINENTE: Portugal [Portugal mainland]. POSESIONES ESPANOLES DEL SAHARA OCCIDENTAL: Spanish West Sahara. POSIESXHEDEUIEEGIZIANE: Egypt (1872-9). POSSEEL: Afrikaans language, South Africa and South West Africa [Postage]. POSTA (overprint): Tanna Tuva, converting fiscals to ordinary mail. POSTA AEREA: Italian language countries [Air Mail]. POSTA AERIANA: Romania, air mails. POSTA AERORE: Albania, airmails. POSTA AJRORE: Albania, airmails. POSTA CESKOSLOVENSKA (overprint on stamps of Austria): Czechoslovakia, semipostals (1919). POSTA FIUME: Fiume, triangular newspaper stamp. POSTAGE (with denominations in pies, annas or rupees): India- Hyderabad. POSTAGE & REVENUE (with denominations in d (pence)): Great Britain. POSTAGE & REVENUE (with denominations in annas): India- Kishengarh. POSTAGE with CAMB AUS SIGILLUM NOV: New South Wales (1850-1). POSTAGE DUE (with denominations in d-(pence): Great Britain, Australia. POSTAGE I.E.F. 'D' (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Mesopotamia- British occupation of Mosul. POSTAGE TWO CENTS with portrait of Andrew Jackson, initials C. S. in lower corners: United States- Confederate States. POSTALARI: Turkey [Postage]. POSTALE ITALIANO: Italy [Italian Postage]. POSTAL FERIL EST. OTAVALO (overprint on consular fee stamps): Ecuador, honoring railway (1928). POSTAL UNION CONGRESS LONDON: Great Britain. POSTA PNEUMATICA: Italy, pneumatic tube post. POSTA ROMANA CONSTANTINOPOL (overprint on stamps of Romania): Romania- Offices in Turkey (1919). POSTAS LE NIOC: Ireland, postage dues. POSTAT AJRORE: Albania- Italian occupation, airmails. POSTAT E QERVERRIES SE PERKOHESHME- TE SHQIPONIES: Albania. POSTAT EXPRES: Albania, special delivery. POSTA UKR. N. REP. SCHAGIW (surcharge on stamps of Austria): Western Ukraine- Stanislau local [Ukrainska Narodnia Respiublika Schaiw (Ukrainian People’s Republic Schagiw-currency)]. POSTCOLLI: Belgium, parcel posts. POSTCOLLO (overprint): Belgium, parcel posts. POSTE AERIEN (no country name): Iran, airmails (1928). POSTE AERIEO (overprint on fiscal stamps): Iran, airmails. POSTE AERIENNE: French language countries [Air Mail]. POSTE AERIENNE (no country name): Iran. POSTE AVION: Haiti, airmails. POSTE DE GENEVE: Switzerland- Geneva. POSTE ESTENSI: Italian States- Modena (1852) [Post of the House of Este]. POSTE KHEDEVIE EGIZIANE: Egypt (1872-5) [Khediva Egyptian Post]. POSTE ITALIANE: Italy. POSTEK NEDEUIERGIZIANE: Egypt (1872-9). POSTE LOCALE: Switzerland- Geneva (1849-50) [Local Post]. POSTAGE PAYE (overprint): Haiti (1904) [Postage Paid]. POSTE PERSANE: Iran (1881-98). POSTES: French language countries and universal [Postage]. POSTES (with red crescent and 1954): Afghanistan, tax stamps (1954). POSTES AFGHANES: Afghanistan. POSTES AVION: Haiti, airmails. POSTES CENTIME (with numeral in center and a network of colored lines): France- Alsace and Lorraine- German occupation. POSTES DE COREE: Korea (1902). POSTES DE YEMEN: Yemen. POSTES EGYPTIENNES: Egypt, United Arab Republic. POSTES ETHIOPIENNES: Ethiopia. POSTES EXPRES: Egypt, special delivery stamps. POSTES HEDJAZ AND NEJDE: Saudi Arabia. POSTES IMPERIALES DE COREE: Korea (1903). POSTES OTTOMANES: Turkey, Mesopotamia (1913-22). POSTES PERSANES: Iran. POSTES SERBES (overprint on stamps of France): Serbia- Corfu (1916-8). POSTES SYRIE: Syria. POSTE VATICANE: Vatican City. POSTFAERGE (overprint): Denmark, parcel posts. POSTFRIM.: Norway, Denmark [Postfrimaerki (Free Postage Stamp)]. POSTGEBIET OB. OFT. (overprint on stamps of Germany): Lithuania- German occupation (1916-7) [Postage Area of the Eastern Commander-in-Chief]. POST LUCHTDIENST: Belgian Congo, airmails. POST OBITUM: U.S.- dead letter seal (1877). POST STAMP: India- Hyderabad. POSTTAXE BAYER: German States- Bavaria, postage dues. POST ZEGEL (no country name): Netherlands (1852-67), Transvaal [Postage Stamp]. POSTZEGEL Z. AFR. REPUBLIEK: Transvaal. POST & RECEIPT (with denomination in annas): India- Hyderabad. POULS: Afghanistan, semipostals (1952). POUR LA CROIX ROUGE: Yugoslavia- postal tax stamps [For the Red Cross]. POUR LE STADE MUNICIPAL DE PORT-AU-PRINCE: Haiti, semipostal. P.P.: French language countries, universal [Poste Paye (Postage Paid)]. P.P. (overprint on French postage dues): France- Offices in Morocco, conversion of postage dues to ordinary postage. P.P.C. (overprint on stamps of Poland): Poland- Offices in Turkey, consular mail. PREKOMURJE (overprint): Hungary- Yugoslavian occupation of Transmuria (left bank of Mur River) (1919). PRENSA (overprint): Uruguay, newspaper stamps. PREUSSEN: German States- Prussia (1861-7). PRIMA VALORES DECLARADOS: Dominican Republic, insured letter stamps. PRIMIER VUELO POSTAL- BARRION-MIAMI (overprint): Guatemala, airmails. PRIMO VOLO DIRETTO ROMA-BUENOS AIRES TRIMOTORE "LOMBARDI-MAZZOTTI" (overprint): Italy and Cyrenaica, airmails. PRINCE FAROUK: Egypt (1929). PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO: Monaco [Principality of Monaco]. PRINCIPAUTE DE TRINIDAD: Brazil- bogus private issue (1894). PRISTINA (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Turkey (1911) [City of Pristina]. PRO AERO: Switzerland, airmails. PRO AGRICULTURA Y CANADERIA: Paraguay, semipostals. PRO CARTERO: Argentina, semipostals. PRO CASA DE JUBILACIONES DE COMMUNICACIONES: Bolivia, postal tax stamps. PRO COMBATTENTI (overprint): San Marino, semipostals (1918) [For the Troops]. PRO DESOCUPADOS (overprint): Peru, postal tax stamps [For Unemployed]. PRO EDUCACION FISICIA: Panama, postal tax stamp [For Physical Education]. PRO FUNDAZIONE STUDIO LIRE 5: Fiume, semipostals [Benefit of Educational Fund]. PRO INFANCIA (overprint): Mexico, postal tax stamps [For Children’s Welfare]. PRO JUVENTUTE: Switzerland, semipostals. PRO PATRIA: Switzerland, semipostals [For the Country]. PRO PLEBISCITO TACNA Y ARICA: Peru- plebescite tax stamps (1925-8). PROTECCION A LA INFANCIA (overprint): Mexico, postal tax stamps. PROTECCION AL ANCIANO: Uruguay, postal tax stamp [For the Aged]. PROTECTORADO ESPANOL EN MARRUECOS: Spanish Morocco. PROTECTORADO ESPANOL EN MARRUECOS (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco (1915). PROTECTORAT COTE DES SOMALIS: Somali Coast. PROTECTORATE (overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland): Bechuanaland Protectorate (1888-9). PROTECTORAT FRANCAIS (overprint on stamps of France or French Morocco): French Morocco (1914-22). PROTEJA A LA INFANCIA: Mexico, postal tax stamps [For Children’s Protection]. PRO TUBERCULOSOS POBRES: Spain (1937-8) [For the Poor with Tuberculosis]. PRO UNION IBEROAMERICANA: Spain (1930). PROVINCE LAIBACH- LJUBLJANSKA POKRAJINA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Yugoslavia- Laibach- German occupation. PROVINZ LAIBACH: Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- German occupation. PROVISIONAL 1881-1882 (overprint): Peru- Arequipa (1881-5). PROVISIONAL GOVT. 1893 (overprint): Hawaii Republic issues (1893). PROVISORIO (overprint): Portugese Colonies, to revalidate demonetized stamps. PROVISORISCH WERT IN SCHWEIZ FRANC (overprint): Liechtenstein [Temporary Value in Swiss Francs]. PROV. R.I.: United States- Postmaster's provisional issue. PRO VIVIENDA OBRARA: Bolivia, postal tax stamps. PRZESLYKA URZEDOWA: Poland, officials. PS (intertwined in script letter): Colombia- Causa (1882-3). P. S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Private Secretary]. P.S.N.C. (in corners with ship): Peru- Pacific Steam Navigation Company (1857). PTO-RICO: Puerto Rico. PUL: Afghanistan. PULAU PENENG: Malaysia- Penang. PUNO (overprint on stamps of Peru or Arequipa): Peru- Chilean occupation (1882-5). PUOLUSTUSVOIMAT KENTTA POSTIA: Finland. PUTTIALA (overprint on stamps of India): India- Patiala (1884-90). PUTTIALA STATE: India- Patiala (1884-90). P. W. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Public Works]. PЧB or Pyb: Russia, South Russia, Finland. PYCCHON APMIN (overprint on stamps of Ukraine): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Wrangel issues (1921). PYCCKAR HOYTA (overprint on stamps of Ukraine): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Wrangel issues (1921).
-Q- QATAR (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Qatar (1957-60). QARKU POSTES I KORCES: Albania (1918) [Local Pot of Korytza]. QEVERRIES SE PERKOHESHME: Albania (1913). QUINDAR (currency): Albania. QUINTAR (currency): Albania. QU’AITI STATE IN HADHRAMAUT: Aden, East Aden Protectorate (1955). QU’AITI STATE OF SHIHR AND MUKALLA: Aden, East Aden Protectorate (1955). QUAN BOO: Vietnam, military stamps. QUELIMANE (overprint on stamps of Portugese Colonies issues): Quelimane (1913).
-R- R: universal symbol for registration. R (on stamp covered with wriggly writing): India- Jhind (1874-84). R (overprint on stamps of Colombia): Panama. R on stamps with Arabic lettering but no country name: Iran. RABAUL: New Britain- German New Guinea registration label (1914). RACAPITO AUTORIZZATO: Italy, authorized delivery stamps. RAJASTHAN (overprint on stamps of India): India- Rajasthan (1949). RAPPEN (currency): Switzerland. RARATONGA: Cook Islands (1919-31). RATNI DOPRINOS: Croatia, semipostals. RUA (overprint on stamps of Syria): United Arab Republic (1958). RAYON: Switzerland (1850-4). R. B. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Road Board]. R.B.S. (currency): Denmark (1851) [Riggsbank Skilling]. R. COMMISSARIATO CIVILE TERRITORIO SLOVENI OCCUPATI LUBLINA (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Ljubljana- Italian occupation (1941-5). R. de C. (overprint): Nicaragua, postal tax stamps [Reconstruction of Communications]. R. de C. GARZON 1894 NO HAY ESTAMPILLAS…: Colombia- Tomina [Republica de Colombia… (Republic of Colombia- No Stamps…)]. RECAPITO AUTORIZZATO: Italy, authorized delivery. RECARGO: Spain, war tax stamps (1898) [Extra Charge]. RECOMENDADA: Colombia, registration (1881). RECOMMENDATA: Italian language countries [Registration]. RECOMMENDE: French language countries [Registration]. RECOUVREMENTS: French language countries, to collect postage on returned C.O.D. parcels [Recoveries]. RECOUVREMENTS- TAXE A PERCEVOIR: French language countries, on stamps used to collect magazine subscriptions, etc. [Value to Collect]. RECOUVREMENTS- VALEURS IMPAYEES: French language countries, on stamps used to collect magazine subscriptions, etc. [Value Unpaid]. RECUERDO DEL I’DE FEBRERO: Honduras (1916). REDONDA: Antigua REGATUL ROMANIEI (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Hungary- Romanian occupation (1919) [Kingdom of Romania]. REGENCE DE TUNIS: Tunisia (1888-1908) [Regency of Tunis]. REGGENZA ITALIANA DEL CARNARO (overprint): Fiume (1920) [ Italian Regency of Quarnaro]. REGIERUNGS DIENSTSACHE (overprint): Luxembourg, officials. REGISTRO: Columbia-Antioquia (1896-9) [Registered]. REGNO D'ITALIA FIUME: Fiume (1924). REGNO D'ITALIA FIVME: Fiume (1924). REGNO D'ITALIA VENEZIA GIULIA: Austria- Italian occupation (1918). REGNO D'ITALIA VENEZIA TRENTINO: Austria- Italian occupation (1918). REHABILITADA PARA EL SERVICIO (overprint): Honduras, convert air mails to ordinary postage. REICH: Germany (1872-1944). REICHSPOST: Germany (1872-1944). REIS with CORREIO (currency, no country name): Portugal. (1853-64). REIS (currency): Portugal, Portuguese Colonies, Brazil. REJISTRO: Colombia, registration [Registry]. RELAIS: Iran, stickers for railway tickets allowing users to ride postal wagons on non-railway routes. REP. DI S. MARINO: San Marino. REPOBLIKA MALAGASY: Madagascar. REPOEBLIK INDONESIA: Indonesia. REP SOCIALE ITALIANA: Italy- Italian Social Republic (1944). REPUBBLICA ITALIANA: Italy. REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO: San Marino. REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA: Italy- Italian Social Republic (1944). REPUB. FRANC.: France, French Colonies. REPUBLICA DE GUINEA ECUATORIAL: Equatorial Guinea. REPUBLICA DOMINICANA: Dominican Republic. REPUBLICA ESPANOLA: Spain. REPUBLICA INHAMBANE (overprint on stamps of various Portuguese colonies): Inhambane (1913). REPUBLICA MAYOR DE CENTRO AMERICA ESTADO DE EL SALVADOR: El Salvador. REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DE URUGUAY: Uruguay (1864-6) REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY: Uruguay (1866-1961). REPUBLICA PERUANA: Peru. REPUBLICA POPULARA ROMINA: Romania. REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA: Portugal. REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA (overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate): Botswana (1966). REPUBLIEK STELLALAND: Stellaland. REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA: South Africa (1961-71). REPUBLIKA MALAGASY: Madagascar (Malagasy Republic). REPUBLIKA NG. PILIPINAS: Philippines- Japanese occupation (1943). REPUBLIKA POPULLORE E SHQIIPERISE: Albania. REPUBLIK INDONESIA SERIKAT: Indonesia. REPUBLIK MALUKU SELATAN: South Moloccas (Indonesian private issues). REPUBLIOUE ARABE UNIE-SYRIE: United Arab Republic- Syria (1958). REPUBLIQUE AUTONOME DU TOGO: Togo. REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFRICAINE: Central African Republic. REPUBLIQUE D’AZERBAIJAN: Azerbaijan (1919-22). REPVBLIQUE DE COTE D'IVOIRE: Ivory Coast. REPOBLIQUE DE GUINEE: Guinea. REPUBLIQUE DE HAUTE VOLTA: Upper Volta. REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONCO: Congo. REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI: Haiti. REPUBLIQUE DU CONGO: Congo, Congo Republic. REPUBLIQUE DU DAHOMEY: Dahomey. REPUBLIQUE DU MALI: Mali. REPUBLIQUE DU NIGER: Niger. REPUBLIQUE DU SENEGAL: Senegal REPUBLIQUE DU TCHAD: Chad. REPUBLIQUE DU TOGO: Togo. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE: France. REPUBLIQUE GABONAISE: Gabon (1959-present). REPUBLIQUE GEORGIENNE: Georgia. REPUBLIOUE ISLAMIQUE DE MAURITANIE: Mauritania. REPUBLIQUE LIBANAISE: Lebanon. REPUBLIQUE MALGACHE: Madagascar (Malagasy). REPUBLIQUE RWANDAISE: Rwanda. REPUBLIQUE SYRIENNE: Syria. REPUBLIQUE TOGOLAISE: Togo (1961-present). REPUBLIQUE TUNISIENNE: Tunisia (1957-present). REPULO POSTA (overprint): Hungary, airmails. RESELLADO (overprint): Ecuador, control mark [Restamped]. RESELLADO (overprint): Venezuela, restore validity to demonitized stamps [Restamped]. RESISTANCE (overprint): Syria, military semipostals. RESMI (overprint): Turkey, officials. RETARDO (overprint): Colombia and Panama, late fee stamps [Late]. RETOURBRIEF KGL OBERAMT: German States- Bavaria, return letter stamps. RETOURBRIEF KGL OBERPOSTAMT REGENSBURG: German States- Regensburg, return letter stamps. RETURN FROM NORFOLK ISLANDS: Pitcairn Islands, marking inhabitant’s return to the island. RETYMNO: Crete (1899). REUNION (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Reunion (1891). R.F. (no country name): France, French Colonies [Republique Francais (French Republic)]. R. G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Registrar General of Births]. R.H.: Haiti, postage dues (1898) [Republique d’Haiti (Republic of Haiti]. RHEINLAND-PHALZ: Germany- Rhine Palatinate- French military occupation (1947-9). RHEIN-RUHR-HILSE (overprint): Germany, semipostals. RHODESIA (overprint on stamps of Rhodesia and Nyasaland): Rhodesia, postage dues (1965-7). R. H. Official (overprint): Great Britain, officials [Royal Household]. RIAL(S) (currency): Iran. RIALTAR SEALDAC NA HEIREANN (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Ireland (1922) [Prov. Government of Ireland]. RIAU (overprint): Indonesia- Riouw Archipelago (1954-60). RIGSBANK SKILLING: Denmark (1851-4). RIN (currency): Japan. RIOS 19 (overprint on stamps of Ecuador): Ecuador, Los Rios provincial control marks (1902). RIS (currency overprint on stamps of Netherlands Indies): Indonesia (1950-1) [Republik Indonesia Serikat]. RIZEH (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Rizah (1910). RL. PLATA F.: Cuba, Philippines. RN (currency): Japan. R.O. (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Eastern Rumelia (1880) [Roumelie Orientale]. ROBERTSPORT: Liberia. RODI: Italy- Aegean Islands- Rhodes. RODI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Rhodes. ROMANA: Romania or Rome. ROMANIA: Romania. ROMANIA- ZONE DE OCCUPATIE (overprint): Hungary- Romanian occupation. ROMAGNE: Italian States- Romagne (1859-60). ROMANA: Romania. ROMINA: Romania. ROODE KRUIS: Netherlands, semipostals [Red Cross]. ROSS DEPENDENCY: New Zealand- Ross Dependency (1957-present). ROTARY INTERNATIONAL- CONVENTION WIEN 1932 (overprint): Austria semipostal (1932). ROUMELIE ORIENTALE (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Eastern Roumelia (1880). ROYAUME DE L'ARABlE SAQUOITE: Saudi Arabia. ROYAUME DE L'ARABlE SOUDITE: Saudi Arabia. ROYAUME DE YEMEN: Yemen. ROYAUME DU BURUNDI: Burundi. ROYAUME DU CAMBODGE: Cambodia. ROYAUME DU LAOS: Laos. ROYAUME DU MAROC: Morocco. RP: Liechtenstein, Switzeriand. R.P.E. SHIQPERISE: Albania. RPF (surcharge): Luxembourg- German occupation (1940). R.P. ROMINA: Romania. RSA: South Africa (1967-present). R.S.M.: San Marino (1949-51). RUANDA (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa- Belgian occupation (1916). RUANDA-URUNDI (overprint on stamps of Congo): Ruanda-Urundi. RUE (overprint): Ecuador, control mark. RUMANIEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Romania- German occupation (1918). RUSSISCH-POLEN (overprint on stamps of Germany): Poland- German occupation (1915). RWANDAISE: Rwanda. RYUKUS: Ryukus Islands (1950-72).
S (overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements): Malaya- Selanegor (1879-91). S. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Sheriff]. S.A.: Saudi Arabia. |
SAARE (overprint on stamps of Bavaria): Saar (1920). SAARE (overprint on stamps of Germany): Saar (1920). SAARGEBIET: Saar (1920-34). SAARGEBIET LUFTPOST: Saar, airmails. SAARGEBIET VOLKSHILFE: Saar, semipostals. SAARLAND: Saar (1957-9). SAARPOST: Saar (1948). SABAH (overprint on stamps of North Borneo): Sabah (1964). SACHEN: German States- Saxony. SACHSEN: German States- Saxony. SAGGIO (overprint): Italy [Specimen or Proof]. SAHARA ESPANOL: Spanish Sahara. SAHARA OCCIDENTAL: Spanish Sahara. S.A.I.D.E. (overprint): Egypt, airmails [Services Ariens Internationalaux d’Egypte]. SAINT HELENA TRISTAN RELIEF (overprint): St. Helena, semipostal for Tristan da Cunha (1961). SAINT PIERRE ET MIQUELON: St. Pierre & Miquelon. SAINT PIERRE M-ON (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): St. Pierre & Miquelon. S.A.K.: Saudi Arabia. SALONICCO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Salonika (1909-11). SALONIKA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Salonika (1909-11). SALONIQUE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey (1909-10). SALVE HOSPES: Netherlands, semipostals for national tourist association. SAMOA (overprint on stamps of Germany): Samoa (1900). SAMOA (without WESTERN on stamps of New Zealand): Samoa (1914-34). SAMOA I SISIFU: Western Samoa (1958). SANDJAK D'ALEXANDRETTE (overprint on stamps of Syria): Alexandretta. SANITORIUM: Dominican Republic, semipostals. SANTANDER: Colombia- Santander. SAORSTAT EIREANN (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Ireland (1922-3) [Free State of Ireland]. SAR (Sytia (1961-present). SARKARI: India- Soruth. SARRE (overprint on stamps of Germany)- Saar (1920). SASENO (overprint on stamps of Italy)- Saseno (1923). SAURASHTRA: India- Soruth (1929-49). S. C. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Supreme Court]. S.C.A.D.A.: Colombia- South American airline private stamps [Sociedad Colombia Alleman de Transportes Aereos]. SCARPANTO (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Scarpanto (1912-32). SCH. (currency): German States [Schilling]. SCHLESWIG: German States- Schleswig-Holstein (1864-5). SCINDE DISTRICT DAWK: India (1852). SCOUTS FUND (overprint): Siam, semipostals. SCUDO (currency): Italian States- Roman States (1852). SCUTARI DI ALBANIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Scutari (1909-16). S.d.N. BUREAU INTERNATIONALE DU TRAVAIL (overprint): Switzerland, officials, Int. Labor Bureau. SECOURS (with Arabic inscription): Saudi Arabia, postal tax stamps [Relief]. SECOURS AUX VICTIMS DE LA GUERRE: Haiti, postal tax stamps [Relief for War Victims]. SECOURS AUX REFUGIES (overprint): Syria, semipostal [Relief for Refugees. SECOURS NATIONAL (overprint): French Colonies (various), semipostals [National Relief]. SEDANG: bogus issue (1899). SEIYUN: Aden- Seiyun. SEGNATASSA (no country name): Italy, postage due stamps (1863-9) [Sign Tax]. SEGNATASSE (no country name): Italy and Colonies, Vatican, postage due stamps [Sign Tax]. SEGURO POSTAL: Mexico, insured letter stamps [Safe Post]. SEGURO SOCIAL DEL CAMPESINO (overprint): Ecuador, postal tax stamps [Farmer’s Social Security]. SEJM WILNIE: Central Lithuania (1922). SELANGOR: Malaya- Selangor. SELLO POSTAL: Spain (1900-2). SELLO POSTAL (overprint): Nicaragua, revalidating demonetized issues. SELLOS DE CORREOS- RESENA HISTORICA: Spain, private issue by A.F. Duro (1881). SEN (currency) Japan, Ryukyu Islands (1948-50). SENEGAL (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Senegal (1892). SENEGAMBIE ET NIGER: Senegambia & Niger (1903). SERBES (overprint on stamps of France): Serbia (1916-8). SERBIEN (overprint on stamps of Austria or Bosnia and Herzegovina): Serbia- Austrian occupation (1916). SERBIEN (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Serbia- German occupation (1941). SERVICE DE LA SOCIETE DES NATIONS (overprint): Switzerland, officials, League of Nations. SERVICE DE L’ETAT: Egypt and Saudi Arabia, officials [Service of State]. SERVICE DES POSTES PERSANES: Iran, officials. SERVICE FRANCO: Iran, officials. SERVICE POSTAL AERIEN: Belgian Congo, airmails. SERVICE POSTAL AERIENNE: French Morocco, airmails. SERVICIO AEREO: Spanish language countries [Air Service]. SERVICIO AEREO HABILITADO (overprint): Honduras, officials made valid for airmail. SERVICIO AEREO EXTERIOR: Spanish language countries [Foreign Air Service]. SERVICIO AEREO INTERIOR: Spanish language countries [Domestic Air Service]. SERVICIO AEREO INTERNACIONAL (overprint): Honduras, airmails [International Air Service]. SERVICIO AEREO SOBRETASE: Argentina, airmails. SERVICIO CENTROAMERICANO (overprint): Nicaragua, airmails [Central American Service]. SERVICIO DEL ESTADO (overprint): Chile, officials [State Service]. SERVICIO INTERNO (overprint): Guatemala, officials [Internal Service]. SERVICIO OFICIO: Paraguay, officials [Official Service]. SERVICIO OFICIO (overprint): Peru and Ecuador, officials [Official Service]. SERVICIO ORDINARIO (overprint): Nicaragua, converting airmails to regular issues [Ordinary Service]. SERVICIO POSTAL AEREO: Brazil, airmails [Air Mail Service]. SERVICIO POSTAL AEREO (overprint): Colombia, Guatemala, Uruguay, airmails [Air Mail Service]. SERVICIO POSTAL DEL SALVADOR: El Salvador [El Salvador Postal Service]. SERVICIO POSTAL MEXICANO: Mexico [Mexico Postal Service] (1886-95). SERVIZIO DI STATO: Italian language countries, airmail officials [State Service]. SEVILLA-BARCELONA: Spain (1929). S F (overprint): Denmark, military stamps [Soldater Frimaerke (Soldier’s Stamp)]. S.G. (overprint): Sudan, officials [Sudan Government]. S. G. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Surveyor General]. SGR (currency): German States- various [Silver Groschen]. SH (in upper corners, no country name, eagle and shield): German States- Schleswig-Holstein (1850). SHANGHAI CHINA (overprint on stamps of U.S.): United States- Offices in China (1919-22). SHANGHAI LOCAL POST: Shanghai (1890-3). SHANGHAI L.P.O.: Shanghai [Local Post Office] (pre-1890). SHCO (on shield): Mozambique, postal tax stamps. SHIHR AND MUKALLA: Aden- Shihr and Mukalla (1942-53). SHQIPENIA (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Albania (1913). SHQIPENIE: Albania. SHQIPERIA: Albania. SHQIPERIE KORCE VETQEVERITALE: French Forces- occupation of Albania- Korytza [Albanian Korytza Independent]. SHQIPERIJA: Albania. SHQIPERISE: Albania. SHQIPNI: Albania. SHQIPNIJA: Albania. SHQIPONIES: Albania. S.H.S.: Yugoslavia (1918-20) [Srbska, Hrvatska, Slovenska (Serbo-Croat-Slovenian Kingdom)]. S.H.S. (overprint): Hungary- Yugoslavia- Croatia-Slovenia. SICILIA: Italian States- Two Sicilies. SIEGE DE LA LIGUE ARABE: Morocco. SIEGE (OF) MAFEKING: Cape of Good Hope (1900). SIMI (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Simi (1912-32). SINGAPORE MALAYA: Singapore (1948-59). SIRMOOR: India- Sirmoor (1879-1901). SIVAS (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Turkey (1930). SKILLING (currency): Denmark, Norway. SKILLING BANCO (currency): Sweden. SLD. (currency): Austria- Offices in Turkey. SLESVIG: Schleswig- plebecite issue (1920). SLOVENI (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Italian Occupation (1941). SLOVENSKA POSTA: Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939-44). SLOVENSKENO (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939-44). SLOVENSKO: Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939-44). SLOVENSKO-PRIMORGE (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Istria (1945-6). SLOVENSKY STAT (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Czechoslovakia- Slovakia (1939-44). S. M. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Stipendiary Magistrate]. S. MARINO: San Marino. SMIRNE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Smyrna (1909-22). SMYRNE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Smyrna (1909-10). SN (currency): Japan. S.O. (overprint): Hong Kong, intended for revenue but postally used during a shortage (1882) [Stamp Office]. S.O. 1920 (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Eastern Silesia (1920) [Silesie Orientale]. SOBRE CLOTA PARA MULTOS POSTALES: Mexico- parcel posts. SOBREPORTO: Colombia- postage dues. SOBREPORTO AEREO: Colombia- airmail postage dues. SOBRETASA AEREA- Colombia, airmail (1929). SOCIEDAD COLOMBO-ALEMANA DE TRANSPORTES AEREOS: Colombia, airmail (1920-1). SOCIEDADE DE GEOGRAPHIA DE LISBOA: Portugal, franchise stamps (1903-38) [Geographical Society of Lisbon]. SOCIEDADE HUMANITARIA CRUZ DE ORIENTE: Mozambique, postal tax stamps [East Cross Humanitarian Society]. SOCIEDADE PORTUGUEZA DA CRUZ VERMELHA PORTE FRANCO: Portugal, private franchise stamps [Portuguese Red Cross]. SOCIETE DES NATIONS: Switzerland- League of Nations, officials (1922-44). SOL (currency): Peru. SOLDI (currency): Austria- Lombardy-Venetia (1858-65). SOLIDARITE 1947: Tunisia, semipostal. SOLIDARITE FRANCAISE: French Colonies, general issue, semipostals (1943-4). SOMALIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Somalia (1922-3). SOMALI DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (1970-3). SOMALIA ITALIANA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Somalia. SOMALIA ITALIANA MERIDIONALE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Somalia, postage dues (1906-8).. SOMALILAND INDEPENDENCE 26 JUNE 1960 (overprint): Somaliland. SOMALIS: Somali Coast (1902-67). SOMALIYA: Somalia (1973-present). SOM UBESORGET AABNET AF POST DEPARTMENTET: Norway, return letter stamp [Return to Sender]. SOM UINDLOST AABNET AF POST DEPARTMENTET: Norway, return letter stamp [Return to Sender- Not Called For]. SONORA: Mexico- Sonora civil war issues (1913-4). SORUTH: India- Soruth (1929-49). SOUDAN (overprint on stamps of Egypt): Sudan (1897). SOUDAN (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): Sudan (1894). SOUDAN (overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger): Sudan (1921-30). SOUDAN FAIS: French Sudan (1894) [Sudan Francaise]. SOUDAN FRANCAIS: French Sudan. SOURASHTRA: India- Soruth (1923-9). SOUTHERN RHODESIA (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Southern Rhodesia, postage dues (1951). SOUTH GEORGIA (overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands): Falkland Islands- South Georgia (1944- present). SOUTH ORKNEYS (overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands): Falkland Islands- South Orkneys (1944-62). SOUTH SHETLANDS (overprint on stamps of Falkland Islands): Falkland Islands- South Shetlands (1944-62). SOUTH WEST AFRICA (overprint on stamps of South Africa): South West Africa (1923-27). SOWJETISCHE BESATZUNGS ZONE (overprint on stamps of Germany): Germany- Russian occupation (1948). SPANISH WESTERN SAHARA: Spanish Sahara. SPECIAL EXPRES: Canada, special delivery. SPECIMEN (overprint): English speaking countries, sample stamp. SPITFIRE: Camerouns, semipostals. SPM (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): St. Pierre and Miquelon (1885-6). SPOORWAGEN CHEMINS DE FUR: Belgium, parcel posts. S.Q. TRSTA-VUJA: Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste. S.Q. TRSTA-VUJA ZRACNA P: Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste, airmails (1949). SRBH HRVATI I SLOVENICA: Yugoslavia. SRI LANKA: Ceylon (1972-present). S.R.M. (currency): German States- Holstein [Skilling Reichs Munze]. SRODKOWA LITVA: Central Lithuania. SRODKOWA LITWA POCZTA: Central Lithuania. ST (no country name): Thailand (1932-43). S. T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Superintendent of Telegraph]. STAATS MARKE: German States- Wurttemberg, officials. STADT BERLIN: Germany- Soviet occupation (1948-9). STADT POST AMT: German States- Bremen [City Post Bremen]. STADT POST BASEL: Switzerland, Basel [City Post Basel]. STAEMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps. STAMPALIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Aegean Islands- Stampalia (1912-32). STAMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps [Stamp]. STAMP DUTY: New Zealand and Victoria fiscal tax stamps. STEMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps [Stamp]. STATE OF KUWAIT: Kuwait (1962-present). STATE OF SINGAPORE: Singapore. STATI PARM: Italian States- Parma (1852-9) [State of Parma]. STATI PARMENSI: Italian States- Parma (1852-9) [State of Parma]. ST. CHRISTOPHER-NEVIS-ANGUILLA: St. Kitts- Nevis (1952-80). STEMPEL with CENTS: Austria- Lombardy Venetia (1850). STEMPEL with KREUZER: Austria (1850). STG (no country name): Thailand (1932-43). S. THOME E PRINCIPE: St. Thomas & Prince Islands. STOCKHOLM: Sweden (1924). S. TOME E PRINCIPE: St. Thomas & Prince Islands. STOTHNKH (currency): Bulgaria. ST-PIERRE M-ON (overprint on stamps of French Colonies): St. Pierre and Miquelon (1891-2). STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (overprint on stamps of Labuan): Straits Settlements (1907). S.T. TRSTA-VUJA: Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste. S.T.T. VUJA (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste. S.T.T.-V.U.J.N.A. (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia Zone B- Trieste. S U (overprint on stamps of Strait Settlements): Malaya- Sungei Ujong (1878-91). SUBMARINO with CORREO: Spain- submarine stamps (1938). SUDAN POSTAGE TAX: Sudan, postage dues. SUID-AFRIKA: South Africa. SUIDWES-AFRIKA: South West Africa. S UJONG (overprint on stamps of Strait Settlements): Malaya- Sungei Ujong (1891-4). SUL BOLLETTlNO: Italy or overprinted colonies, parcel posts. SUL BOLLETTlNO (on stamps with star and crescent): Somalia, parcel posts. SULLA RICEVUTA: Italy or overprinted colonies, parcel posts. SULLA RICEVUTA (on stamps with star and crescent): Somalia, parcel posts. SULTANAT D'ANJOUAN: Anjouan. SUNGEI UJONG (overprint on stamps of Strait Settlements): Malaya- Sungei Ujong (1878-91). SUOMI (currency): Finland (1917-present). SURCHARGE POSTAGE: Grenada. Trinidad and Tobago, postage dues. SURGOS: Hungary, special delivery. SURGOS (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Fiume, special delivery. SURINAME: Surinam. SVERIGE: Sweden. S.W.A.: South West Africa. S.W.A. (overprint on stamps of South Africa): South West Africa. SWAZEILAND: Swaziland (1889-95). SWAZILAND (overprinted on stamps of South Africa): Swaziland (1945). SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC: Syria. SYRIE: Syria. SYRIENNE: Syria. SZEGED 1919 (overprint on stamps of Hungary): Hungary- Szeged (1919).
-T- T (in 4 corners with numeral in center): Dominican Republic (1901-42). T (with lion., F and numeral): Belgium (1966-70). T (overprint on stamps of any country): postage due stamps. T (overprint with circle on stamps of Peru): Peru- Huacho (1884). T. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Treasurer]. TA BETALEN PORT: Netherlands, Dutch Indies, Surinam, Netherlands Antilles. TACNA Y ARICA: Peru-plebescite tax stamps (1925-8). TAHITI (overprint on stamps of French Colonies or French Polynesia): Tahiti. TAI-HAN: Korea (1895) [Empire of Korea]. TAJIKISTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 TAKCA: Bulgaria, postage dues (1884-9) [Tax]. TAKCA ДOПЛAЩAHKE: Bulgaria, postage dues. TAKCEHA БИЛbEΓA: Montenegro, postage dues. TAKSE: Albania, postage dues [Tax]. TALCA: Chile- Talca tax stamp (1942). TANGANYIKA & ZANZIBAR: Tanzania (1964). TANGANYIKA KENYA UGANDA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1935-64). TANGER (overprint on stamps of France and French Morocco): French Morocco (1918-24). TANGER-FEZ: Sultanate of Morocco, local issue of questionable repute (1895). TANGER (with CORREO(S) ESPANOL): Spanish Morocco-Tangier. TANGIER (overprint on stamps of France): French Morocco, postage due stamps. TANGIER (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco- Tangier. TANGIER (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Great Britain- Offices in Morocco (1927-57). TANZANIA with MUUNGANO: Zanzibar & Tanzania- Zanzibar (1965-8). TANZANIA, UGANDA, KENYA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania (1965-1976). TANZANIA with ZANZIBAR: Zanzibar & Tanzania- Zanzibar (1965-8). TASA: Uruguay, postage dues [Tax]. TASA POR COBRAR: Cuba, postage dues [Tax to Collect]. TASSE GAZETTE: Italian States- Modena, newspaper stamps (1859). TAXA: Uruguay, postage dues. TAXA DE FACTAGIU: Romania, parcel posts [Tax for Porterage]. TAXA DE GUERRA (with values in AVOS): Macao, war tax stamps (1919). TAXA DE GUERRA (with values in 0$): Portuguese Africa, war tax stamps (1919). TAXA DE GUERRA (with values in REIS): Portuguese Guinea, war tax stamps (1919). TAXA DE GUERRA (with values in RP): Portuguese India, war tax stamps (1919). TAXA DE PLATA: Romania, postage dues [Money Fine]. TAXA DEVIDA: Brazil, postage dues [Tax Due]. TAXA RECEBIDA: Mozambique, airmails. TAXE (on 6 rappen stamp): Switzerland, Zurich. TAXE (overprint): Albania, postage dues. TAXE A PERCEVOIR: French language countries, postage dues [Tax to be collected]. TAXE A PERCEVOIR T (overprint): Ethiopia, postage dues. TAXE PERCUE: Mozambique, airmails. T.C. (overprint on stamps of Cochin): India- Travancore-Cochin (1950). T.C.E.K.: Turkey, tax stamps (1946). TCHAD: Chad. TCHONGKING (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Tchong King (1903-19). T.C. POSTALARI: Turkey. TE BETAALEN: South Africa and South West Africa, postage dues [To Pay]. TE BETALEN with A PAYER: Belgium, postage dues [To Pay. TE BETALEN with PORT: Netherlands, Indies, Antilles, New Guinea or Surinam, all postage dues [To Pay]. TEHERAN (overprints): Iran (1902). TELEGRAFOS: Spanish language countries [Telegraphs]. TELEGRAFOS DEL ESTADO: Chile, telegraph stamps [State Telegraphs]. T.E.O. with CILICIA (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Cilicia (1919) [Territoires Ennemis Occupes]. T.E.O. (overprint on stamps of France with denominations in MILLIEMES): Syria (1919) [Territoires Ennemis Occupes]. T.E.O. (overprint on stamps of France with denominations in MILLIEMES): France- Offices in Turkey: Cilicia (1919) [Territoires Ennemis Occupes]. T.E.O. (overprint on stamps of French Offices in Turkey): Cilicia, Syria (1919) [Territoires Ennemis Occupes]. TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES: French Southern and Antarctic Territory. TERRES AUSTRALES ET ANTARCTIQUES FRANCAISES (overprint on stamps of Madagascar): French Southern and Antarctic Territory. TERRITOIRE DE L'ININI (overprint on stamps of French Guiana): Inini (1932-41). TERRITOIRE DU FEZZAN: Libya -Fezzan -French occupation. TERRITOIRE DU NIGER (overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger): Niger (1921-6). TERRITOIRE FRANCAIS DES AFARS ET DES ISSAS: Afars and Issas. TERRITORIO DE IFNI (overprint on stamps of Spain): Ifni (1941-50). TERRITORIOS DEL AFRICA OCCIDENTAL ESPANOLA: Spanish West Africa. TERRITORIOS ESPANOLES DEL GOLFO DE GUINEA: Spanish Guinea (1909). TETUAN (overprint on stamps of Spain or Spanish Offices in Morocco): Spanish Morocco-Tetuan (1908). T.F. (overprint): Orange River Colony, telegraph stamps [Telegraaf]. THAI: Thailand. THAILAND (with denominations in cents): Malaya- Siamese occupation (1943-5). THRACE INTERALLIEE (overprint on stamps of Bulgaria): Thrace- Allied occupation (1919-20). THRACE OCCIDENTALE (overprint on stamps of Bulgaria): Thrace- Allied occupation (1919-20). TIENTSIN (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in China- Tien Tsin (1917-21). TIERRA DEL FUEGO: Argentina- local stamp (1891). TIMBRE: French language countries [Stamp]. TIMBRE COLIS POSTEAUX (overprint): Indo-China, parcel post stamps. TIMBRE DE RECONSTRUCCION: Guatemala, postal tax stamps [Reconstruction Stamp]. TIMBRE DU SOUVENIR: Luxembourg, semipostals. TIMBRE FISCAL REPUBLIQUE SYRIENNE (overprint): Syria, postal tax stamps. TIMBRE IMPERIAL JOURNAUX: France, newspaper stamps [Imperial Newspaper Stamps]. TIMBRE MOVIL: Spain, revenue stamps [Movable Stamp]. TIMBRE PATRIOTICO (overprint): Ecuador, postal tax stamps. TIMBRE POSTE (overprint on stamps of France): French Morocco (1893). TIMBRE POSTE COLIS POSTAUX (overprint): Martinique, postage dues. TIMBRE PROPORCIONAL: Costa Rica, revenue stamps made valid for postage [Proportion Stamp]. TIMBRES DE MANDAT: Netherlands, money order stamps. TIMBRE TAXE with A PERCEVOIR (no country name): French Colonies, postage dues (1945). TIMBRU DE AJUTOR: Romania, postal tax stamps. TIMBRU DE BINE-FACERE: Romania, postal tax stamps (1906) [Stamps of Benefaction]. TIMBRUL AVIATIEI: Romania, semipostals. TIMBRU OFFICIAL: Romania, officials. TIMOR (overprint on stamps of Macao): Timor (1885-95). TIMOR (overprint on stamps of Mozambique): Timor (1946). TJENESTE-FRIMAERKE: Denmark, officials (1871-1924) [Service stamp]. TJANESTE-FRIMARKE: Sweden, officials (1881-1919) [Service stamp]. TJENESTE-FRIMARKE : Sweden, officials (1874-80) [Service stamp]. TJENESTEFRIMERKE: Norway, officials (1926-32) [Service stamp]. T.L. 1 June 1899 (overprint): Tonga, marking king’s marriage [Taufa-Lavinia (king and queen’s name)]. TOGA: Tonga (1897-1949). TOGO (overprint on stamps of Dahomey): Togo (1916-25). TOGO (overprint on stamps of Germany): Togo (1897-99). TOGO (overprint on stamps of Gold Coast): Togo (1915-6). TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION (overprint on stamps of German Togo): Togo- British occupation. TOGOLAISE: Togo (1961-present). TOGO OCCUPATION FRANCO-ANGLAISE (overprint on stamps of German Togo and Dahomey): Togo- French occupation. TOKELAU ISLANDS (overprint on stamps of New Zealand): Tokleau islands (1966-7). TOLIMA: Colombia- Tolima (1871-1904). TOO LATE: Victoria, late fee stamp (1855). TO PAY: Great Britain, postage dues. TOSCANO: Italian States- Tuscany. TOTOGI G TOHI: Tonga [Good for Postage]. TOU.: Iran, airmails (1928). TOUVA: Tannu Tuva (1927-35). TOVVA K 8 K POSTAGE: Tannu Tuva. T. R. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Titles Registry]. TRAITE DE VERSAILLES (overprint on stamps of Germany): Allenstein, plebescite issue (1920). TRANSACCIONES: Bolivia, revenue stamps used as postage (1893) [Transactions]. TRANSITORIO: Mexico, provisionals (1913) [Transitory].TRANSITO TERRITORIO: El Salvador, transcontinental Zacapa routing (1899) [Territorial Transit]. TRANS-JORDAN: Jordan (1927-52). TRANSPORTO PACCHI IN CONCESSIONE: Italy, parcel post authorized delivery stamps. TRAVANCORE: India- Travancore-Cochin. TRAVANCORE-ANCHAL: India- Travancore-Cochin. TRAVANCORE-ANCHEL: India- Travancore-Cochin. TRAVANCORE-COCHIN: India- Travancore-Cochin. TREBIZONDE (overprint on stamps of Russia): Russia- Offices in Turkey- Trebizonde (1909-10). TRENGGANU: Malaya- Trengganu. TRENTINO (overprint on stamps of Austria): Austria- Italian occupation (1918). TRIDENTINA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Austria- Italian occupation (1918). TRIESTE (overprint on stamps of Italy): Trieste. TRIPOLI: Tripolitania. TRIPOLI DI BARBERIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Africa (1909-15). TRIPOLI with CAMPIONARIA: Libya (1927-38). TRIPOLITANIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Tripolitania. TRIPOLI MAGGIO (overprint on stamps of Libya): Tripolitania, airmails (1934). T. Ta. C.: Turkey, airmail tax stamps (1931-3). TRISTAN DA CUNHA (overprint on stamps of St. Helena): Tristan da Cunha (1952-63). TRISTAN DA CUNHA RESETTLEMENT 1963 (overprint): St. Helena. TUMACO: Colombia- Cauca (1901-12). TUNIS: Tunisia. TUNISIE: Tunisia. TURK: Turkey. TURKIYE: Turkey. TURKIYE COCUK ESIRGEME KORUMU: Turkey, postal tax stamps. TURKIYE CUMHURIYETI POSTALARI: Turkey. TURKMENISTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991 TURK POSTALARI: Turkey. TUVALU (overprint on stamps of Gilbert & Ellice Islands): Tuvalu (1976). TWO PENCE (under an enthroned queen): Victoria (1852-4).
-U- UAE (overprint on stamps of Abu Dhabi): United Arab Emirates (1972). UAPCTBO: Bulgaria (1937-44). U.A.R.: United Arab Republic. U.A.R. (denominations in m and f): Egypt (1958-71). U.A.R. (denominations in p): Syria (1958-61). UCAK POSTALARI: Turkey, airmails. U.G.: Uganda, typewritten stamps (1895). UGANDA (overprint on stamps of British East Africa): Uganda (1902). UGANDA with EAST AFRICA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania. UGANDA with KENYA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania. UGANDA KENYA TANGANYIKA: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania. U.H. (overprint): Ecuador, postal tax late fee. UHURU 9th DEC. 1961: Tanganyika. UHURU 1963: Zanzibar. UKRAINE (overprint on stamps of Germany): Russia- German occupation (1941-3). UKRAINSKA NARODNA REPUBLICA: Ukraine [Ukrainian People’s Republic]. U.K.T.T. (overprint on stamps of Nigeria): Cameroons- Southern Cameroons (1960-1). UKU LETA: Hawaii [Paid Letter]. ULTRAMAR (with a year date): Cuba (1873-6), Puerto Rico (1867-76) [Beyond the Sea]. ULTRAMAR (with a year date, denominations in Avos): Macao (1911) [Beyond the Sea]. ULTRAMAR (with a year date, denominations in Reis): Portuguese Guinea, war tax stamps (1919) [Beyond the Sea]. UNEF (overprint on stamps of India): India- military stamps (1965). UNESCO (France- UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Org., officials (1961-71). UN FORCE (INDIA) CONGO (overprint on stamps of Congo): India- military stamps (1962). UN FORCE W. IRIAN (overprint): Pakistan- military stamps (1963). UNIAO DOS ATIRADORES CIVIS PORTO FRANCO: Portugal, Rifle club franchise stamps [Union of Civilian Riflemen Free Stamp]. UNIE VAN ZUID AFRIKA: South Africa. UNION FRANCAIS: Laos. UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Switzerland- Int. Telecommunications Union, officials. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: South Africa. UNION PANAMERICANO 1890-1926 CORREO AEREO (overprint): Guatemala, air mails. UNION POSTALE DEL SALVADOR: El Salvador. UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE with HELVETIA: Switzerland- UPU Int. Bureau, officials (1957-60). UNITED REPUBLIC OF TAHCAHYIKAB ZANZIBAR: Tanzania. UNITED STATES CITY DISPATCH POST: U.S. Courier stamps- New York City. UNTEA (overprint on stamps of Netherlands New Guinea): West Irian (1962) [United Nations Temporary Executive Authority]. UOPTO CKPNCOPN: Romania- Moldavia (1858). U.P.A.E. ADHESION VICTIMAS SAN JUAN Y PUEBLO ARGENTINO: Paraguay, semipostals [For Earthquake Victims of San Juan and the Argentine People]. UPHA ΓOPA: Montenegro- Italian occupation (1941-3). URGENCIA: Spain, special delivery. URGENTE: Spain and Ifni, special delivery. URUNDI (overprint on stamps of Congo): German East Africa- Belgian occupation (1916). U.R.I. (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia, unofficial semipostals (1923). U.S.: United States. U.S.I.R. (overprint): United States Internal Revenue. U.S.A.: United States of America. USKUB (overprint on stamps of Turkey): Turkey (1911). U.S.P.S.: United States Postage Stamps or Postal Service. U.S.T.C. (overprint): India- Cochin (1949) [United States of Travancore-Cochin]. UZBEKISTAN: Achieved its independence upon the dissolution of the USSR in 1991
V. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Volunteers]. V. A. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Valuator]. |
VALE (overprint): Nicaragua [Value]. VALE UN CENTAVO R. de C. (overprint): Nicaragua, postal tax stamps. VALEUR DECLARE: French language countries, insured parcel label [Value Declared]. VALEUR DECLAREE: Canada, insured parcel label [Value Declared]. VALEVOLO PER LE STAMP (overprint): Italy, newspaper parcel post stamps, tolerated on letters [Available for Printed Matter]. VALLES D'ANDORRE: Andorra (1932-43). VALMY (overprint): Cameroons, semipostals. VALONA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Italy- Offices in Turkey- Valona (1909-16). VALOR DECLARADO: Spanish language countries, insured parcel post labels. VALORE GLOBALE (overprint): Fiume, making valid for regular use. VALPARAISO MULTADA: Chile, postage dues. VANCOUVER ISLAND: British Columbia and Vancouver Island (1865). VAN DIEMEN’S LAND: Tasmania (1853-69). VATHY (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Turkey- Vathy (1894-1900). VATICANA: Vatican City. VATICANE: Vatican City. VENEZA: Venezuela (1865-76). VENEZIA GUILIA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Austria- Italian occupation (1918). VENEZIA TRIDENTINA (overprint on stamps of Italy): Austria- Italian occupation (1918). VENEZOLANA: Venezuela (1863-5). V.G.: VENEZIA GIULIA. VIA AEREA: Italian language countries [By Air]. VICTORIA and V: Cuba, postal tax stamps. VICTORIA DE TORREON ABRIL 2 1914 (overprint): Mexico (1914) [Victory of Torreon]. VIET-NAM BUU CHINH: Vietnam (1951-6). VIET-NAM CONG-HOA: South Vietnam (1956-75). VIRUMAA: Estonia, Virumaa region, bogus issues. VIVA ESPANA (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spain (1936-7). VIVA ESPANA (overprint on revenue stamps of Canary Islands): Canary Islands (1936-7). V. N. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Vaccination]. VOJENSKA POSTA: Czechoslovakia, Army Post in Siberia. VOJNA UPRAYA JUGOSLAVENSKE ARMIJE (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Istria and Slovene Coast (1947). VOJENSKO NA RUSI: Czechoslovakia, Army Post in Siberia. VOLKSDIENST: Netherlands, semipostals. VOLKSSTAAT BAYERN: German States- Bavaria, officials [People’s State of Bavaria]. VOLKSSTAAT WURTTEMBERG: German States- Wurttemberg, officials [People’s State of Wurttemberg]. VOM EMPFANGER EINZUZIEHEN: Bavaria, postage dues [From Receiver to be Collected]. VOM EMPFANGER ZAHLBAR: Bavaria, postage dues [From Receiver to be Paid]. VOOR HET KIND: Netherlands, semipostals. [For the Children]. VOOR HET NATIONAL STEUNFONDS: Surinam, semipostals. VOOR KRIJGSGEVANGENEN… (overprint): Curacao, airmail semipostals. V.R. (overprint on stamps of Fiji): Fiji (1874-7). V.R. with TRANSVAAL (overprint on stamps of Transvaal): Transvaal (1877-9). V.R.I. (overprint on stamps of Orange Free State): Orange River Colony- British occupation [Victoria Regina Imperatriz]. V.R.I. (overprint on stamps of South African Republic): Transvaal [Victoria Regina Imperatriz]. V.R. SPECIAL POST (overprint on stamps of Transvaal): Cape of Good Hope- Vryburg- British occupation (1900). V.R. TRASNSVAAL (overprint): Transvaal. VUJA STT: Yugoslavia- Zone B- Trieste. V.U.J.N.A. STT (overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia): Yugoslavia- Zone B- Trieste.
-W- W. (overprint): South Australia, officials (1868-74) [Waterworks]. WADHWAN STATE: India- Wadhwan (1888-9). WALLIS ET FUTUNA (overprint on stamps of New Caledonia): Wallis & Futuna Islands (1920-40). WAR (overprint): British Honduras, war tax stamps. WAR CHARITY 3.6.18 (overprint): Bahamas, semipostals. WAR DEPT.: U.S., officials. WAR STAMP (overprint): various British colonies, war tax stamps. WAR TAX (overprint): various British colonies, war tax stamps. WARSZAWA: Poland (1918). W AUSTRALIA: Western Australia. WEIHNACHTEN (overprint on stamps of Rhodes): Italy- Aegean Islands- unofficial German overprint (1944). WENDEN: Russia- Livonia- Wenden (1862-84). WENDEN KRIESES: Russia- Livonia [District of Wenden]. WENDENSCHEN: Russia- - Livonia- Wenden (1862-84). WERTAUGABE: German language countries, insured parcel label. WESTERN SAMOA: Samoa (1935-55). WEST IRIAN: West New Guinea. W.H.W. (overprint): Danzig, semipostals. WINTERHILF (overprint): Austria, semipostals. WINTERHULP: Netherlands, semipostals. WIR SIND FREI (overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia): Czechoslovakia- German occupation (unofficial) (1938). WITWEN UND WAISEN-WOCHE (overprint): Bosnia, semipostals [Widows and Orphans]. WN (currency): Korea. WOLMAR-RONNEBERG: Latvia, Wolmar district, bogus issue (1918). WON (currency): Korea. WURTTEMBERG (with denominations in PF or M): Germany- Wurttemberg- French occupation (1947-9). WURTTEMBERG (with denominations in KREUZER or FREIMARKE): German States- Wurttemberg.
-X- XAPTOΣHMON (overprint): Greece, postal tax stamps. XAPTOEHMON: Greece, tax stamps (1917). XEJEPA: Montenegro (1902-5). XEAEPA: Montenegro (1902-5). XEIMAPPA: Epirus (questionable issue). XII CAMPIONARIA TRIPOLI: Libya (1938).
-Y- YAR: Yemen Arab Republic (1963-present). YCA (overprint): Peru- Yca- Chilean occupation (1884). YCA VAPOR (overprint): Peru- Yea- Chilean occupation (1884). Y.C.C.P.: Ukraine. Y.C.P.P.: Ukraine, semipostals (1923). YCTAB: Montenegro (1905). YEMEN PDR: Yemen People’s Democratic Republic. YEN (currency) Japan, Manchukuo, Ryukyu Islands. YKPAIHCbKA P.O.П.Й.T.: Ukraine. YKP. H.P. (overprint on stamps of Austria): Western Ukraine. YKP. H. PEП (overprint on stamps of Austria): Western Ukraine. YKSI MARKKA: Finland (1866-74). YN. (currency): Japan, Manchukuo, Ryukyu Islands. YUNNAN FOU (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Yunnan Fou (1906-19). YUNNAN SEN (overprint on stamps of Indo-China): France- Offices in China- Yunnan Fou (1903-5).
-Z- Z. AFR. REPUBLIEK: Transvaal. ZA GRUENI KRST: Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps. ZAIRE: Congo (1971-present) ZANZIBAR (overprint on stamps of British East Africa): Zanzibar (1895-6). ZANZIBAR (overprint on stamps of France): France- Offices in Zanzibar (1894-1900). ZANZIBAR (overprint on stamps of India): Zanzibar (1895-6). ZANZIBAR with TANZANIA: Zanzibar (1965-8). Z.A.R. (overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope): Cape of Good Hope- British occuaption of Vryburg (1899) [Zuid Africaansche Republiek (South African Republic)]. ZA RDECI KRST: Yugoslavia, postal tax stamps. ZEGELREGT: Transvaal (1895). ZEITUNGS MARKE: Austria, newspaper stamps. ZEITUNGS MARKE DEUTESCHES REICH: Germany, newspaper stamps. ZEITUNGS STAEMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps. ZEITUNGS STAMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps. ZEITUNGS STEMPLE: Austria, newspaper stamps. ZELAYA: Nicaragua- Zelaya (1904-11). ZELAYA (overprint on stamps of Nicaragua): Nicaragua- Zelaya (1904-11). ZENTRALER KURIERDIENST: Germany- German Democratic Republic, officials (1956-7). ZEPPELIN 1930 (overprint): Iceland and Finland, airmails. ZEPPELIN POST: Liechtenstein, airmails. Z.M. (overprint): Mexico- Zacatecas provisionals. ZOMERZEGEL: Netherlands, semipostals. ZONA DE OCCUPATIE P.T.T. 1919 ROMANA (overprint): Hungary- Romanian occupation (1919). ZONA DE PROTECTORADO ESPANOL EN MARRUECOS (overprint on stamps of Spain): Spanish Morocco (1916-25). ZONE FRANCAISE BRIEFPOST: Germany- French occupation (1945-6). ZRACNA POSTA: Yugoslavia- Zone B- Trieste. ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK: Transvaal. ZUIDWEST AFRIKA: South West Africa. ZUIDWEST AFRIKA (overprint on stamps of South Africa): South West Africa (1923-5). ZULASSUNGSMARKE DEUTCHER FELDPOST: Germany, fieldpost permit stamps for military parcels (1942). ZULULAND (overprint on stamps of Great Britain): Zululand (1888-94). ZULULAND (overprint on stamps of Natal): Zululand (1888-94). ZURICH: Switzerland- Zurich (1843-6). ZURINO (overprint): Hungary, newspaper stamps used by Croatians for special delivery letters [Quick]. |
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