Lots of data, drawings and more, as once issued to ground service,engineers, maintenance personel etc..
formerly restricted classified data preserved forever - A Fascinating part of History all captured onto cd
with interesting details - schematics,layout plans,descriptions,breakdowns,detailed pictorial diagrams original data and much more....
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The accuracy or completeness of documents is not guaranteed they are historically accurate to produced date, These archived works are excellent reference material for researchers,authors,enthusiasts,historians. project modellers etc.. Indeed anyone with a interest in historic items such as these. ..
Seeing this material now is not just interesting its ‘captivating'
The Slingsby T.21 was an open-cockpit, side-by-side two-seat glider, built by Slingsby Sailplanes Ltd and first flown in 1944. It was widely used by the RAF Air Cadets and by civilian gliding clubs T.21P The initial prototype, built with an open cockpit, offered to the ATC in lieu of the T.20, with a 50ft span wing; first flown in 1944. T.21A Civil version introducing the 54ft span wing.T.21B The production version for the ATC known as the Slingsby Sedbergh TX Mk.1 Slingsby Sedbergh TX Mk.1 RAF designation for the T.21B in ATC and RAF service
Aircraft from many historic theatres - from WWI to the Battle of Britain, the Pacific, Vietnam, Korea and further campaigns.
Archives are Featured from the Royal Air Force RAF, the USAF, and many other nations
other glider aircraft available inc waco,hotspur,hamlicar etc.. see my ebay shop
There were many designs of Glider aircraft during WWII including: Airspeed Horsa, Baynes Bat, General Aircraft Hamilcar, General Aircraft Hotspur, and Slingsby Hengist
Incidentally the kirby Cadet glider is not unlike the famous Colditz 'Cock' glider built by British prisoners of war for an escape attempt from Oflag IV-C 'Colditz Castle' in Germany
Capture the feel and detail of these rare sailplane aircraft