Boric acid 3% has antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial and astringent properties.
For these reasons, it finds it way in many home remedies and also medicinal
prescriptions. Boric acid provides soothing relief from ears irritation, and
helps remove pollutants from the eye such as smog, chlorine, or other chemicals.
Boric Acid is helpful for weeping eczema, dermatitis, ulcers, bed sores, eyes
inflammations, acute respiratory desiase and otitis.
Swimmers use boric
acid solutions to clean their eyes of fungi that might have entered their eyes
from the water when swimming. It is also used for various kinds of ear
infections in both humans and pets. When topically used in specific areas such
as the feet, it can reduce excessive sweating which causes smelling of the feet.
Other skin problems that boric acid will combat with athlete's foot and most of fungal and yeast infections on the skin. It is also useful for treating
epidermal wounds on the skin due to its antiseptic properties. It can be
included in the dressings for minor wounds such as cuts and burns.
Cocтaв: 3% pacmвop бopнoй кucлomы в cnupme.
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