*Motherwort is especially valuable in female weakness and
disorders, allaying nervous irritability and inducing quiet and passivity of the
whole nervous system. As a tonic, it acts without producing febrile excitement, and
in fevers, attended with nervousness and delirium, it is extremely
*Herbalists tell us that there is no better herb for
strengthening and gladdening the heart, and that it is good against hysterical
complaints, and especially for palpitations of the heart when they arise from
hysteric causes.
is no doubt it has proved the truth of their claims in its use as a simple
tonic, not only in heart disease, neuralgia and other affections of the heart,
but also in spinal disease and in recovery from fevers where other tonics are
*Motherwort tincture is helpful for cardiac disorders, simple
tachycardia, effort syndrome, amenorrhea.
Specifically indicated in cardiac symptoms
associated with neurosis.