1lb Comfrey Root Powder- The Most Indispensable and Valued Herb
Price: $24.50
Comfrey root is used to relieve pain from blunt injuries, promote
healing of broken bones, sprains and bruises, reduce swelling and edema,
and encourage the rapid and healthy regrowth of skin and tissue cells.
Comfrey has a strong history of being used as an external application
by itself or in poultices for the mending of wounds and broken bones.
Comfrey has been called the “bone knitter.”
Another study by Daniel O. Noorlander using Comfrey on streptococcus
agalactia and staphylococcal bacteria, showed that when Comfrey extract
(tincture) was introduced topically to the bacteria, within 20 to 30
minutes the walls of the bacteria cells weakened and then burst,
destroying the bacteria.
Contact healer (relieves pain and starts healing on contact).
Cell proliferant (helps grow new flesh and bone.) Accelerates the
healing process. The cell proliferant and active ingredient in Comfrey
is called Allantoin.
Helps with pain, repairs and heals, excellent for wounds, burns, cuts and abrasions and broken bones, high in calcium.
Reduces the inflammation of pulled tendons.
Extract (tincture) used topically for acne and athletes foot.
Used for female problems. Comfrey tea and extract has been used as a
douche for yeast infections. Poultices applied to sore and caked
breasts, helps the tenderness leave very quickly.
High in calcium and Vitamin C. Contains carotene (vitamin A), B12, and chlorophyll.
When Comfrey extract was applied to mosquito bites, the itching stopped immediately and the swelling went down.
Has been used in the following:
Athlete’s foot
Baths for sores
Bed sores
Bowels, ulcerated
Cold sores
Female problems
Hay fever
Insect bites, stings
Mucous membranes
Vaginal douche
Yeast infection
Case History
D. cut himself on the finger with an aluminum can lid. The wound was
very deep, almost to the bone. He applied fresh Comfrey poultices to the
wound daily. The wound healed completely in 2-3 days.
Maria Treben book
"Health Through God's Pharmacy"
Scientific name: Symphytum officinale
Common names: Knit Bone, Boneset, Consound and Bruise wort
Herb Details:
medicinal plant belongs to our most indispensable and valued herbs,
which nature has in store for us. It grows in moist meadows, ditches and
near streams, is found also near fences and in gravel pits, flowering
all summer. The leaves are rough and pointed at the end. The several
year old root, dark brown to black on the outside, white to yellowish
within, is of the thickness of a thumb and, cut open, is sticky, almost
The root is dug out in spring or autumn. The fresh plant is gathered before and during the time of flowering.
tincture of Comfrey, easily prepared, contains wonderful power.
People, who suffer from rheumatism and swelling of joints and have been
treated with other remedies without success, have found relief with
Comfrey tincture. A woman could hardly use her right arm (the socket
joint was almost unusable) and the doctor had already diagnosed
paralysis. Following advice, she rubbed the tincture into the joint
of the right arm daily. From day to day she felt how her complaint
eased. Today she can use her arm normally and can look after her
The leaves of Comfrey, scalded and used as a
poultice and applied to paralyzed limbs caused by over exertion,
dislocation, sprain or shock, help overnight. My husband's aunt was
hit by a motorcycle. She was taken to the hospital with a fracture of
the hip joint; a pin was inserted and after she was cured, she left the
hospital. After a year the pin should have been removed but since she
had no pain and could walk soundly, she refrained from going to the
arranged check-up. Everything seemed in good order, until one day she
felt unbearable pain. The pin had to be removed and it was found that
the bone was infected. Injections dulled the pain for short periods,
but the infections did not heal. In this state she came to visit us, a
picture of misery. I can state without exaggeration that warm poultices
of Comfrey helped overnight. Next day the woman was able to sit and
lie without pain. Since only small pieces of Comfrey roots were
available in herbal shops, the clever aunt dried them a little more in
the oven and ground them with a coffee grinder (a poppyseed grinder
does it as well). She applied these poultices (see "directions") until
she had no more complaints.
Knobs on the joints of hands and feet
are made to disappear with these poultices. I would like to point out
that the Comfrey meal itself, applied as a poultice, gives ease in
paraplegia. Warm poultices are helpful in varicose ulcers, muscular
rheumatism, gout stones, ulcers, neck pains, painful amputation stumps,
and periostitis itself. A tea can be prepared from the roots and
used internally for bronchitis, disorders of the digestive system,
bleeding in the stomach and pleurisy. 2 to 4 cups are sipped during the
day. For stomach ulcers a tea of 100 gm. Comfrey, 50 gm. Calendula
and 50 gm. Knot grass (Polygnom aviculare) is recommended (see
Once again I would like to mention the Comfrey
tincture. As a compress it is used most successfully for external and
internal wounds, all sorts of injuries, bruises, contusions, ecchymosis
and bone fractures. The leaves of Comfrey are not only used as
poultices but also as additions to baths for rheumatic complaints, gout,
painful bones, slipped discs and defective circulation. For defective
circulation in the legs, varicose veins and as supplementary treatment
of bone fractures. Comfrey sitz baths are taken. In an old German
recipe Comfrey leaves are dipped into a light batter and fried in oil. There is goodness there for the whole family.
Tea preparation from the roots:
2 teaspoons of finely chopped roots are soaked in 1/4 litre cold water
overnight, slightly warmed in the morning, strained and taken in sips.
Tea (for stomach ulcers):
A heaped teaspoon of the mixture (see text above) to 1/4 litre of
boiling water, infuse for 3 minutes. 3 to 4 cups are sipped during the
day. Poultice: Well
dried roots are finely ground, mixed quickly with very hot water and a
few drops of cooking oil and spread on a piece of linen, applied warm
on the affected area and bandaged. Leaf applications (fresh): Fresh leaves are washed, beaten to a pulp and applied to the affected part. Leaf applications (hot): Comfrey leaves are scalded and applied warm. Additions
to full bath: 500 gm. fresh or dried Comfrey leaves are soaked in
approx. 5 litres of cold water. Next day it is brought to the boil and
the liquid is added to the bath water (see "full bath" - General
Information). Sitz bath: Proceed as for full bath, but use only 200 gm. of leaves. Comfrey tincture:
Comfrey roots are washed and cleaned with a brush, finely chopped,
loosely placed in a bottle, rye whisky or wodka poured over them and
the bottle kept in the sun or near the stove for 14 days. Comfrey ointment:
4 to 6 fresh, washed Comfrey roots, depending on size, are finely
chopped and added to 250 gm. of heated lard and left to cool overnight.
Next day reheated, lightly strained and pressed through a cloth,
immediately poured into clean, small jars and stored in the
refrigerator. This Comfrey ointment can be used instead of the meal. For
treatment of wounds in humans and animals the ointment is invaluable.
Comfrey wine: 2 to
5 fresh roots are finely chopped and macerated in one litre of white
wine for 5 to 6 weeks. An excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints!
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