As the common name of this plant hints, gravel root is an extremely useful herb for treating problems of the urinary tract. In effect, this herb helps to avoid the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder and may also shrink the existing stones in these organs. In addition, gravel root is effective for treating medical conditions like cystitis (inflammation of the urinary bladder), enlarged prostate or other types of obstruction, urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) as well as gout and rheumatism. The root or rhizome of this herb is believed to facilitate in treating rheumatism and gout by augmenting the elimination of waste products from the kidneys.
Gravel Root is
used principally as a therapeutic agent for the urinary-genital areas,
influencing the kidneys, liver, bladder, prostate gland and uterus. It
relaxes moderately, stimulates, and tones the pelvic viscera and mucous
membranes (helping to cast off any sediments that have settled on
surfaces). It is good when used alone, or in combination with other
herbs. Its popularity (note the name) has been due to its powerful
solvent effect on stony deposits in the kidneys (here it can do the work
alone, but its effects are improved with other herbal agents in
combination). Gravel root is one of the greatest herbs to use for any
kidney and urinary problem, and it is also great as a tonic and
stimulant. As a nervine, it is reputed to influence the entire
sympathetic nervous system.
The whole gravel root herb is employed in the form of an alternative medicine and the roots being the most potent part.
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