Validol 30 capsuls/0.1gr - Cardialgia, Angina, Sea-Airsickness, Hysteria&more
Price: $10.99


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Validol (Corvalment)produces a sedative effect, and has a moderate reflex and vascular
dilative action caused by the stimulation of sensitive nerve endings. At
sublingual administration the effect is produced in five minutes and 70 % of the
preparation is released in 3 minutes. Use in cases of heart disease
(cardialgia), angina, motion sick-ness, nausea, vomiting when seasick or
airsick, hysteria, nervousness and headaches from taking nitrates. Do not use in
cases of hypersensitivity.
Side effects include nausea,
dizziness, and tearing of the eyes.
Oблaдaeт cocyдopacшиpяющим и ceдaтивным дeйcтвиeм. Пoкaзaния:
cтeнoкapдия, нeвpoзы, иcтepия, мopcкaя и вoздyшнaя бoлeзни (пpи тoшнoтe, pвoтe).
Items must be returned within 14 days . Refund will be given as Money back. Refund policy details: null
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