Elna 925 DCX Instructional Video on a DVD, good quality. This Video is 58:37 min. and covers 925 DCX & Pro 905 & 904 DCX Sergers. A must have for all ELNA 925 DCX, PRO 905 & 904 DCX sergers owners. You will learn how to thread your machine in order to produce perfect stitches, and use your machine efficiently, also find all instructions & tips on sewing different kind of fabrics and how to clean and oil your machine. If you have a problem with your cover stitch you have to check how you thread your serger. The video will show you close up and clearly how to thread the machine and it is extremely helpful. I refer to it very often. It will show you everything you need to know how machine operates. Also mention which stitches to be used with particular fabrics and garments. The rest is up to your creativity