You are purchasing the very finest freshwater algae eating snails. They can be used in any size aquarium with compatible fish. They are great at cleaning up excess fish food and algae. They can be used in just a large bowl or a filtered aquarium. They reproduce fast and many fish like to eat the small snails or eggs. Adults average about the diameter of a green pea.
These are the European type rams horn snails ramshorns are okay with plants unless they get too overcrowded. They will remove algae without causing damage if they are not crowded.
Puffer species, clown loaches, loaches, botias, cichlids, and larger goldfish also like them for dinner.
Easy control methods include baiting with a leaf of romaine lettuce or sinking fish food, removal with predatory species such as assasin snails or the fish listed above etc.
Colors Included: Please note there are NO Blue clear shells available at this time and not many if any pink shells. There are red, salmon,orange tint, brown, brown spotted, burgandy wine, and some other randoms in there.
They are assorted sizes which vary from the dollar sign on your key pad to about the diameter of a pea.
These reproduce by laying gelatinous eggs in small circles sometimes even in the plastic bag in route to the customer.
Snails should be given algae wafers,green leafy vegetables,squash, vegetable flake or in mansy cases a wide variety of fish foods already in the tank are adequate.
They should be floated in bag upon arrival for at least half an hour. Be sure to check the bag for eggs on the plastic bag, these will appear as circular golden masses.
All orders are sent with approximately ten percent extra snails, this will help compensate for any possible losses.
Recommended aquarium fish tank mates should be under 3 inches long and not include the fish listed above.