So many times people have commented that, while they have enjoyed listening to a certain teaching, they much prefer to hear it "live." The reason? Because of the additional information that didn't make it onto the original recording, the interaction with the crowd and, last but not least, the humor. So for that reason we have decided to make available a new series - On the Road with Bill. These teachings, while not necessarily new, provide the listener with a fresh, informative and entertaining trek through the Scriptures. The first two volumes of this series are available now!
San Antonio TX
In this volume, Bill visits one of his favorite places in the US - the "Alamo City" - to speak at the annual "Days of Elijah" conference at New Life Christian Center.
The first message, called "Remember the Torah", explores the role of Elijah the Prophet in the last days and, specifically, his message to RETURN! Bill also shows that, in the last days, there are those who come in the "spirit and power of Elijah" with the mandate to call all of God's people to "remember the Torah of Moses."
The second message - "The Hidden Ones" - focuses on the prophecy of Psalm 83. This Psalm names the enemies of Israel who, in the last days, seek to wipe Israel off the map. Additionally, these same adversaries consult with one another against God's "hidden ones." In this teaching, Bill offers clues to their identity and, moreover, discusses their end time mission.
In this album you will also learn about:
Elijah's mysterious origins
The two witnesses: the Torah and Prophets
The lessons of the olive tree
The meaning of the name "Israel"
The alliance between Esau and Ishmael
Much more!