Volume 1
Essential Torah From the New Testament:
How and Why I Should Observe
Bill shows that, in the Book of Acts, instructions taken directly from the Torah were considered to be essential for all believers by the apostles and early leaders. Bill also dispels the myth that to follow one "law" requires you to follow all 613 "laws", and more.
Volume 2
But What About Paul?
The Weightier Matters of Torah
Bill deals with some of the Apostle Paul's writings, which on the surface, seem to suggest that the Torah is obsolete. However, this study shows that Paul was not against the Torah but against man-made laws, and more.
Volume 3
Torah: The Tree of Life/
Written and Oral Torah Bill explains that Scripture shows that Messiah not only advocated following the Torah, but that He is the One who wrote it, and more.
Volume 4
Laws of the Bondservant/You Are What You Eat
Learn why God gave Israel the laws of the bondservant after they had asked Moses to speak to God on their behalf. Also included is the teaching, "You Are What You Eat." Learn the implications of the dietary laws for believers in Messiah.