The Bible says that in the End Times, false Christs would arise, there would be wars and rumors of wars, the world would experience famines, as well as outbreaks of disease and earthquakes.
Ancient prophets also warned of increased crime and the moral breakdown of society. Jesus Christ said that these events were the labor pains that would precede the end of the age.
Despite the technology advances of mankind, our world seems on the verge of some kind of global apocalypse. Stock markets are crashing in many nations, and the signs of a worldwide economic crash are everywhere.
The White House is ripped apart with scandal, and American embassies are under siege by terrorists around the world. As we enter the new millennium, life in America has radically changed forever.
Paul McGuire, in his book Countdown to Armaggedon, outlines the Bible's End-Time prophecies in light of today's events.
According to McGuire, when Israel was formed as a nation in 1948, a prophetic time clock began ticking. Although Jesus Christ warned us that "you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming" (Matt. 25:13), we are also admonished to be ready and watchful as prophecy unfolds before our eyes.
In this powerful, prophetic book, McGuire illuminates biblical prophecy and provides understanding regarding the significant prophetic time in which we live.