In this two-part presentation, Bill discusses the particulars of the days of restoration and what it means to believers living in the last days. In the first segment,
Bill focuses upon the mysterious life and restorative ministry of Elijah the Tishbite. Specifically, Bill explores the prophetic significance of Elijah's story, the message "he" brings at the end of days and why Y'shua singled out the prophet as the one who would come and "restore all things(Mt. 17:11).
In the second segment, Bill discusses two related visions shown to the prophet Zechariah in chapters 4 & 5. In the first vision, Zechariah sees a menorah flanked on either side by olive branches-the two witnesses.
In the subsequent vision the prophet sees a "flying scroll"--a curse going through the whole earth-and a "woman" who is declared to be "Wickedness". Bill will demonstrate to the viewer why he believes the visions of Zechariah and the ministry of Elijah are related and how they pertain to those of us living in the times of the restoration of all things.
In this teaching you will also learn:
*Why the coming of Elijah will not be noticed by most believers
*The connection between Matthew 17 and Zechariah 4
*What is the "curse" that goes throughout the earth
*The link between the woman of Zechariah 5 and the harlot in Revelation 17