Discover the difference between just knowing about faith and receiving the spirit of faith through Jesus Christ. By understanding that the spirit of faith is the spirit of love, power, and a calm, well-balanced mind, readers will be enabled to overcome adversity and live in victory! Basing this teaching on 2 Corinthians 4:13, “We having the same spirit of faith…,” Webb shares that everyone has faith in something, but when a believer catches the spirit of faith, they become unstoppable! They will have amazing success in life. The spirit of faith comes by association – association with Jesus Christ and the Word, fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, and associating with men and women of God. Webb shares four things that are necessary to develop the spirit of faith including:
• An ability to withstand hardship
• A focus on the work God has called you to
• Operating in love and avoiding strife
• Speaking words of life