David Piper was addicted to drugs and alcohol for the majority of his life. God had given him, at a young age, a promise of great blessing for his life.
Instead, David chose his own road and ended up a broken man, losing everything he valued in life.
Only when he hit bottom was he willing to hear what God had been telling him all along: I will bless you if you obey Me.
In response, he gave his life over to God. When he began walking a road of radical obedience to God and His Word, he suddenly found his life filled with unexpected blessings and soaring toward the fulfillment of all that God had promised him.
Here, David shares the principles of obedience he learned through his own failures and then through his surrender and obedience to God. His heart is to share his story so that you, too, can also learn these principles and make your way From Broken to Blessed.