In this package you will receive the book "Living in the Final Chapter" as well as a 2-audio CD album entitled, "The DNA Factor: Raising the Ashes of the Dead."
The Bible indicates God has established specific times and seasons that unlock the mystery of prophetic time. When these prophetic indicators become complete, or full, then Christ will return! The fullness of time will climax when certain pre-determined prophetic signs are fulfilled during the life span of one generation.
In Perry Stone's revised and updated book, Living in the Final Chapter, you will gain spiritual insight about seldom taught signs and prophetic revelations. Read conclusive proof that we are the generation living at the climax of the end of the age!
Perry shows you how to discern the times, and reveals the invisible side of prophecy. Explore incredible patterns of prophecy, and read what happens when God avenges the blood of the innocent. The book includes an updated section on strange cosmic signs and the last days, the prophetic parallels between our time and the days of Noah, and a powerful chapter every Christian should read about America in the Last Days, indicating where we are headed prophetically. Learn about the future rise of the Islamic crescent, and how to endure personal end-time tribulations sent to defeat your spiritual life!
Also, you will receive a 2-audio CD album teaching on when the resurrection occurs how that human DNA is the key to re-creating the dead and forming a new resurrected body. Hear how the trumpet of God will be used to collect a single speck of DNA from the ashes of the dead, which can re-create any believer who has died to where we will recognize them in heaven! Perry reveals 5 things that happen at death, and the mystery of why children die.
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