"Parables In The Night Season- ""Understanding Your Dreams" by Joy Parrott -
A fresh insight to the area of dreams and interpretations is presented in this book.
You will learn how you can know if your dreams are from God and some techniques to help you understand them.
Joy was radically saved in 1981 where she immediately experienced the presence of God with a joy, peace and strength she had never known before. God continued to show Himself to her powerfully as she personally witnessed divine healing of life threatening illnesses in her life as well as her children's.
At a powerful revival service in April of 1996, God miraculously healed her of an illness she had painfully suffered with for five months. At that time God spoke to her and told her He was sending her to bring healing and encouragement to the nations.
Since then, Joy has been traveling both nationally and internationally bringing forth God's messages with faith, love and the expectancy of the healing power of Jesus. She is gifted in prophecy, words of knowledge, interpretation of dreams, and is anointed for healing, and teaching.
In 1997, God gave Joy a mandate to wake up the body of Christ to the fact that God still speaks to His people in dreams! He has given her His heart to teach on dreams and interpretations which she continues to present in seminars. She has also written a book on dreams entitled, "Parables in the Night Seasons; Understanding Your Dreams."
Joy has been called a modern day "Joy-seph" as she has an anointing for and a God given authority to impart dreams and interpretations to His body with the laying on of hands.
Joy's heart is to allow the Holy Spirit total liberty and freedom as He flows through her to accomplish His goal. Her passion is to see God's children rise up to know the love of the Father, to recognize their gifts and callings and begin to take their rightful place in the body of Christ.