Now, TD Jakes reveals the principles he lives by and shows you how you , too, can live in the anointing.
Bishop Jakes' compelling teachings have influenced millions over the years, now you can discover these compelling secrets for your life and ministry.
Experiencing the anointing of the Holy Ghost flowing from your life begins with these simple principles:
- We all desperately need the anointing to succeed in everything.
- The Holy Ghost knows better than we do.
- The Holy Ghost is always with us, leading us, prompting us.
- Yielding to the power of the Holy Ghost launches us toward our potential and destiny.
Christians must know that their lives with God can be full of new experiences every day. Instead of merely enduring our salvation, we can enjoy the fullness that God has provided in the Holy Ghost. - T.D. Jakes
Release Your Anointing will propel you into the exciting future that God planned uniquely for you!