One 50 lb Bag of Flax Seed
Flax seeds are one of the truly perfect foods. They contain high levels of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Omega three essential fatty acids are known to improve overall cellular health. The ground flax seed coat is the "Cadillac" of soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract and reduces cholesterol. Flax mucilage absorbs starch, resulting in lower blood glucose and insulin.
With a high fiber content and a low relative carb count, flax meal is a great addition to low carbohydrate diets in the form of flax muffins, breads, and various other recipes utilizing flax seeds or ground flax meal. I use flax seed meal in smoothies.
This is not packed for long term storage. You will need to store in a bucket with oxygen absorbers.