In Ancient Israel, every 50 years marked a year of Jubilee. A time when slaves were freed, debts forgiven, and lost inheritances were redeemed. Several blasts on silver trumpets signaled the onset of this time of freedom and joy even as the High Priest was entering the Holy of Holies to perform his ominous task - to make atonement for Israel's sin.
It was during one of these Jubilees that Jesus of Nazareth declared that the acceptable year of the Lord had come. His atoning sacrifice made it possible for every believer to celebrate Jubilee, not every fifty years but every day.
In Decreeing Your Jubilee, Perry Stone will teach you how Jesus has decreed freedom and restoration for all time. Perry will also show how key events in the history of modern Israel have spiritual parallels within the church and how this year is the year to decree your Jubilee!