Prior to his return, Jesus predicted that there would be signs in the "sun, moon and the stars." This 2-hour DVD will teach you how to discern and understand how God created the heavens for "signs and seasons," and how the heavens are actually an encoded prophecy of redemption and the future.
You will discover:
How the original meaning of the signs in the heavens were revealed to Adam, Seth and Enoch
How the 12 main constellations conceal God's plan of redemption and the defeat of Satan
How God uses cosmic activity prior to great prophetic events, including end time events Cosmic signs before the destructio of the Temple being repeated in our time
The meaning of blood moons, comets and the days of Noah being repeated in our time
How the emblems of Satan are seen in three constellations
How the Lion's paw is on the head of the serpent in heaven, and what this means prophetically