"Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled" 2005 prophecy book by Perry Stone is a right now word of the day and time we live in.
Understand the Prophetic times and seasons that are upon us.
Watch and learn of the repeating SIGNS of the Days of Noah and Lot.
See amazing parallels between recent events of Tsunamis, Hurricanes, and Volcanoes and the days of Noah and Lot and how these events are a part of the final prophecies concerning the last days.
You will learn:
Why Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India were hardest hit by the tsunamis
How the tsunamis were the beginning of the fulfillment of Luke 21:25
Why God allows children to die during a major disaster
Proof that the birth pangs mentioned in Matthew 24:8 are increasing
Why so many hurricanes struck the Florida coast
How spiritual battles in the heavens can impact weather on earth
How volcanoes will fulfill several unusual Biblical prophecies
How God is allowing selective judgement before the coming tribulation
This book will answer many questions and help you understand the time of the end and the soon return of Christ.