Moebs, Thomas Truxtun. Confederate States Navy Research Guide:
Confederate Naval Imprints Described And Annotated. Chronology Of Naval
Operation And Administration. Marine Corps And Naval Officer Biographies.
Description And Service Of Vessels. Subject Bibliography.. Williamsburg,
Virginia: Moebs Publishing Company, 1991, Cloth. Fine/Fine. (First Edition). 28-1/4
x 21-3/4 cm. xxiv(2)578(1)pp + 15 plates. Limited printing. Pictorial end pages. Pictorial dust
wrapper. - - -
"No matter what other heavy-duty naval research classics you
may have, including the ORN and Civil War Naval Chronology, you will want to
own a copy of this one." - The Confederate Naval Historical Society
Newsletter (October 1991). "The book is a superior reference work!" -
Confederate Naval Museum.
One of 460 copies, this is the most comprehensive
research guide on the subject. It is the first work to describe in detail the
production of Confederate presses dealing with or related to the Navy and
Marine Corps. It consists of five parts: 1. Confederate Printed Naval
Publications by Year (83 pages); 2. Chronology of Confederate Naval
Administration and Operations (96 pages); 3. Biographical Data on Marine Corps
and Naval Officers (116 pages); 4. Warships of the Confederate Navy (65 pages);
and 5. Annotated Subject Bibliography of Research Sources (158 pages).
going elsewhere, the researcher can, by example, find note of a Confederate
warship in the chronology part, flip to the Confederate warship part to find
details on the warship, flip to the biographical part to find details on the
warship's commander, and then flip to the subject bibliography part to find
titles of additional research sources on the warship. In past, at least four
volumes were required to accomplish such research. A bookcase of titles was
required to accomplish such research and have benefit of the direction provided
in the subject bibliography or last part of this guide. Much of the information
presented as extensive historical notes and content extracts in the Confederate
publications part has simply not been available herefore outside of originals
or reproductions of the listed publications. Extensively indexed, there are
over 70 pages of indexing. There is a separate author and subject index for the
Confederate naval imprints. That index has been cross-referenced to Crandall,
Harwell, and Parrish and Willingham imprint numbers. The index has been
compiled to pick up multiple subject coverage when an imprint relates to more
than one subject area. There is a separate author index for the subject
bibliography which presents description of more than 1500 articles, books, and
pamphlets on the Confederate Marine Corps and Navy. There is an in-depth
subject index for the chronology, biography, and warship parts of the research
In the original publisher's shipping box. Unopened.