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Three Elementary French Readers Illustrated by Ferdinand Raffin. Circa 1930s

Price: $125.00


Three Elementary French Readers Illustrated by Ferdinand Raffin. Circa 1930s

Georgin, Mlle & Lacabe-Plasteig, M.

Imagier De L’Enfance. Serie D'Albums En Couleurs.

Illustrated by Ferdinand Raffin.

Librairies – Imprimeries Reunies. Paris. (circa 1930s)

[Ve Livret] La Ville. 32 pages including 15 full page illustrations. Illustrated paper over boards, cloth spine. Pages 1-4 are detached, the paper is brittle. 2nd Edition.

[II Livret] La Maison. 32 pages including 15 full page illustrations. Illustrated paper over boards, cloth spine. Most pages are detached, the paper is brittle with edge chips.

[III Livret] Les Champs. 32 pages including 15 full page illustrations. Illustrated paper over boards, cloth spine. The title page is chipped at the lower inside edge, otherwise intact.

Brittle paper, some pages detached.

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