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The Works of John Owen (1616-1683). 23 Volumes. Banner of Truth.

Price: $495.00


The Works of John Owen. 23 Volumes.

Green cloth, Hardback in dust jackets. Reprints by The Banner of Truth Trust. Various dates, most 2008-2010. Originally printed 1850-53.

8-3/4 inches. Occasional underlining & notes in pencil. Overall very good condition. 23 volumes. Approximately 10,000 pages.

John Owen (1616-1683).

Contents of the Twenty-three Volumes:

Division 1: Doctrinal.

Vol. 1- Life of Owen by Andrew Thomson; On the Person of Christ; Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ; Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ applied to Sinners and Saints; Two Short Catechisms.

Vol. 2- On Communion with God; Vindication of the Preceding Discourse; Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity.

Vol. 3- Discourse on the Holy Spirit.

Vol. 4- The Reason of Faith; Causes, Ways, and Means, of understanding the Mind of God; On the Work of the Holy Spirit in Prayer; Of the Holy Spirit and His Work, as a Comforter and as the Author of Spiritual Gifts.

Vol. 5- The Doctrine of Justification by Faith; Evidences of the Faith of God’s Elect.

Division 2: Practical.

Vol. 6- On the Mortification of Sin; On Temptation; On Indwelling Sin in Believers; Exposition of Psalm 130.

Vol. 7- The Nature and Causes of Apostasy; On Spirit-Mindedness; On the Dominion of Sin and Grace.

Vol. 8- Sermons.

Vol. 9- Posthumous Sermons.

Division 3: Controversial.

Vol. 10- A Display of Arminianism; The Death of Death in the Death of Christ; Of the Death of Christ; A Dissertation on Divine Justice.

Vol. 11- The Doctrine of the Saints’ Perseverance Explained and Confirmed.

Vol. 12- Vindiciae Evangelicae: or, the Mystery of the Gospel Vindicated; Of the Death of Christ, and of Justification; A Review of the Annotations of Grotius.

Vol. 13- The Duty of Pastors and People Distinguished; Eshcol: a Cluster of the Fruit of Canaan; Of Schism in Three Books; Nonconformity Vindicated; Tracts on the Power of the Magistrate, Indulgence, Toleration, etc.

Vol. 14- Animadversions on ‘Fiat Lux’; Vindication of Animadversions; The Church of Rome no safe Guide; On Union among Protestants; The State and Fate of Protestantism.

Vol. 15- Discourse concerning Liturgies; Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity; Inquiry concerning Evangelical Churches; Answer to Dr Stillingfleet on the unreasonableness of Separation; Instruction in the Worship of God.

Vol. 16 – The Nature of a Gospel Church; Tracts on Excommunication, Church Censures, Baptism, etc.; On the Divine Original of the Scriptures; Posthumous Sermons; Indices.

Division 4: Expository.

Vol. 17- Concerning the Epistle to the Hebrews; Concerning the Messiah; Concerning the Jewish Church.

Vol. 18- The Sacerdotal Office of Christ; A Day of Sacred Rest; Summary of Observations on Hebrews.

Vol. 19- Exposition of Hebrews, 1-3:6.

Vol. 20- Exposition of Hebrews, 3:7-5:14.

Vol. 21- Exposition of Hebrews, 6:1-7:28.

Vol. 22- Exposition of Hebrews, 8:1-10:39.

Vol. 23- Exposition of Hebrews, 11:1-13:25.

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