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Thomas Edwards. Gangraena-Three parts 1646. Xerox Copy bound together.

Price: $150.00


A Xerox Copy of the three original 1646 editions bound in black cloth.

Thomas Edwards. Gangraena: Or A Catalogue and Discovery of many of the Errours, Heresies, Blasphemies and pernicious Practices of the Sectaries of this time, vented and acted in England in these four last years: As Also, A Particular Narration of divers Stories, Remarkable Passages, Letters; an Extract of many Letters, all concerning the present Sects; together with some Observations upon, and Corollaries from all the fore-named Premisses. London. 1646. 124 pages. Bound With: The Second Part Of Gangraena: Or A fresh and further Discovery of the Errors, Heresies, Blasphemies, and dangerous Proceedings of the Sectaries of this time. As Also, A Particular Narration of divers Stories, Special Passages, Letters; an Extract of some Letters, all concerning the present Sects; Together with some Corollaries from all the fore-named premises. A Reply to the most material exceptions made by Mr. Saltmarsh, Mr. Walwyn, and Cretensis, against Mr. Edwards late Book entitled Gangraena. As Also brief Animadversions upon some late Pamphlets; one of Mr. Bacons, another of Thomas Webs, a third of a Picture made in disgrace of the Presbyterians. A Relation of a Monster lately born at Colchester, of Parents who are Sectaries. The Copie of an Hymne sung by some Sectaries in stead of David’s Psalms. London. 1646. 212 pages.  Bound With: The third Part of Gangraena Or, A New and higher Discovery of the Errors, Heresies, Blasphemies, and insolent Proceedings of the Sectaries of these times; with some Animadversions by way of Consutation upon many of the Errors and Heresies named. As Also …London. 1846. 295 pages. The three volumes bound together in a black hardbound binding with the title: Gangraena in gilt on the spine. Bound by Heckman Bindery Inc., N. Manchester, Indiana. Oct. 1999. 11-1/16 inches. A Xerox Copy of the original 1646 editions, printed on one side of the page with two pages exposed. Very good condition.

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