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First Republic in America (1624) Alexander Brown. Origin of This Nation.

Price: $150.00


Brown, Alexander.

The First Republic in America. An Account of the Origin of This Nation, Written from the Records Then (1624) Concealed by the Council, Rather Than from the Histories Then Licensed By the Crown. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston 1898. xxiv,(1),688 pages. 9-9/16 inches. Uncut pages. Book text block separated from the binding. Otherwise tight. Binding extremities worn; light wear to the binding.

Bookplate: (1895). (Hopson, William Fowler, 1849). Stoddard, E.G. “Festina lente” (Make haste slowly). 
ALSO signed in pencil at the top of the title page: “E.G. Stoddard.”
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