of Letter Post Communication Between the United States and Europe 1845 - 1875
of Letter Post Communication Between the United States and Europe 1845 - 1875.
By George E. Hargest. Smithsonian Institution Press. City of Washington. 1971.
ix,234 pages. Illustrated. 11-1/4 Inches. Hard cover. Cloth. Smithsonian
Studies in History and Technology, Number 6. Lightly used. Very good condition.
Includes in part: United States-Bremen Postal
Arrangement of 1847; U.S.-British Treaty of 15 Dec 1848; U.S.-French Postal
Convention of 2 March 1857; Prussian Closed-Mail Convention; Postal Relations
with Belgium, 1844-48; Steamship Lines; Postal Relations with France, 1870-1876;
Postal Rates to Foreign Countries, 1848-1875; &c.