Ultra-Lum Model UVC-508 UV CrosslinkerCondition: Excellent. Functions properly. Designed to crosslink DNA and RNA to nitrocellulose, nylon or nylon-reinforced transfer membranes. Other uses include: - Northern and Southern dot or blot analysis
- Nicking ethidium-bromide stained DNA in agarose gels
- Gene mapping for creating cleavage inhibiting thymine dimers
- REC-A nutation screaning
- Drug screening analysis
- UV sterilization
- UV sensitivity testing for host strain verification
- UV dosage application
- EPROM erasing
- Curing of UV sensitive inks, adhesives and polymers
Four selectable modes of operation - Automatic optimal crosslink preset at 120,000 microjoules
- Adjustable energy programming from 0-999,000 microjoules
- Automatic time preset at 5 minutes
- Adjustable time programming from 0-999.9 minutes