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Impepho African Diviners Herb

Price: $35.00

`Like the spirits, the plant does not die. It lives forever. It has a fellowship with the spirits.' – Berglund.
  • The smoke is inhaled by traditional healers (sangomas) to facilitate divination.
  • Smoke from burning leaves is sedative and is also inhaled for pain relief. It is also helpful for insomnia.
  •  Is burned as a ritual incense with the purpose of invoking the ancestors.
  • The Sutos smoke the leaf of H. dregeanum for head colds, and the leaf of H. athrixiifolium for chest complaints.
  • The Sutos make a steam bath by pouring an infusion on hot stones, which is inhaled for bad dreams and fever.
  • Suto men drink a decoction of the root of H. platypterum to renew their virility.
  • Shangaan traditional doctors  use the leaf of the Helichrysum sp. to boost womans libido.
  • Several Helichrysums are used as teas.
  • The Khoi use it as a calming tea.
  • Widely burned and inhaled in the Transkei as a protective cleanser

Botanical description :
Helichrysum odoratissimum is a perennial herb that has densely aromatic hairy or woolen leaves and persistent flower heads. 

Preparation : 
Plant part used, leaves. 
For pain relief the smoke is inhaled.
For coughs and cold, a weak infusion in tea.
Open wounds are treated externaly by applied patches of Helichrysum to prevent infection.

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