SHIPPING I ship the next business day or if paid early enough in the day and I can catch the post, it could go out the same day.
PAYMENT All items are sold as per Ebay return rules as I strive to place accurate details. Payment is through Paypal. Payment would be expected within 3 days as I use the Ebay unpaid assistant which automatically kicks in on the 4th day. If there is a problem with paying right away, please notify me. I will leave feedback for you when item has been received safely to you.
TERMS All items are sold as per Ebay return rules as I strive to place accurate details. Payment is through Paypal. Payment would be expected within 3 days as I use the Ebay unpaid assistant which automatically kicks in on the 4th day. If there is a problem with paying right away, please notify me. I will leave feedback for you when item has been received safely to you.