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<body> <h1 class="Title">55 Amp PSC Series Power Supply Charger / Maintainer With Case </h1> <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="partnumbertable" --> <table width="622" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td width="125" height="23"><p class="productcode">No. MID-PSC-550S</td> <td width="475"><p class="plaintext16pt">55 Amp PSC Series Power Supply Charger / Maintainer With Case </p></td> </tr> </table> <!-- TemplateEndEditable --><br /> <table width="665" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="Title1">Reliable Reflash Power.<br /> <br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="plaintext16pt">Midtronics PSC Power Supply Chargers provide clean, reliable power for charging and<br /> maintaining battery state-of-charge. These chargers/maintainers are designed for use<br /> during service reflashing, complex maintenance, or on the showroom floor where vehicle<br /> demonstrations can make significant demands the battery.<br /> <br /> In power supply mode, the PSC converts 120 volt AC line input into a virtually noise-free,<br /> nominal 13.4 volt DC output. In battery charger mode, the PSC delivers current up to the<br /> rated value for charging any voltage-depressed 12 volt lead-acid battery. Once fully<br /> charged, the PSC detects battery condition and tapers current output to to sustain<br /> accessory loads or offset any parasitic drain.<br /> <br /> PSC Series power supply chargers are available in 15A, 30A, and 55A configurations.<br /> <br /> <span class="Title1">Applications: Auto/ Light Truck<br /> </span></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="features_specs">Features:</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="plaintext16pt"><ul> <li>Advanced switch-mode design Provides a cleaner, more reliable power source<br /> than using a standard charge<br /> </li> <li> Fully-regulated DC output prevents overcharging of the battery and provides precise control to maintain the necessary battery voltage during complex service and reflash<br /> </li> <li> Multiple protection features for a long, trouble-free life<br /> </li> <li> Reverse battery polarity protection via replaceable fuses<br /> </li> <li> Brownout input protection</li> <li>Over-current protection; cycle-by-cycle peak limiting and rated current-limiting to<br /> maximize the life of the converter<br /> </li> <li> Over-temperature protection<br /> </li> <li> Quiet, small, and compact for portability<br /> </li> <li> Commercial design and heavy-duty internal components ensure years of<br /> continuous use<br /> </li> <li> Unique proportional fan control circuit<br /> </li> <li> Sets the fan speed directly proportional to the converters internal ambient temperature<br /> </li> <li> Enables the fan to turn on and off very slowly, minimizing unwanted fan-starting noise<br /> </li> <li> High quality, detachable cables for easy field service<br /> </li> <li> Optional protective carrying case for storage or during use</li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#666699"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="Whiteheading">Specifications:</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="352" valign="top" class="Limitedtimeonly"><ul> <li>Maximum amps output at regulated voltage: 55 A<br /> </li> <li> Output voltage tolerance (no load) + or - .7%<br /> </li> <li> Output voltage (full load) approx. 13.4 V (DC)<br /> </li> <li> Ripple and noise <50 mV rms<br /> </li> <li> Typical efficiency >100%<br /> </li> <li> Line regulation 100 mV rms<br /> </li> <li> Load regulation <1%</li> </ul> </td> <td width="303" valign="top" class="Limitedtimeonly"><ul> <li>Thermal protection<br /> </li> <li> Working temperature range 0-40C<br /> </li> <li> On/off switch with power LED indicator<br /> </li> <li> Fuse Protection: Internal breaker<br /> </li> <li> 3-stage charge controller<br /> </li> <li> 6 ft Removable clamp set<br /> </li> <li> Optional soft protective carrying case</li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="Limitedtimeonly"><div align="center"><img src="../graphics/mid-pscapp.gif" alt="Midtronics" /></div></td> </tr> </table> <br /> </body> </html>