In case you have any question about our price, quality, shipping/handling charges, shipping time, return policy, please call or email us before buying the item.
Please do not assume anything yourself. We might not be agree with your assumptions later. Better keep eBay in a friendly environments.
We like to see you a happy customer. Asking ton of questions before purchase will make this an easy task for both sides. In any event if you do not like what we are selling or our selling terms, price, S/H please do not buy to bring bitterness later.
Reeds which we supply with this Oboe are fully sterilized, washed and clean to use.
In return orders, we deduct cost of these reeds, due to hygienic reasons.
We can ship the Oboe to second buyer, but cannot give him the same used reeds
due to hygienic reasons. So if you will return the item back we will not refund the reeds cost.