NWT ALFANI Layered Faux-Wrap Sheer Silk Top 18W

Price: $34.00

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                        <font face="Century Gothic" size=5 color="#000000"> <!-- TITLE --><h1>Alfani Layered Silk Top--Size 18W</h1><!-- TITLE --> </font>
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                                    <font face="Century Gothic" size=4 color="#000000"> <!-- DESCRIPTION --><font size="5"><em>This chic top has been fashioned by Alfani of sheer silk in an abstract pattern in deep red and black.  Lining the faux-wrap bodice and lending a layered look is an attached v-neck tank in solid black georgette. A ideal choice to pair with black pants or skirt for dressy career or special occasions.  Brand new with tags</em>.<br>
<br><strong>Additional Details </strong><br>
<li><font size="5">V-neck with collar </font></li>
<li><font size="5">Princess-seamed for attractive fit </font></li>
<li><font size="5">Sheer sleeves with 2-button cuffs </font></li>
<li><font size="5">Concealed side zipper </font></li>
<li><font size="5">100% silk shell, 100% polyester lining; dry clean<br>
<br><strong>Measurements</strong>--Size 18W: Please check <em>carefully</em>, as sizing often varies.<br>
<li><font size="5">Bust--48-50"<br>
<li><font size="5">Waist--46"<br>
<li><font size="5">Hips--52"<br>
<li><font size="5">Armhole depth--12"<br>
<li><font size="5">Sleeve length--24"<br>
<li><font size="5">Garment length--27" (from neck seam down center back)<br>
</li><!-- DESCRIPTION -->
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