Mercedes AMG 18" Used Wheel and Tire
Price: $325.00

Up for sale is 1 Mercedes used AMG wheel and tire. Both are in very good used condition. The wheel is marked ET 46 91/2J x 18H2 A2204011902 and the tire is marked 275/40 R18 99Y Dunlop Radial. The tire looks good but it is used, not new. There may be some dry rot that isn't noticible. We cannot be held responsible for its condition. WE WILL SHIP ACCORDING TO YOUR ZIP, as this is heavy and if you have any questions feel free to call me at 315-649-2816. There is an 8.00 handling fee to cover the charge UPS adds on to ship a tire/wheel. Thanks.
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$8.00(Domestic) $8.00(International)