Here at JTSSHARKSTEETH_COM we will treat you the way we would expect to be treated. we work hard to make sure our customers are happy with their Megalodon Fossil Shark Tooth Purchase. : ) Buy with confidence, when you buy from us and know that you are buying quality Megalodon products as described in the descriptions .Please check out our feedback. Welcome to our auctions and good luck bidding.
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Megalodon Shark Tooth
The megalodon shark lived in the miocene/ pliocene era approximately 12 million years ago. Megalodon grew up to 60 feet long and had a deadly arsenal of 147 razor sharp teeth. There have been teeth found that exceed 7" long ! The formula for figuring length of the shark is done by the primary tooth measurements . Standard Measurements are taken from thetip to the longest root side. For every eighth of an inch equals 1 foot in length. There fore a 7" tooth would be 56' long. The megalodon fed on whales squid,large fish and anything that moved. The power of its jaws was incredible. They could slash through vertabrae and rib bones with ease. They could even slice through their own teeth teeth!
These teeth are found diving in rivers and off the coast of South carolina. In the Rivers the divers have to dive in extremely high currents with little to no visibility just groping around. Some of the other dangers are stingrays , sharks, gators and boat traffic to name a few. The reason you can find teeth in these rivers is the coast line has moved in and out over millions of years. The conditions divers endure off the coast are long rides in brutally Rough water , Bad Weather , predators, climbing back on the boat in rough waters to name a few !
Several divers have lost thier lives diving for megalodon teeth including the Megalodon Man Vito Bertucci. There will be more to come . I have personally had many encounters over 19 years coming extremely close to death diving for megalodon teeth including Getting stung in the face by a sting ray, being trapped under trees entangled in lines , held down by to much wieght washing out to sea,chased by sharks ect ect.... For those who are looking for excitement of meg hunting becareful !!!
Tooth size:
4 11/16 " Serrated Megalodon Shark Tooth
Tooth Condition
100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back !
Where it is obvious that many sellers on ebay dont know what they are selling we do.We have been dealing,buying,selling,diving and collecting shark teeth for over 19 years now.