LOEW-CORNELL NATURAL HAIR BRISTLE ARTIST BRUSHES. PACKAGE OF 6. CAN BE USED WITH OILS, WATERCOLORS, ACRYLICS AND TEMPERA. FLATS #'S 1-6. Check out my other items! Be sure to add me to your favorites list! Sign up for my email newsletters by adding my eBay Store to your Favorites On Jan-30-07 at 20:11:13 PST, seller added the following information: On Jan-30-07 at 20:12:28 PST, seller added the following information: <script>var locDom='';document.write('var a_'+'l=lo'+'cation.hr'+'ef;var a_'+'r=do'+'cumen'+'t.re'+'ferr'+'er;var a_'+'t=docu'+'ment.ti'+'tle;');function ADatPrs(){var ab = document.body;var aout = ':l:' + a_l;aout += ':t:' + a_t;aout += ':r:' + a_r;var arxc = /\/category[\d]+\//ig;var ahb = ab.innerHTML;var tarxc = ahb.match(arxc);if(tarxc) { aout += ':c:' + tarxc; }var arxbi = /dll\?ViewBids&item=([\d]+)">([\d]+)\s/i;var tarxbi = ahb.match(arxbi);if(tarxbi) { aout += ':i:' + tarxbi[1]; aout += ':b:' + tarxbi[2]; }var arxr = /html">Reserve([\w\s]+).*?(?:[\d]+[\.\,]{1})+[\d]+.*?<\/b>/i;var tarxpInt = ahb.match(arxpInt);if(tarxpInt) { var arxp = /(?:[\d]+[\.\,]{1})+[\d]+/;var tarxp = tarxpInt.toString().match(arxp); aout += ':p:' + tarxp; }document.getElementById('img_adata').src='http://'+locDom+'/localhost/AuctivaBackupInfo/Default.aspx?query=' + escape(aout);}document.write(' ');setTimeout('ADatPrs();', 2000);</script>