("Front-Line Sky")
Issued in Moscow. 125 pages. Some pictures. Language: Russian. Item(s) is(are) genuine, original, authentic, not replica, unique - has 2-9 decades of it's own unique history. All pictures are particular, unique - made by our selves. Item(s) in pictures is(are) actual items, that you will receive. Please excuse us for our spelling mistakes - our native language isn't English.
Security & Confidence
All information we've provided here, we tried to make as more unambiguous, correct, clear and complete, as it was possible. This information will be saved on eBay database after an end of this listing and, if something would go wrong, you could always complaint to eBay employees, who could load us with sanctions. Also we could be sanctioned directly by you (negative feedback). However please understand, that our native language isn't english and, if we described something ambiguous, unclear or incomplete, we would be very grateful, if you could inform us. Also we would be thankful, If you informed us about our spelling mistakes.
Shipping: 3.50$
Priority shipping (Optional): +2.50$
Registering (recommended): +3.50$
Please inform us about your desire to use shipping improvements after an end of the auction.
Usually item(s) will be at your post office, mailbox or mailman will bring it(them) to your home in 7-10 days (after we will be paid ), if you are living in Europe , 10-14 days in U.S., 3-21 days elsewhere.
Combined shipping
Weight of this item: 203 g
To let us combine your bought goods in one package for shipping you have to:
1) Ignore the first invoice, which we will send you after you will win first item;
2) Then you should inform us (in 3 working days after we've sent you the first invoice), that you are expecting to buy more Memorabilia from us and use our offered shipping discounts;
3) After this you will have 27 days to take place on our Store auctions and buy our Store inventory items;
4) After you've decided, that you've ended shopping you should inform us about this and your wish to receive the total invoice for all the items you've bought from us, with calculated shipping discounts;
5) Make a payment for all the items, you have bought from us using the last total invoice we've sent you.
If you used a shipping discount, we have to receive the total payment of last total invoice for all the items you've bought from us in 30 days after we've sent you the first invoice.
[Winning bid] + [shipping cost] is the total and final amount, which has to be transferred or sent to our account. There are no additional fees or other payments, if you are using PayPal (you would be charged by bank or post office for using their services, if you decide to pay via them).
Please do not hesitate to ask any question. And, if we earned your attention, don't forget to sign up for our Store "RSS feeds", "Store newsletter" and add us to your "Favorite Stores"
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E-mail: [email protected]
eBay user ID: comrade.stalin
Skype: SovietStore.com