All our lives we fought against exalting the individual, against the elevation of the single person, and long ago we were over and done with the business of a hero, and here it comes up again: the glorification of one personality. This is not good at all. I am just like everybody else.
V. I. Lenin

Picture(s) of this listing subject (s). This (These) is (are) particular - unique picture(s) - made by our selves.
Item(s) on this (these) picture(s) is(are) actual item(s), that the buyer will receive.
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Authenticity Certificate
Item's buyer also gets right to order (optional 8$ fee) this item's "Authenticity Certificate". You see templet of this certificate on the right (Click to Enlarge) .
If ordered, certificate is filled by: our Store owner personal data; buyer personal data; eBay administrational data about this listing's subject (listing title & number); related dates; our store owner signature.
Filled Personal data will match data registered on eBay and PayPal, with which buyer will be provided by eBay and PayPal, after item is purchased.
Document is meaningful, because:
1) Filled data will match PayPal and eBay registered store owner personal data, while it is practically impossible to provide eBay and PayPal with wrong personal information, as otherwise eBay couldn't function as it is functioning today;
2) Information about the event of bargain (between the seller and buyer of this item) will be saved at eBay database. This record is connected with "Authenticity Certificate" by the same listing title, listing number, dates, seller and buyer personal data;
3) Document will be signed by our store owner, as, if it would be signed by other person, that person could be prosecuted by low, because of document falsification;
4) If terms, mentioned above are violated by us - buyer has ability to decrease our eBay reputation (feedback profile). This prevents us violating all the terms we have provided on this listing.
To order "Authenticity Certificate" buyer has to contact us, with a request for updated invoice with additional 8$ fee for "Authenticity Certificate" before he has made his payment for this item. Certificate is shipped separately (to prevent taxes) from this listing subject (no additional fees are applied, because of separate shipping).
Item(s) will be shipped under buyer address, which he has put on his PayPal account (unless buyer will express his desire - items to be shipped under different address). If buyer will decide to pay via other way (then PayPal), item(s) will be shipped under his address, which he has put on his eBay account (unless buyer will express his desire item(s) to be shipped under different address). Item(s) will be shipped as a gift to prevent taxes.
Shipping improvements
Registering: +3.50$
If buyer wants to use our store shipping impovements, he has to inform us about his desire before he has paid for an item, so we could send him updated invoice with additional fee(s) for shipping improvement(s).
Combined shipping
Weight of this (these) item(s): 2 g .
We can't know wrapping weight of combined goods, as we are packing goods only after buyer's order. So buyer please leave some weight to be sure, that you are fitting into weight category you chose ( you see categories on the left).
To let us combine buyer's goods into one package for shipping he has to:
1) Ignore the first invoice, which we will send him after he has won first item;
2) Then buyer has to inform us (in 3 working days after we've sent him first invoice), that he is expecting to buy more Memorabilia from us and use our offered shipping discounts (combined shipping);
3) After this buyer has 27 days (or more) to take place on our Store auctions and buy our Store inventory items;
4) After buyer has decided, that he's ended shopping, he has to inform us about this and his desire to receive total invoice for all the items he has bought from us (with calculated shipping discounts);
5) Make a payment for all the items, buyer has bought from us, using last total invoice we've sent.
If buyer used shipping discounts, we have to receive total payment of last total invoice for all the items he has bought from us in 30 days after we've sent him first invoice.
Combined Authenticity Certificate
Buyer can order 3 types of "Authenticity Certificates'" combinations for combined goods:
One "Authenticity Certificate", which contains the list of all combined goods. Advantages: 1. Cheap way to verify, that all the bought goods (at our store) are authentic, genuine, original, unique, not a copy or replica. 2. In case you will decide to sell items you bought, you will be able to provide your buyer with a copy of original "Authenticity Certificate". 3. A copy of "Authenticity Certificate" will transfer responsibility of your authenticity claim at our shoulders. 4. Certificate will make your authenticity claim, more reasonable - this will make your selling price higher.
Separate "Authenticity Certificate" for each combined good. Advantages: 1. Verifies that all the bought goods (at our store) are authentic, genuine, original, unique, not a copy or replica; 2. In case you will decide to sell items you bought, you will be able to provide each your buyer with original "Authenticity Certificate" (where each certificate will contain original our store owner signature); 3. Original "Authenticity Certificate" will transfer responsibility of your authenticity claim at our shoulders with greater basis (each "Authenticity Certificate" will contain original our store owner signature); 4. Each original Certificate attached to the good will make your authenticity claim, once more reasonable - this will make your selling price one more time higher.
Separate "Authenticity Certificate" for specific combined goods you choose. Advantages: 1. Verifies, that your specific bought goods (at our store) are authentic, genuine, original, unique, not a copy or replica; 2. In case you decide to sell these specific goods, original "Authenticity Certificates" will ensure your buyer, that items are authentic (where each certificate will contain original our store owner signature); 3. Original "Authenticity Certificate" will transfer responsibility of your authenticity claim of these specific goods at our shoulders with greater basis (each "Authenticity Certificate" will contain original our store owner signature) ; 4. Each original Certificate attached to these specific goods will make your authenticity claim, once more reasonable - this will make your selling price one more time higher.
To order "Authenticity Certificate(s)" for combined goods, buyer has to inform us about his desire to receive "Authenticity Certificate(s)" for combined goods and about his chosen "Authenticity Certificates'" combination type (mentioned above). Buyer has to do that, before he has made his payment, so we could send him invoice with updated charges for "Authenticity Certificate(s)". Certificate(s) is (are) shipped separately (to prevent taxes) from combined parcel (no additional fees are applied, because of separate shipping).
"Authenticity Certificate(s)" Cost: 8$ for first "Authenticity Certificate" + 5$ for each additional..
[Winning bid] + [Shipping cost] is the total and final amount, which has to be transferred or sent to us. There are no additional fees or other payments, if buyer is using PayPal (buyer would be charged by bank or post office for using their services, if he decides to pay via them) and doesn't expresses to us his desire to use shipping improvements or other additional our store services.
Other Payment methods: Personal checks and Money orders / Cashier's checks are accepted only for payments over 150 $ (shipping cost counts).