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Authenticity Certificate
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Buyer Protection
Creation Date: 18 January 1974
Number Awarded: 39,197,100 Pages (with cover): 8
Items' weight: 34g.
(use this for combined shipping)
Awarded to all workers (Military or Civilian) at Retirement.
Item is original, genuine, authentic, unique, not a copy or replica - has 2-12 decades of it's own unique history.
40% discount will be applied to this item, if buyer will buy more then one item from our store and will use combined shipping.
Buyer receives medal and document

Medal "VETERAN OF LABOR" is given to honor people for long and honest work in ussr in ranges of: science, culture, educating people, social health and social organizations. Also the medal is given to workers, farmers and servers as a sign of respect of their achievement. Also it is necessary to get the pension.
Medal "VETERAN OF LABOR" is given from PRESIDIUM of the SUPREME SOVIET of the USSR over the PRESIDIUMS of the SUPREME SOVIETS of allied and autonomic republics over the committees of edge, regional, also Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev city SOVIETS HOMELAND DEPUTYS.Administration of giving the medals is given to PARTY MEMBERS, TRADE UNIONS and SOVIET ORGANS.
Medal "VETERAN OF LABOR" is given, as a rule, in the laboring collectives in which they are working.
Medal "VETERAN OF LABOR" is worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the medal "For the great contribution in the great fatherland WAR in 1941-1945"
The original text in russian language is in the certificate.
Soviet Union
History of the Soviet Union (1953–1985)
Economy of the Soviet Union
World in 1980
Orders, decorations, and medals of the Soviet Union |