- Stamps
Rough translation from alike bond
ECONOMY of the USSR (1955 Issue)
1. The national bond issue of USSR national economy development (1955 issue) is issued for 20 years - since November 1, 1955 till November 1, 1975.
2. Loan is intended for the arrangement only among the the population.
3. Loan is divided into the 100 million ruble issues in every issue. Every issue consists of 20000 series. Series of each issue have numbers from No.: 180001 to No.: 200000. Bonds in each serie are numbered from No.: 01 to No.: 50.
4. Loan bonds are issued in values of: 500. 200, 100, 50, 25 and 10 rubles. Bonds of 500 and 200 ruble consist correspondingly of five OR two 100 ruble bonds of one serie with five or two numbers and give the right to gain of two, which at the same time fall on the each number, designated on the bond.
Bonds of 50, 25 and 10 rubles are the parts of the 100 ruble bonds and give the right to the corresponding part (half, fourth, one tenth part) of gain, fallen to 100 ruble bond.
5. By the loan bonds entire income is paid out in the form of gain. Total sum of gains, established on the average within the twenty-year period of loan from the calculation of 2 percent per year.
Over period of twenty-year of loan gains 25 percent of all bonds, and remaining 75 percent of bonds liquidate by their nominal COST. The won bond is liquidated and is extracted from further print runs.
Gains are established in 5000, 1000, 500 and 200 rubles in bonds of 100 rubles, including the nominal COST of bond (one hundred rubles).
6. During the twenty-year period of loan 40 print runs gains are produced - in two print runs each year. Gain print runs are produced since 1956, in terms, set by the Board of Exchequer of the USSR.
7. In the print runs of the gains of each issue of loan, i.e. each 100 million rubles, are the following quantity of prizes:
8. Bonds, which haven't won are liquidated (are redeemed), by their nominal value from November 1960 over 15 years, which stay until the end of the loan term. 1960-1965: 1 250 000 rubles, 1966-1970: 3 000 000 rubles, 1971-1975: 10 500 000 rubles are redeemed every year from every 100 million rubles of loan.
Bonds of the loan, which has to be redeemed in 1960-1974 are estimated in yearly print runs of redemption.Terms of print outs' redemption trealization are set by determined by USSR ministry of finances. Bonds, which haven't come to redemption print runs. are redeemed from November 1, 1975.
9. Bonds, which earned gains, and also bonds, which have to be redeemed in their nominal value may be rendered for payment till November 1, 1976: after this period, bonds, not rendered for payment, lose their power and are not payed.
10. Loan obligations and their gains are not taxed by govermental and local taxes.
